Bigger Breakfast=more hungry....WHY?

mmackie Posts: 93
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all,
I have a question, it seems that when I eat more calories for breakfast, I am hungrier by the time I'm due for my snack...Not just a little hungrier, but like stomach growling ready for anything I can eat hungry. Does anyone know why this might be?

Just wondering and a little confused by it.:grumble:


  • mmackie
    mmackie Posts: 93
    Hi all,
    I have a question, it seems that when I eat more calories for breakfast, I am hungrier by the time I'm due for my snack...Not just a little hungrier, but like stomach growling ready for anything I can eat hungry. Does anyone know why this might be?

    Just wondering and a little confused by it.:grumble:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    What's a small meal for you, and what's a large meal?

    It all depends on the type of foods your eating. :flowerforyou:
  • Venusjems
    Venusjems Posts: 88 Member
    i agree with you, if i dont eat breakfast i can go till 1-2 without being hungry... But if i eat a bowl of cereal or banana at 8 am i am STARVING by 10.

    But eating breakfast and snacking seems to be working for me as i am losing weight!
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    What is included in the meal? What types of foods? Are you eating filling foods?
    Whole grains, fiber, protein stuff? Or just empty calories? :flowerforyou:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    It seems strange, but your hunger is actually a GOOD sign.

    During the night, your body basically shuts down. When you wake up in the morning and eat breakfast, you are basically telling your body to Wake Up and Burn Some Calories. (that's why breakfast is called break-fast... you are ending your 12-hour fast and telling your body to start using food again.) Your body is a machine, and when you give it fuel, the engine runs like crazy. It's a good thing.

    People who don't eat breakfast don't feel hungry because their metabolisms haven't restarted. So, believe it or not, they are burning fewer calories, and are more likely to gain weight. (Even though they eat less!!) Their machines haven't re-started, and they are sitting in the parking lot in a puddle of oil. Not good.

    If you are a relatively active person, hunger is always a good sign. It means your body is working, burning calories, and generally being healthy. FEED that machine. You'll stay thinner and happier.

    So, to sum up... a bowl of oatmeal and hard boiled egg, plus a mid-morning snack = skinnier and healthier.

    A cup of coffee and no food til 2:00 pm = flab and depression.

    Enjoy!! (And don't forget... ALWAYS eat when you're hungry. Just make sure you really are hungry, and don't eat too much!) and remember before you eat each meal have a big glass of water!
  • clairegl
    clairegl Posts: 82
    I find that I require a lot more protein at breakfast to keep me running in the morning than at other meals or I suffer from the same problem. But if you're eating every three to four hours it shouldn't make that much difference anyway- right? The trick is obviously to find out which foods work best for you within your calorie allotment for that meal. I use eggs and cottage cheese if I know it'll be a while before I can get to my midmorning snack. Good luck.
  • mmackie
    mmackie Posts: 93
    Small breakfast (in terms of calories)

    a bowl of kashi cereal (140 calories)
    w/rice milk and
    banana on top (80 calories)

    total cal: 255

    big breakfast:

    slice of sprouted wheat bread (90 cals)
    banana on top (80 cals)
    1 tbsp. of peanut butter (80 cals)
    honey drizzled on top (60 cals)

    total cals: 345

    I ALWAYS drink my morning coffee w/vanilla creamer (35 calories)
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    my breakfast hits btw 450-500 calories....high in protein and fibre...i'd be starving by 10 am if I ate what you eat as well, I actually don't eat again until 1 in the afternoon, cause i'm still full! no snack for me, I eat a less calories at lunch and even less at dinner, I have a snack before bed.
  • Make certain that you are having something that wil tide you over. You need to have protein in there b/c just carbs will burn off quickly and have you feeling hungry more quickly. Not certain what amount of calories you take in daily and how frequently you eat, but I try to shoot for 300 at breakfast and make it a good blend of carbs, protein and fiber. I have about 1500 calories/day and spread them out over 5 meals.
  • It seems strange, but your hunger is actually a GOOD sign.

    During the night, your body basically shuts down. When you wake up in the morning and eat breakfast, you are basically telling your body to Wake Up and Burn Some Calories. (that's why breakfast is called break-fast... you are ending your 12-hour fast and telling your body to start using food again.) Your body is a machine, and when you give it fuel, the engine runs like crazy. It's a good thing.

    People who don't eat breakfast don't feel hungry because their metabolisms haven't restarted. So, believe it or not, they are burning fewer calories, and are more likely to gain weight. (Even though they eat less!!) Their machines haven't re-started, and they are sitting in the parking lot in a puddle of oil. Not good.

    If you are a relatively active person, hunger is always a good sign. It means your body is working, burning calories, and generally being healthy. FEED that machine. You'll stay thinner and happier.

    So, to sum up... a bowl of oatmeal and hard boiled egg, plus a mid-morning snack = skinnier and healthier.

    A cup of coffee and no food til 2:00 pm = flab and depression.

    Enjoy!! (And don't forget... ALWAYS eat when you're hungry. Just make sure you really are hungry, and don't eat too much!) and remember before you eat each meal have a big glass of water!

    I never knew this! It makes sense, but I've never thought about it that way before. Thanks for the great information!
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    Small breakfast (in terms of calories)

    a bowl of kashi cereal (140 calories)
    w/rice milk and
    banana on top (80 calories)

    total cal: 255

    big breakfast:

    slice of sprouted wheat bread (90 cals)
    banana on top (80 cals)
    1 tbsp. of peanut butter (80 cals)
    honey drizzled on top (60 cals)

    total cals: 345

    I ALWAYS drink my morning coffee w/vanilla creamer (35 calories)

    Your breakfast isn't really bigger, it is just more calories, try more lower calorie foods and add some protein it keeps you fuller longer.

    English Muffin 100 Cal.
    2 Tbs PB2 (Powdered PB) 55 Cal.
    Manderin Orange Cup 70 Cal.
    Big Glass of Water 0 Cal. :smile:
    Total Calories: 225

    That normaly keeps me full until lunch time. Around 12:00. Sometimes I may have another fruit or some celery along with that.

    I read some were that you are supposed to eat 1/3 of your daily calories at your breakfast and I still have a hard time doing that. But that is just an example.

    Hope it helps!

    Jess :flowerforyou:
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Your big breakfast is pure carbohydrates...besides the peanut butter, there really isn't much protein. Have you ever tried protein to keep you full longer? Normally simple carbohydrates give you a quick rush of energy but then your blood sugar drops again quickly, making you hungry. Maybe try a hardboiled egg?
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Meals are the biggest challenge for me..

    Can someone give a good example of a great breakfast that will keep you full and is well balanced?
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Meals are the biggest challenge for me..

    Can someone give a good example of a great breakfast that will keep you full and is well balanced?

    How about a 2 egg omelette or scrambled, or 1 egg, 2 egg white omelette with a bowl of oatmeal (1/3 cup dry)?

    I just find that pairing a protein with a car holds me over more than a carb alone...if I ate just a bowl of cereal my tummy would be rumbling an hour and half later!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Meals are the biggest challenge for me..

    Can someone give a good example of a great breakfast that will keep you full and is well balanced?

    How about a 2 egg omelette or scrambled, or 1 egg, 2 egg white omelette with a bowl of oatmeal (1/3 cup dry)?

    I just find that pairing a protein with a car holds me over more than a carb alone...if I ate just a bowl of cereal my tummy would be rumbling an hour and half later!

    Cereal does nothing for me... I have to agree..

    Thank you for the ideas.. It really helps..
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Meals are the biggest challenge for me..

    Can someone give a good example of a great breakfast that will keep you full and is well balanced?

    How about a 2 egg omelette or scrambled, or 1 egg, 2 egg white omelette with a bowl of oatmeal (1/3 cup dry)?

    I just find that pairing a protein with a car holds me over more than a carb alone...if I ate just a bowl of cereal my tummy would be rumbling an hour and half later!

    Cereal does nothing for me... I have to agree..

    Thank you for the ideas.. It really helps..
    This is my best filling breaky.
    1 pkg oatmeal-reg
    when cooked, stir in 1 tbsp PB
    add 7 walnut halves
    add a banana cut up
    and a splash of soy milk. Sprinkle cinnamon on top

    Abour 450 cals
    I do my best w/o then too Enjoy!
  • woah... a normal breakfast for me is...
    16-20 oz water
    3/4 cup egg beaters
    3 -4 stips Turkey bacon (or turkey sausage)
    1.5 slices of 100% whole wheat bread.
    1 scoop whey protein powder in 8oz fat free A&D milk.
    = @ 500-530 calories and I don't get very hungry until @ 8:30am (I eat @ 6:00am)
    (here's a tip, not so much about calories, its more about the proteins 65 g of protein in breakfast)
    you can sub the bread for a banana, orange or another piece of larger fruit. (only throw the bread in for carbs and grains)
  • Elita
    Elita Posts: 92 Member
    It seems strange, but your hunger is actually a GOOD sign.

    During the night, your body basically shuts down. When you wake up in the morning and eat breakfast, you are basically telling your body to Wake Up and Burn Some Calories. (that's why breakfast is called break-fast... you are ending your 12-hour fast and telling your body to start using food again.) Your body is a machine, and when you give it fuel, the engine runs like crazy. It's a good thing.

    People who don't eat breakfast don't feel hungry because their metabolisms haven't restarted. So, believe it or not, they are burning fewer calories, and are more likely to gain weight. (Even though they eat less!!) Their machines haven't re-started, and they are sitting in the parking lot in a puddle of oil. Not good.

    If you are a relatively active person, hunger is always a good sign. It means your body is working, burning calories, and generally being healthy. FEED that machine. You'll stay thinner and happier.

    So, to sum up... a bowl of oatmeal and hard boiled egg, plus a mid-morning snack = skinnier and healthier.

    A cup of coffee and no food til 2:00 pm = flab and depression.

    Enjoy!! (And don't forget... ALWAYS eat when you're hungry. Just make sure you really are hungry, and don't eat too much!) and remember before you eat each meal have a big glass of water!
    thank you for explaining, now i get it!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Meals are the biggest challenge for me..

    Can someone give a good example of a great breakfast that will keep you full and is well balanced?

    How about a 2 egg omelette or scrambled, or 1 egg, 2 egg white omelette with a bowl of oatmeal (1/3 cup dry)?

    I just find that pairing a protein with a car holds me over more than a carb alone...if I ate just a bowl of cereal my tummy would be rumbling an hour and half later!

    Absolutely, 100% agree with this! Although "good carbs" are slow burning adding protein and even some good fats will help keep hunger away.

    One of my favorites is 4 egg whites with some tomato, jalapeno and avocado with a small glass of milk or juice and a piece of wheat toast...plain. I like to eat the egg on the bread.
    IT has teh important combo of carbs, protein and fat and I can usually skip a morning snack and go clear to lunch after eating this.
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    This is my typical breakfast....

    (8 am)
    Southwestern Style Egg Beaters - With Yolk - 1/2 Cup: 80 Cals
    3 Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage: 120 Cals
    100-Calorie English Muffin: 100 Cals

    'm definitely "held over" until my Mid-morning snack...

    (11 am)
    Weight Watchers Yogurt: 70 Cals
    Back to Nature Granola (1/8 Cup): 50 Cals

    I work out from Noon - 1pm and am usually good until about 2 o'clock when I eat lunch.
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