SO disheartening!

I started using MFP just over a week ago but didn't weigh myself til last Friday (scary moment! lol). I weighed on Monday to discover I'd already lost a pound which I was pleased about...then I weighed myself this morning (Fridays will be my official weigh day) to discover that the pound has gone back on!!! this is despite religiously recording everything I eat and drink (up to 1,400 cals a day), and 3 exercise classes (2 x body pump which incorporates step aerobics, and 1 x pilates). I'm soooo disappointed...I have 2 stone to lose in total and really wanted to get going with it, but today I feel really quite down about it - I've lost nothing despite my efforts! grrrr. How do I keep up my motivation?! :sad:


  • freshstart4me
    it's ONLY been a week girl. your body takes time to adjust to your new lifestyle...stay the course and next friday you'll see a loss...dont get discouraged yet...and keep doing what youre doing. youll see a difference soon.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Please don't be discouraged. You are moving the right direction, and sometimes it takes the body a bit of time to show its appreciate for what you are doing!! :wink:
  • BrownEyedGiRL928
    BrownEyedGiRL928 Posts: 51 Member
    Try not to get easily discouraged. I've had the same problem over the last month and I've been using MPF since June... one week I hit my lowest weight, the following week I find I put 2lbs back on. Then I lose 2 lbs, then put back on 1.5lbs a week later. It's just part of what one will go through with weight loss. I can attribute mine to lack of exercise. The weeks I go walking for a minimum of 30 minutes I lose weight, weeks I give myself a break I put back on a pound. Just stick with it, you can do it!

    Also, I know it sounds weird but make sure you are weighing yourself first thing in the morning in the buff. You get the most accurate readings that way in my opinion. If I were to wait until the end of the day, or mid-day to weight myself my weight would be all over the place.
  • karaterunner
    Thank you freshstart, i too needed that, same place... gues we are in it together "Disheartened"... just started myself and funny seems i am eating more not less than i had. maybe it is just "what it is" ... i do know ive had to cut alot of carbs... seems i always know in my head what I should be doing but this MFP is keeping me accountable and clean and hope next week's weigh in is a little more rewarding... Stick with it and lets compare notes again! good luck and stay strong girl! ~ Sheri
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    I hear you!

    I started 8 days ago, yesterday i weighed and I had gained 400grams!

    I did some research and found out my body is in a kind of 'shock' and adjusting to the changes. Just have to stick with it! (But yes, it is very disheartening!)

    I cheered up this morning when my belt did up a hole shorter than usual :)
  • maryzcontrary
    you mentioned that you eat "up to" 1400 -- one important thing is to eat ALL your 1400 calories, and even some if not all of your exercise ones! You will see that advice over and over again on MFP, posted by people that have lost a good deal - I learned the hard way to do that, and now the weight is starting to move off me...

    I agree, too, that you should be patient - it seems to get on faster than it does to get off!! You have time on your side, really, to make this a lifetime choice, and we all know that you can do it!!!!

    wishing you success and prosperity
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Seriously.. It's a pound... step away from the scale and stop having a panic attack.

    That pound is prob. just water weight or a normal daily fluctuation.. and i bet that if you weighed in tomorrow, it would be gone.
    Give it another week and see what happens.
  • LushLashes
    LushLashes Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys :smile: I recently lost 17lbs (by using a very low carb diet of shakes, soups and proper low carb meals in the evenings - I did this twice for 2 weeks at a time, that was all I could bear lol). But for the last couple months I've more or less maintained and have been fairly sensible but enjoying myself at the same time. I decided recently it was time to go for it again and lose the next couple of stones. I guess I expect quick results and get impatient! lol. I just would have expected at least a 2lb loss in the first week. I will keep going...a week really isn't long enough to give up and become demotivated! Onwards and upwards (or downwards preferably haha!)... x
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Everyone's giving you great advice here -- the only thing I would add is that you ought to take your measurements right away. The scale is only one (poor) measure of the changes your body will be going through. It's likely that you may see losses in inches (errr, centimeters) before you see changes in that number on the scale. Water weight, changes in your fat/muscle balance...there are lots of things that will mask your progress if you rely just on the scale.

    Good luck and best wishes!
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    Thanks guys :smile: I recently lost 17lbs (by using a very low carb diet of shakes, soups and proper low carb meals in the evenings - I did this twice for 2 weeks at a time, that was all I could bear lol). But for the last couple months I've more or less maintained and have been fairly sensible but enjoying myself at the same time. I decided recently it was time to go for it again and lose the next couple of stones. I guess I expect quick results and get impatient! lol. I just would have expected at least a 2lb loss in the first week. I will keep going...a week really isn't long enough to give up and become demotivated! Onwards and upwards (or downwards preferably haha!)... x

    I hope you are taking measurments too :) My inches go down even when the scale doesn't some weeks ;)