Anyone else waiting til the New Year to do a restart?



  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member
    I wouldn't call it a "restart" but I went into maintenance on 11/20 and plan to stay there for the holidays. I'd been in a deficit for awhile so was due for a diet break regardless. Other than one big meal with the fam for Christmas, there won't be any crazy overeating; I'm staying on track with my lifting and keeping my step count high but just maintaining gives me a bit of wiggle room diet-wise. I'll go back into a deficit on 1/3.
  • gottagethealthy2022
    I thought about doing the same thing. It seemed like a bad idea to start trying to lose weight just when highly calorific foods were going to be on offer everywhere. Then I decided to start now anyway. Because while I don't plan to eat NONE of the foods available, I'm going to make more specific decisions and only choose the options that are worth it to me - just the good stuff. That way I'll like I've indulged but not over-indulged.

    Also, I'm at a precipice with my weight that I am wholly uncomfortable with, and if I don't track for December (with tracking being the only thing that consistently has worked for me in the past), it is highly likely that I'll go over that precipice, and I'm NOT interested in that!
  • dontlikepeople
    dontlikepeople Posts: 142 Member
    edited December 2021
    One of the hardest things to do, but most important things to do, is to be kind to yourself. If you're not in the right headspace, you're not in the right headspace.

    With that said, remember that once you DO start, you will be that much further out from your goals. The key is lifestyle change, and if you're not in the right headspace to make those changes, you may want to reassess those changes to be more livable for the long term.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    The way that I see it is that life is going to happen anyway - so instead of doing a 'restart' which basically in my mind gives me permission to binge out over Christmas and go all gung ho in the new year ultimately leading to failure.
    It's best to just try and make sensible choices each day starting now.
    If you don't- then log it and move on - but small changes add up - consistency is key.

    I agree with this. Being in the right headspace is important, and kudos to OP for realizing you are not there right now. "Doing a restart" when your head isn't in the game is a recipe for frustration and failure. Setting a firm date might help nudge your thinking in the right direction. On the other hand, it might put added pressure on the "restart date" without doing anything to facilitate movement into the right headspace. You know best which is true for you.

    OP did not say this, but if setting a future restart date gives subconscious permission for a free-for-all until that date, then the hill will be just that much harder to climb when the date arrives. An alternative is to meet yourself gently where you are today (and tomorrow, and the next day) and commit to a small thing that you can do today. Maybe it's a walk on a beautiful day. Maybe it is having the delightful iced holiday cookies but stopping after one. Or two. Or whatever level of damage control you feel is in your power today. Enjoy yourself thoroughly, but also make a small efforts here and there. Because ANY effort is better than no effort, especially when it compounds over 30 days. I'm totally on board with the small changes strategy. It's really the ticket to lasting change. Then when you restart, the hill won't be quite so hard to climb.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    small changes add up - consistency is key.

  • cbihatt
    cbihatt Posts: 319 Member
    I am always most productive in my efforts during the fall. I manage ok through the winter. It’s spring and summer that trip me up. But, I also agree that you must be in the right headspace. It took me a few tries before I managed to get myself there.

    I actually did my restart on Oct 18. It worked out great because I am only weighing myself monthly and it gives me time to get my holiday indulgences under control before my next weight check.

    As with most things, you have to do what works for you. If that is waiting until after the holidays to focus on your goals, then do that. Lots of people do.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,264 Member
    I am waiting... because my therapist suggested to do so.

    The holidays are difficult when it comes to my anxiety, OCD, and depression. "Dieting" is also difficult for those things. To the point where earlier this year I was told by my therapist no more calorie counting at that time because I was having anxiety attacks due to it. It became very unhealthy for me. So while we think it may be okay to start making mindful choices again (but still no calorie counting), the holidays may not be the best time to do so.

    So, I am using this month to look at new recipes, stock up, and just prepare for things. Like I said, still no calorie counting (going to see how the new "rules" (lack of a better term cause my brain is tired) work first), but I will be making changes to my diet that will hopefully help with some medical issues along with starting some weight loss.
  • pafinkssteffes
    pafinkssteffes Posts: 18 Member
    Being older, I always feel like there’s no time like the present. I just started researching and tracking macros yesterday as a matter of fact. Did poorly but each day I will tweak and adjust. I believe in baby steps. Adding good things little by little will squeeze out the bad habits.
  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    Nope. Every day counts.

    That doesn't mean that every day has to be perfect, but there's no magical "pause" button. What I do today matters, and it will matter come Jan 1st.

    I may be more lax with my expectations over the holidays, but I'm never going to throw the baby out with the bathwater just because I don't expect perfection for a few weeks.