200+ pounds to lose, could use accountability partner(s)

girlieinsd Posts: 2 Member
edited December 2021 in Motivation and Support
I know I can do this (I've lost 284 pounds before) but I've gained a lot of it back. I wasn't at my goal at that time either. I learned that with accountability and people that "get it" and support it makes it a bit easier. Especially those times when the scale won't move. Let me know if you are interested and I'll figure out how to do this. I'm not sure if a chat group or email will be best but we can figure it out.


  • lynnramos3456
    lynnramos3456 Posts: 1 Member
    I have about 100 pounds to lose but we can definitely motivate each other !
  • fattyratty94
    fattyratty94 Posts: 4 Member
    100+ lbs to lose healthily here also, if you'd like to add me feel free!