banana or apple?

Which is a healthier choice, and why?


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Not much to choose between them - an average apple will have about 70 calories, and some vitamion C, an average banana will come in about 100 cals, a bit more sugar, but have good potassium.
  • carey1932
    carey1932 Posts: 55 Member
    When I saw that 1 banana was almost my daily sugar goal, i freaked. Had no idea they were so high.
  • 23wife
    23wife Posts: 57 Member
    Depends on you...bananas are good for potassium but are much higher in sugar and carb counts. I generally pick an apple over a banana for that reason (although I love bananas at breakfast!).
  • Legalchica
    Bananas will keep you fuller longer. So it depends on when your eating it. How long till your next meal?
  • SophRW
    SophRW Posts: 93 Member
    Really? Maybe the banana I choose on MFP has the wrong nutrition. The banana has only about 1/2 the sugar and carbs than the apple I choose. Whoops!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Unripe bananas have resistant starch in them which can help you not feel hungry. Apples fill me up more than bananas though.
    I'd go with the apple, just personal preference.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Eat both! They are good for you. Good calories, not empty ones.

    My only wish about bananas, is that I wish that there were some fair trade ones.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Both a large apple and a large banana are going to be between 100-130 cals. Both are full of antioxidants including vitamin A&C. I think Apples have more fiber in them though (which will keep you regular and feeling fuller longer.)

    I prefer apples (because they are my food of choice) but both are good for you.
    I would go with the Apple , but in my diet i can eat a whole apple and only half of a banana. Thats mostly because of the carbs.
  • lordsangel
    I'd say apple is better for you. I learned that bananas hold on to belly fat
  • kassied09
    I have heard that bananas are not a good food to eat because they make you retain fat...but I don't think I believe that at all. How can a banana be worse than something UNhealthy? I would say either. I think apples make me more full, but maybe it is just me.