Not new, not even close...

Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
... but back. And bigger (not necessarily better) than ever.

I lost 40kg with MFP 5-7 years ago. Then developed chronic vertigo, changed jobs, started slowly gaining back, managed to maintain around 25kg lost then Covid hit, and so did the Melbourne lockdowns. First lockdown, I was doing OK, walking, eating well... but by 6th lockdown I was a shell of a person, often not hitting 1000 steps a day, eating like crap. Now I'm 3kg above my original, then highest ever, starting weight.

I've faffed about, rejoined WW and donated a bunch of money to them, tried a couple other programs and apps and finally slunk back to what actually worked in the first place.

So hola. I still see a few familiar names around but 98% of my friends list is defunct, unsurprisingly.

I'm busy trying to override the voice in my head telling me it is almost Xmas and holidays and getting back to it now is dumb, but at this rate I'll have another 5kg to lose in Jan if I don't pull my head in.

So cleaning the unspeakable sludge from the veggie crisper, weighing and logging everything, going for daily walks (even if they do start off short and slow), using the Ring Fit that I have so far used as a table decoration, cutting down on the booze...

Wish me... I dunno, not luck, maybe perseverance?


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Welcome back. Yes, I remember you. Restarting here is never a problem, there are always so many new people. With COVID lots dropped out from the old crowd. However, Slimming World closed and many came over here. We used to have lots of newbies in January--now it's all year long.

    I think starting now is a good thing, even if you just set to maintain, and then after the holidays you'll be ready to go into a deficit. Wishing you the best for your goals.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,251 Member
    You're right, we shouldn't wish you luck, weight loss is not a lottery :smile:
    I'll wish you success instead!
    You did it once, you can do it again, I'm sure!
  • mirianyusm
    mirianyusm Posts: 89 Member
    I know what you are talking about. I can't count the times I started. I lost 50 pounds this time and going strong. The difference this time seems to be that I didn't ban any foods or food groups. I am just eating less. This way, I don't feel deprived. It's making a huge difference. For Thanksgiving, I ate what the rest of my family did in small portions. You can enjoy the Holidays without feeling that you messed up your journey. And if you do, it's OK, you get right back to it. Good luck and perseverance to you.
  • _mglo_
    _mglo_ Posts: 31 Member
    Omg I relate to your journey so much! I joined 10 years ago... Lost weight, gained it, lost weight, gained more... I'm back here now, ideally 40lbs to lose. I'm just feeling really disappointed in myself, but that feeling alone won't get me anywhere. It's time to fix the situation. Add me as a friend :)
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    It's hard to miss that avatar... Taco cat returns!

    Well... sorry things have been rough for you lately. But at least you know how it works, and made it back. Having done it in the past, it should be less of a learning curve at least, but still not fun.

    Welcome back.