Anyone done virtual runs?

I want to do virtual runs to mark milestones in my weightloss journey. I hit my first 10 pounds today and looking at the available runs is overwhelming trying to figure out. I'm also not trying to break the bank doing this.


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    just pick one and do it!

    I have several friends on here that do them. Some are picked based on swag or the medal, some picked for other reasons LOL
  • ehju0901
    ehju0901 Posts: 353 Member
    I did one recently that was Michael Myers/Halloween themed. It was fun, but missing the sense of community. I would do it again if they have a fun theme. I believe the one I did was through Medal Dash.
  • slade51
    slade51 Posts: 180 Member
    I found a free one, it’s not much different from mapping out a route and timing yourself unless you personally know other participants.
    Personally, I’d find a few friends and do my own challenge, unless you find one with cool t-shirts or a worthwhile charity.

    Hopefully the real local runs will pick back up soon.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,521 Member
    I assume you mean virtual races. (Or "events" as I call them, since I will never win!) They are not anywhere near as fun as actual events, but they are good for giving money to some group you support or for trying for a PR.

    But you can always run faster in a group!