Bootcamp! 9/11-10/11



  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    haha christina is totally cool - as you WELL know, im a little long winded ;) this message board is here for you to use as much or as little as you want to use it :) i like to talk and share my experiences so i'll likely be using it a lot :)

    nikki - so sorry to hear about your neck :( that's a bummer, and sounds painful! i have a pinched nerve in my left elbow that acts up now and again - and when it acts up, my entire arm an hand through my pinky finger go completely numb to the point where i can't feel i have an arm and have almost broken my fingers because they didn't feel like there were there and i bent them back by accident! eek! hopefully yours never does that :) do whatever you can that doesn't cause pain! that's what i say! :)

    as for the hrm - the ePulse2 is 10000 times better than the bowlfex watch we both had (sadly, because i thought that watch was the bees knees back then haha). however, i started to realize that it was WAY over estimating my calories burned - and i finally thought about the fact that it never asks you for gender, age, or weight - so how can it really know how many calories you should be burning based on your heart rate? i think it just assumes you are an average female and goes from there (i say female because it's a pink watch haha). the ePulse2 starts by asking age, gender, weight, and name (yay!) and then checks your resting heart rate so that i know what an elevated heart rate is for YOU! for example, john (my boyfriend for those of you who don't know) apparently has an absurdly low resting heart rate - we thought his wasn't working at first, but his heart rate can sometimes be as long as 58! (he's about 6', 205lbs so nothing crazy, and he's not SUPER healthy, but he's not very unhealthy either, i think it's just a normal variant). but you can imagine that an elevated heart rate for him might be lower than 100 even. for me, my resting heart rate is roughly between 75-85 and anything above 125 means im actually being acted! and the glorious ePulse2 knows this :) plus, i can't tell you how lovely it is to turn it on every day and see "welcome jennellee!" (yes, there's an extra e at the end because apparently i can't spell my own name right and i typed it in like this - bah!). anyway, i think the ePulse2 is much better and totally worth the money and has helped me accurately assess my calorie burn!

    ok gotta go - dinner time! :)
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

    I unfortunately don't have a ton of money right now. Booo on getting new tires for my car, an oil change, alignment and inspection by the end of this month, because I totally want/need a good HRM. basically now i'm going off the hrm on the treadmill inputting my weight, etc and otherwise guesstimating for all other cardio.

    I mainly swim and run but also do zumba (yay).
  • Zumba is great! So much fun and you don't even realize you get this amazing workout - u just dance and have fun! Great job finding an exercise that you love!

    Jennellee (haha yes with 2 e's at the end) Are you POSITIVE it accurately shows how many calories you've burned? haha I just don't want to spend that much and have myself overestimate...I don't mind underestimating but overestimating is a no-no. Do you have to consistently press a button to check your heart rate or is a start/stop watch type thing...also, do u wear a monitor around your waist like a lot of HRM?

  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    nikki - i would say im 99.9% positive that it accurately counts the calories burned :) you won't EVER have to estimate at all - it will do it all for you :) you wear it around your arm, just under your elbow (takes a little getting used to but then you forget that it's even there!) it's a strapless HRM so it doesn't have the chest strap (i have read 100000 reviews and most say there is very little differences between a good strapless HRM and the ones with a strap). you have two options - once you turn it on, it starts to track your heart rate and count your burned calories. there are several different display modes, but you can leave it so that it's always "on" while you're working out (one screen even shows your heart rate with calories burned at the same time, there's another with just heart rate, another with time passed, etc). or, i use the mode where the display goes black unless i press it to see what's going on (sometimes i try to get through a workout without looking at it, i don't want to always chase the calories burned, i just want to get a good workout in and then at the end see how i did!) one thing i will say is that when i started using the ePulse2, i realized how badly the bowlfex watch was overestimating some of my calories burned - it's very accurate and sometimes may even underestimate if anything, but it definitely does NOT overestimate :)

    ariana - i have only taken one zumba class but i did love it :) it's similar to why i love all of my turbo workouts (jam, kick, and fire) but i just personally like the music better in the turbo classes :) but it's great to find your "soul mate workout" :)

    tomorrow i think im going to try to actually get up when im supposed to (i've been hitting snooze a lot lately haha) and do a 60 minute turbo fire plus the 10 minutes stretch afterwards (it's the longest turbo fire workout and i have only done it a handful of times - but it's really fun!!) wish me luck ;)

    have a good night ladies!
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    It's definitely a crazy workout. I actually haven't even went to a real "class" -- we just found the dvds online and burned them!! >.< so i've been doing it in my living room lol. the gym we just signed up at has classes included for free on tuesday/thursday nights. unfortunately i could only go on tuesdays... i work this crazy split shift 8a-12p and 6p-10p and i think the classes are 5:30.

    i'm getting really into swimming now again. used to do junior swimming for penn state back in the day and i forgot how much i loved it!

    this heart rate monitor sounds amazinggg!! maybe i'll be able to swing it more into october/november. does anyone use food scales -- we've (my fiance and i) have been looking on amazon to get one... any suggestions?
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    swimming is SUCH a great workout! that's awesome that you swam for penn state! it's great to get back into something you love! i keep telling myself im going to start sailing again (i was a competitive racer back in the day haha) now i am stronger and have more confidence than i did back then, so i bet i could crush it on a course ;) haha what do you do for work ariana? that IS a crazy schedule!

    as for food scales - i did a lot of searching too (on amazon in fact) and when we were at target once, my boyfriend and i found this like 5 dollar one haha - it has a little bin that you take out and wash, and just an adjustable weight so that you make sure its always at zero. while i am ALWAYS more inclined to get the fancier, flashier items, this was one cheap buy that i am very happy with (thank god, my boyfriend hates that i have more expensive/ gadget taste sometimes haha). i think any food scale works, so it might not be worth the money to get a really fancy one (unless it does something really cool that you're specifically looking for!)

    gotta get to work! woot :)
  • gdb86
    gdb86 Posts: 126 Member
    Well, hey ladies!

    It was nice to pop on here and see all of these new posts! I have been doing great with my food, but my exercise has been slacking due to being busy/personal problems (eek). However, I'm a firm believer that everyone can always say that, so I've managed to get my booty to the gym here and there and do a workout DVD when it's just completely in convenient for me. I do have a wedding I'm going to be in at the end of October though so besides wanting to be a healthy chicklet it's a good incentive to get my stuff together!

    I'm excited to hear more info about the infamous ePulse2! I'm still researching the Body Media Fit/BodyBugg to see if I'm wanting the high techness of something that will also track my calories burned at rest. I looked at some HRM's at Sports Authority and wasn't too impressed with their selection so online is the way to go I'm thinking. The chest strap just seems like a ridiculous get up that I just can't see me getting used to so knowing that there are alternatives is like HRM musical heaven to my ears. Haha.

    In terms of food scales, I have a cheap-o beep-o one from walmart. I've looked at some of the other options, but for me I just need it to measure meat, fish, veggies, and simple items in terms of general ounces. As long as you can adjust the initial weight to 0 it should be fairly accurate. So use your moolah towards a nicer HRM or calorie counter instead! :)

    I will hopefully be doing some zumba, yoga, pure barre, or other aerobics types classes soon. One of my friends is just figuring out her schedule so we can make a point to sign up here and there! I'm so stoked because I've always wanted to try them all!

    (Sorry, for the novelesque post again - it just kind of happens... but skimming is a long posters best friend. So it works for me! LOL)

    Talk to ya'll soon!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member

    this bootcamp program was taken from my time (and nikki's) with the Biggest Loser Club online, and if you know anything about the Biggest Loser, you know that the last workout before weigh-in is called LAST CHANCE WORKOUT (LCW) where you work as HARD as possible and completely kick your own butt! :) since we always weigh-in on friday's for bootcamp, thursdays are always our LCW! :)

    for me, thursdays are the only day this semester that i have to be in to teach at 10:30, otherwise i can be lazy and take my time. i also tend to work late on wednesdays, so getting up early on thursdays is not likely going to happen :) so what to do? im making thursdays HIIT day! for those of you who don't know - in the turbo fire program there are short HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts (15-30 minutes) that are super crazy intense bursts of interval training with a LOT of plyometrics (jumping) and sweating :) today i did HIIT 25 followed by the turbo fire 10 minute abs routine - AWESOME! i got in a SUPER killer workout (heart rate still revving) and now i have enough time to shower, make my shakeology, and prep for teaching! LOVE IT!!!

    so - what's on your agenda for LCW today bootcampers?? :)
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    hi bootcampers! today marks the end of week #1, the start of week #2, and our first weigh-in! i am going to start a new thread for week #2, but our last posts on this thread will be week #1 total ponts, weight loss, and % weight loss. when you go to post, please copy everything i've written below, and add yourself (just like we did for the initial weigh-in!) i hope everyone had a great first week!!!

    Week #1 Points & Weigh-In

    Jennelle: Total Points = 218, Weight Loss = 2lbs, % Weight Loss = 1.41%
  • Oh geez, I didn't realize there was a second page on this thread and I just thought no one was posting back...haha serves me right to not look for the next page!

    Week #1 Points & Weigh-In

    Jennelle: Total Points = 218, Weight Loss = 2lbs, % Weight Loss = 1.41%
    Nicole: Total Points = 178, Weight loss = 1.4lbs, % Weight Loss= .007% (this is found in weekly percentage of weight loss right?)
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    % Weight Loss= .007% (this is found in weekly percentage of weight loss right?)

    yes nikki - where it says weekly percentage of weight loss it's just the decimal, not the actual percentage (mine says 0.0141 which is 1.41% so your actual percentage is .7% i believe!) :)
  • gdb86
    gdb86 Posts: 126 Member
    Hmm, I'm not sure where to actually find the weekly percentage after looking around. Nonetheless, here are my other stats! I'm either not calculating right, or I need to push myself a little harder. Either way, the accountability is awesome! My goal is to beat my number next week! I also am going to be going out of town for a Bridal Shower and home to visit my family for a bit, so that should be interesting considering the routine change. I'll try my best though!

    Jennelle: Total Points = 218, Weight Loss = 2lbs, % Weight Loss = 1.41%
    Nicole: Total Points = 178, Weight loss = 1.4lbs, % Weight Loss= .7%
    Geri: Total Points = 112 (Eek, I must be doing something wrong. Haha!), Weight loss = 1 lb., % Weight Loss = (Obviously something below .7% considering I only lost 1, but I'm not sure...)

    I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
  • Jennelle: Total Points = 218, Weight Loss = 2lbs, % Weight Loss = 1.41%
    Nicole: Total Points = 178, Weight loss = 1.4lbs, % Weight Loss= .7%
    Geri: Total Points = 112, Weight loss = 1 lb., % Weight Loss = 0.7%
    Christina: Total Points = 176, Weight Loss = 0.4 lbs, % Weight Loss = 0.3%
  • Everyone did great!!! So glad we are doing this together!
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    Jennelle: Total Points = 218, Weight Loss = 2lbs, % Weight Loss = 1.41%
    Nicole: Total Points = 178, Weight loss = 1.4lbs, % Weight Loss= .7%
    Geri: Total Points = 112, Weight loss = 1 lb., % Weight Loss = 0.7%
    Christina: Total Points = 176, Weight Loss = 0.4 lbs, % Weight Loss = 0.3%
    Ariana: Total Points = 143, Weight Loss = 1lb, % Weight Loss = 0.7%

    Sooo sorry this is late :x such a hectic day yesterday boooo.
    Definitely need to start drinking water more because I have allll zeroes on that.
  • Looks like Jennelle kicked butt! Just more motivation to get our water and workouts in. Great losses this week ladies! I'm sure now that we are into the swing of things and see what we can expect form ourselves each week - we'll do even better!
  • Not sure if this is where we post our weight but I thought I'd post it here anyways. Hope everyone had a great week!

    Nicole: Total Points = 168, Weight Loss = 1lb, % Weight Loss = .5%
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    week 2 points & weigh-in

    Nicole: Total Points = 168, Weight Loss = 1lb, % Weight Loss = .5%
    Ariana: Total Points = 167, Weight Loss = 2lbs, % Weight Loss = ?? The spreadsheet said 0.02% so I'm not sure if that's like 2% or .2%

    :) dropped to 118.8lbs yay.
  • Great job!!!!!!!!!!!