Accountability buddy



  • Eltriste73
    Eltriste73 Posts: 126 Member
    You are welcome to add me. I lost almost 40lbs so far
  • rewritingmystory
    rewritingmystory Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, anyone want to be accountability buddies? I have depression which gets in the way the most of me exercising. I have 40 pounds to lose.
  • cmo5333
    cmo5333 Posts: 22 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hi everyone. For some reason I’m not able to send friend request to anyone. Not sure if it’s the recent changes they made. Anywho, if you want a friend and you are serious about weight loss and show your diary, please feel free to add me!
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    If your diary is open and you're planning on losing the healthy/sustainable way - not starting yourself feel free to add. Will keep you accountable as best I can. Note that am visually impaired so may miss some of your posts
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    edited November 2021
    @PatriceFitnessPal I am still here and chugging along, although not as fast as I would like :s Life is super busy at the moment, so I don't have as much time to go through the discussions. Hopefully some things will slow down here in the future!

    To everyone else, welcome! Feel free to add. When it is working and I am not frustrated with it, I try to post on my news feed to keep myself motivated and list my daily goals. I also try and communicate with others that post also!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    @drollings2019 - ‘Chugging along’ sounds like a positive direction, for sure!

    I’m making the transition from my usual routine of rowing outside on the river to a more varied indoor workout. We took a break between our end-of-season race on November 7th and the startup of ‘winter conditioning’ on Monday (11/28). I’ve slid backwards a bit but I’m staying within my 120-130 maintenance range.

    It will be good to establish the new workout and nutrition schedule. I hope everyone is doing well.
  • AprilRunYogaCoffee
    B) YES! I definitely find that I do better at staying on track when I have people supporting me (and that I can support too). Please add me to the group or discussion board! I need to make some connections on this app while I'm getting started.
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing! I am feeling very motivated this week. I did a lot of planning over the weekend to prepare for my busy week and make sure that I can still fit time for myself, workouts and healthy eating. Just a few minutes spent meal planning (even if you don't have time to meal prep) can be a lifesaver! Hope you all are off to a great start for the week!
  • dblirondog
    dblirondog Posts: 133 Member
    There are so many success stories !! Love it! Keep it going everyone:)
  • Jeepon40s
    Jeepon40s Posts: 15 Member
    I need some friendly people to help keep me motivated. Intern I will help support you on our weight loss journey. Send me an FR!
  • Jeepon40s
    Jeepon40s Posts: 15 Member
    I need some friendly people to help keep me motivated. Intern I will help support you on our weight loss journey. Send me an FR!
  • bumpbreakcar
    bumpbreakcar Posts: 191 Member
    Hi All,
    I hope everyone is doing well. I went up a bit in weight but I also wasn't making any decision that supported my goal. so I got it together a little bit and I'm back where I started when I posted last month. I have 3 weeks to lose 3lbs... a 1lb a week... and I feel like I can make that happen.

    @drollings2019 I realized today that I need to do some meal planning! what's your go to when meal prepping/planning?

    How's it going for everyone?
  • angela_mastin
    angela_mastin Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2021
    I would love to join or whatever we have to do to form a group. I’m 39 and will be 40 on 3/28. I need to lose 25lbs to get back to my norm of 120. I’m not sure if that is possible but I at least want to lose as much as i can by then. Motivation has been HARD!! I need help lol! I have started doing the 30 day plank challenge. So that’s something at least.
  • bumpbreakcar
    bumpbreakcar Posts: 191 Member
    @angela_mastin I know what you mean about struggling with motivation. I'm trying to work on just being consistent right now.. baby steps you know ;)

    what's your goal for December? lets start there.
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    @bumpbreakcar I usually stick with one or two breakfast meals for the week. If I have time on Sunday, I like to make the egg muffins. Usually, I use eggs, feta cheese, spinach, sometimes cherry tomatoes and whatever meat I have on hand. I really like them with turkey sausage crumbles. If I don't have time for that (like this past week), I have a microwavable egg thing (have no idea what it is called). But basically, you crack an egg in it and stick it in the microwave and it makes a little round egg for a sandwich. I make a piece of toast, cover it with a laughing cow cheese wedge and stick the egg on top. And then a side of fruit. I keep oatmeal tuna packs on hand too, for those days that I am running behind and can't take the time to pack my breakfast or lunch. Lunch is usually leftovers from the night before, a wrap or a salad. Dinners I have the kids help plan. With 5 of them, it is hard to cater to their tastes. I look at my schedule for the week and see if it needs to be a crockpot meal or what. I keep a lot of frozen vegetables on hand, that way if we are having macaroni and cheese (one of their favorites) or something like that, I can throw the steamables in the microwave and have my side of veggies. Lately I feel like I have been "winging" it too much and need to get more consistent with my planning. It really helps!
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    @angela_mastin motivation is hard! I have struggled with it so many times. For me, I find I do best when I am consistent with logging and interacting with the friends I have on here. I post a lot on my news feed (including my goals for the day) and can talk back and forth with others that are on the same journey. I personally don't like going to the gym, especially by myself, so most of my workouts are done at home. While my husband and kids support me, they are not on the same journey that I am on. So, the only way I am able to surround myself with like-minded people to help motivate me is through MFP. I post my workouts, my goals and ask for advice when I need it. Everyone is always so helpful!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    edited December 2021
    @bumpbreakcar - Your reflection on being consistent really resonates with me. Motivation can be difficult to sustain; it ebbs and flows for me. So, I find it easier to stick to a routine so I don’t have to think about it too much.

    With that said, I’m struggling a bit moving from my usual schedule of rowing outside on the local river to indoor winter conditioning since the season ended. So far, I’ve been able to maintain my weight at 125, with a goal to stay within the range of 120-130, but I need to work on building my new fitness routine because I rely on those 200-300 calories burned through exercise to balance my daily snack.

    @drollings2019 - Thanks so much for the meal prep ideas. My breakfast habit is well-established but I need to get better at planning lunch and dinner.

    Best wishes in reaching your goals for December, Accountability buddies!
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal sorry for being MIA. From mid october until now has been horrible. Long story short, my dad passed away on November 28th. Since then, I've been trying to clean out the house and whatnot. Now that's almost done, I am lost. I now have the time to get the workouts in and make actual meals, but I'm not emotionally all in yet. I'm going to try to start with small goals and work up to more substantial ones. My daughter and I are going to Hilton Head for spring break and I would like to feel better physically when I go, maybe even rock a swimsuit. So, here I am at the beginning again.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    edited December 2021
    @highmaintnance - I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad! 😢 It’s amazing that you had the strength to do so much, cleaning out the house, etc. After channeling your grief into energy to handle those difficult family responsibilities, I can only imagine how exhausted you must be feeling! I think it took me about five years to process the grief when my father died. Setting small goals sounds like a good idea. During such sudden and big transitions, small goals can be a huge step forward. Go easy on yourself and remember that enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising can be an important part of healing. So, it doesn’t have to feel like one more thing to do if it is the thing to help you grieve.

    How is your daughter doing? I think you both spent a lot of time with your Dad, right? It’s good she got to know him and had a relationship that generated memories that she can carry with her. Young people have experienced such loss these last couple of years (eg., normalcy, social changes with friends, etc.) but she’s at an age when she can grasp the idea of a ‘blue’ holiday feeling. Sometimes it’s a sad season but it helps us appreciate happiness in deeper ways at other times, I guess. Traditional activities might feel emptier this year but maybe you can create a new tradition with your daughter as a kind of tribute to your Dad.

    Feel free to visit here when you need to unload some sadness. I’d love to hear more about your Dad, and some of the life lessons you learned from him, if you think it can help you process your feelings — instead of eating them as we sometimes do. 😬 A good cry with online Accountability buddies might be a useful release - or could feel strange - so either way is fine with me. Either way, I’m glad you’re back!

    I’m procrastinating a bit after a productive day of decluttering yesterday. I have a lot of work to do for my business today but there’s still a lot of organizing to do related to this long-overdue downsizing project. I’m using my older son’s room as a place to sort things into categories and he’ll be returning home from college on Sunday. So, I need to finish up that task - and donate surplus items before then - without neglecting my paid work! My younger son returned last Sunday (i.e., a couple days ago) and we resumed our habit of doing a daily abdominal/ core workout, so that’s been positive, but I’ve also been making his favorite foods (e.g., chicken shawarma, brownies) 🙄. I’ll have to be careful not to overindulge!

    I’ve been maintaining my weight between 120 and 130 since early July but I’m noticing some ‘creep’ upward on the scale lately. When I shopped at the Mediterranean bakery for some items to prepare for my sons’ visit, I thought I struck a good balance, buying candied orange peels instead of some of the unique sweets they liked as kids, but the sugar content in the cocoa dusted almonds and orange peels is probably only slightly lower than the more traditional candy (Swedish fish, gummy bears, etc.). In my mind, the ‘natural’ ingredients had a little more nutrition 🤔. Anyway, that’s the long way of saying, I need to count calories and pay attention to macros and exercise more!

    Best wishes to all the Accountability buddies who are still checking in here. Let us know how you’re doing when you get a chance. I look forward to hearing about your progress and what you’re learning along the way. Go get those goals!
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal thank you for the kind words. The death wasn't expected and unfortunately I was on vacation with my daughter when he died. I think that's the worst thing about it. I was there when my mom died three years ago, and it was the most beautiful devastation. I thought for sure I would be able to have that with my dad. Because of that, I'm not sure it has even truly hit that he's gone. My daughter is doing ok. She was really close to both of my parents, as we lived with them for a few years after her dad and I separated. She told me that before she goes to bed each night she raises her hand in the air and pretends that they are holding it. I'm glad she has found a way to feel some sort of comfort. Christmas will be hard but we'll get through it.

    I'm glad you get to spend some great holiday time with your boys! There's nothing like a time crunch to get you moving on your to do list! Sometime maintenance can be harder than losing, but I know you will be successful. :)

    Today, my small step was a couple of reps of arm strengthening moves. This month's challenge at work is to create a SMART goal and make progress towards that. My goal is to walk 20 minutes, three times a week. I hope to get 20 minutes in today in between reports I have to catch up on. I'm also in the holiday freeze challenge. We weighed ourselves before Thanksgiving and we will weigh in again after the new year. If we lost or maintained, we will be entered into a drawing for a prize. Hopefully I haven't done too much damage the past few weeks. I'm also back to drinking my water. I'm pretty sure I've been dehydrated since Thanksgiving, lol. I just don't drink as much water when I'm away from work.