Accountability buddy



  • bumpbreakcar
    bumpbreakcar Posts: 191 Member
    edited December 2021
    @drollings2019 thanks for the meal prep ideas! They will definitely help me map out everything. preparation is key :)

    @highmaintnance I'm so sorry for your loss. The sting of death is sharp and painful. Nothing can fully prepare us for the loss of such a close family member. One thing that gave me a bit of comfort when I lost a close family member was reflecting the Bibles promise in Isaiah 25:8 & 26:19 There it tells us that soon suffering will be no more. God has the power to remove death forever. He will even bring those who have already dies back to life. Just continue to do your best to stay strong and being busy helps a little too! I hope this brings you some sort of comfort during this difficult time. If you're not a 'Bible' person please forgive me, my intent is comfort, not offend. <3

    @PatriceFitnessPal you are so articulate. I love the way you speak. So pleasant all the time.

    I had another realization about myself last night/today. I have this unhealthy habit of comparing myself with others. My friend and I did a two week detox in the summer that consisted of nothing but smoothies... it was HARD and I was HUNGRY the entire time. Well she's doing that detox again and of course since she not eating ... it's working. and for a moment I felt desperate, Like I need to do it too because she is losing weight so fast, I need to keep up.

    Now that I have had a good nights sleep. I realize just how irrational and impulsive that thinking is. I need to channel my inner Alexis Rose ( from Schitt's Creek) and Love that journey for THEM. I am on my own journey and that's okay. Good for her! butttt I like eating LOL so I'm going to eat and lose this fat in real life, sustainable way B)

    Happy Hump Day
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    @bumpbreakcar thank you for you kind words. I love the Alexis Rose quote!!! That was hilarious and really made my night. Hang in there and stay strong! The thought of only consuming smoothies for two weeks makes me cringe. I love my smoothies, but even one a day can be a little much for me. Comparing yourself to others is probably something most people have to work on; I know I do. Mental hurdles are so tough to overcome, but knowing what they are is a big step.

    I logged my food in today. It was a pain because I'm eating different things so I had to look and make sure all the nutrition info was right. I don't miss logging food but I know I need to follow through. Since it was still in the high 50s today (oddly enough) I went for a walk as soon as I got home from work to get in the last remaining sunlight and warm weather. It felt really good. I walked on the treadmill last night and it bothered my knee a bit. I can't tell if my stride is just really different on there or if my body is getting too old for a cheapy treadmill with no give. I guess it will do in a crunch. So that's two of the three days of walking for 20 minutes this week and it's only Wednesday. I feel good about that.

    Celebrate small victories/accomplishments and be kind to yourself for small setbacks. Happy Wednesday!
  • angelatdavidson2002
    I'm always looking for new friends for motivation and support feel free to send me a request
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    Hello all. Friday was not great, food wise, but saturday and sunday weren't bad. Today was terrible, lol. I need to drink some kombucha and lay off the sugar. I cooked supper at home tonight. I'm still trying, still struggling, but still hopeful. It's a tough time of year. Stay strong people but enjoy the time with people who are important to you.
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    Hello! How did everyone do over the last week or so? I think I did alright. I didn't log, but I did get my walks in (thanks to unseasonably warm weather). I found that Christmas is still Christmas without eating snacks and crazy amounts of food and desserts. I will admit that I didn't get enough veggies or fruits, but you have some wins and some losses. I also submitted a profile for for some dog walking gigs, lol. Sounds crazy for a grown woman with a good paying full time job and two dogs of her own, but this is some side money for vacation and gets me outside more.
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    Good morning! @highmaintnance I did really good over the Christmas holiday. I still enjoyed food, but I was accountable for what I ate and still kept up with my workouts. I actually lost a pound! I rewarded myself with 2 new workout outfits yesterday. I did an arm workout two days ago that has rendered my arms useless :D It hurts just to type...and that is my job. Oh well, they will get better and I will be better for it! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,334 Member
    edited December 2021
    @highmaintnance and @drollings2019 - It sounds as though you both managed the holidays well. Congratulations! I didn’t track as well as usual, and gained a pound or so, but I’m still within my maintenance level. We’re on vacation so I don’t have easy access to a scale. I meant to weigh myself at the hotel gym yesterday but I didn’t see a scale when I entered and forgot to check on the way out. I got a COVID booster on December 23 and felt so sick on the 24th I couldn’t even keep water down for more than a few minutes most of the day. I’m eating reasonably well - and building some activity into the day - so I’m fairly confident I can get back to a good routine in early January. The key will be establishing an exercise and nutrition plan as soon as I get back on January 4th.

    @highmaintnance - It sounds as though you’ll enjoy the dog walking as a fun way to stay accountable to walking in the colder months. My husband talks about doing that after our own dog is no longer with us. Our Boston Terrier is healthy at 11 years old but he’s enough to care for right now. He’s staying with his hound friend now - and will demand extra time and attention when we return - but he loves the family he’s ‘vacationing with.’ It’s a good situation because we take care of their dog and they take care of ours, and the timing works well, generally. I hope your new gig goes well!

    @drollings2019 - Good for you on the workouts. I hope your arms feel better soon.

    How are others doing? Let us know when you get a chance. It’s good to stay connected to help us get beyond initial New Year resolutions and sustain healthy habits. Best wishes to all!
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    @drollings2019 congrats on killing it over Christmas! I love a good post workout soreness. Other than seeing the scale move, it's the best indicator of success for me.

    @PatriceFitnessPal vacation during the holidays sounds like a tough situation in which to juggle eating well and exercising! Just one of those things tends to throw me off a bit, lol. Your pet sitting arrangement is ideal! I have two dogs and one has to be boarded and the other has to be watched at my house whenever I go on vacation. That's a double whammy on my wallet.

    Yesterday I was tempted to order pizza or go through a drive thru. I compromised and stopped at Walgreens to grab a turkey wrap and some apples. They have these little sandwiches my daughter loves so I grabbed those for her and we had a decent meal that I didn't have to cook. I'm calling it a success, lol. Today, I have done some leg strengthening exercises and walked on the treadmill for a short amount of time a few times (I'm at work). I find that getting up and doing that twice a day really helps me keep my focus when I get back to my office and it's good for me.

    What's everyone New Year's Eve plans? I am going to a house party where there will be plenty of snacks. I'm going to try to get a walk in and eat a decent supper so I can resist overindulging.
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    I did so well over Christmas, but I just couldn't avoid the temptation of the cheeseburger last night. It has been a busy and stressful week, and the next two don't look much better (12 basketball games in 10 days!). It was so good though. I am a big stress eater and have to do a lot of planning to make sure I plan meals and workouts around our schedule or I fail. I've done pretty good, but sometimes a girl just needs a cheeseburger, and I don't feel at all bad about it. Well, other than my stomach cramping this morning :D

    New Year's ever plans consist of games with family. There will be plenty of snacks, but my sister is on the same journey as me and we will make some healthy ones for ourselves. I don't drink, so those extra calories are not a problem as long as I stick to water instead of soda.
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    That's great @drollings2019! A cheeseburger every now and then should be just fine. It's always helpful when you have someone on the same journey as you, to keep you accountable in real life.

    I did well on Christmas, did a little more snacking last night but not too bad. I could have done better working out, but it is what it is. I'm working on it.

    Here's to a new year, full of 365 new opportunities. The days don't have to be perfect, but the intentions should be true.
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    Hello everyone, how is the new year treating you? I went to a yin class (basically long stretch holds) this week and it felt so good. I'm going to try to do more of those since I am starting to feel achy a lot more now, especially after sitting at work most of the day! Other than that, I haven't exercised much and I really need to work on that. I just scheduled a tough fitness class for tomorrow morning. It's going to be hard because I am completely out of shape, but that's what I get. On the food front, I have made suppers, or eaten leftovers, every day since the new year. My daughter is having a friend over tonight and I will get them something fast food wise, but I plan on eating at home. That's something right?

    For anyone reading for inspiration but not comfortable posting, I hope you are doing well!
  • JustSmitten77
    JustSmitten77 Posts: 28 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hey, I'm also looking to lose about 20 lbs. Feel to add me ☺️ Doing my best to track what I’m eating so I can see where I lack and where I need improvement which is why i joined. Would love to help support others.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    edited January 2022
    Feel free to add me. Daily logging in, tracking and exercising
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    @JustSmitten77 along with adding friends, we TRY to post here to check in every now and then. It's been quiet lately but hopefully it will pick back up.

    I went to a pilates 1 core class last night for the first time and I really enjoyed it. It was held in a yoga studio so they had props to help keep me from killing myself (which I typically do during classes like that). I'm still cooking my suppers and eating leftovers for lunch. I keep a frozen lunch in the freezer just in case life happens. Work is really stressful right now so I am trying not to eat my feelings. You know, all the usual stuff one faces when trying to make healthier decisions!

    Has anyone else tried any new workout routines, classes or online workouts?
  • samathes
    samathes Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm looking for some support... Seems like there's more inactive forums than are active...MFP forum grave site! I'm not looking to join any groups because quite a few I'm seeing are requiring daily weigh ins and spreadsheets. 😬
    In any case, I work out regularly but my downfall is diet, or just general control. I have about 20 lbs to lose or until I'm comfortable in my skin. Would love to hear from you!
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi everyone! It has been a few weeks since I have been here. I post daily on my news feed and forget to check in on the forums every once in while. Hope everyone is having a great start to the new year! Mine has been pretty busy with sports and kid things. RIght now I am still working on consistent logging and a workout routine. I am getting better with the logging, but need much improvement on the workouts. I am getting walks in, but that is about it. I am working on it though! My husband did get my recumbent bike in the house, so I have added it to my mourning routine. I don't have a lot of time in the morning, but I get at least 2.5 miles in. I am really enjoying it! @highmaintnance seems like you are doing very well!! Have a great day everyone!!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,334 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hi Accountability buddies! My two adult sons (20 & 21) were home for their college breaks. So, my routine changed but, since the outdoor rowing season ended, I’ve been struggling to build new exercise habits. We took a family vacation to the Big Island of Hawaii, which was wonderful — fun, beautiful, interesting, active … and ridiculously expensive. We realized we don’t have many more years when our sons will want/ be able to take trips with us, and we prefer to spend money on experiences instead of traditional gifts, so it was worth the extra money we spent. I’ve been swamped at work since we returned, but that’s a story for another day.

    I’m heading to an appointment now for a DEXA scan and mammogram. I’m looking forward to learning the results of the bone density scan because it will also give me accurate information about my body fat composition. I’m just barely staying within my maintenance range (120-130) and plan to focus more on body recomposition this year. It sounds like the Pilates (@highmaintnance) and recumbent bike (@drollings2019) exercises are going well for you. That’s great to hear!!

    I’ll let you know my new fitness plans @highmaintnance after the scan and consultation with the doctor or a one-time appointment with a dietitian who is also a personal trainer. What are others doing to burn those extra calories? I need to use about 200-300 exercise calories to make up for my usual afternoon snack. I guess it’s a trade off but I haven’t been able to break the habit of a 3pm snack of some kind. It’s not terribly indulgent, usually, but it’s just enough to add up overtime.

    I’ll post an update soon but have to run now. Best wishes, everyone!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,334 Member
    @samathes - I was a bit ‘out of the loop’ while my adult sons were visiting and we did some traveling over their winter break from school but I’m hoping to check in more regularly now that we’re back to reality following our vacation. Back to reality especially means paying tuition and holiday bills!

    Do you have any specific nutrition goals? I got a bit off track with my diet, and neglected my logging more than usual lately, so I’m going to concentrate on being more accurate (e.g., weighing rather than guesstimating) and consistent. I’m not going to get too wrapped up in ‘perfect’ tracking but I need to be more diligent so I can put an end to my slow creep in weight gain.

    When you get a chance, please take a minute to introduce yourself. We’ll look forward to supporting you in reaching your goals!
  • samathes
    samathes Posts: 55 Member
    Hey ladies! My name is Sam and I am not new to logging or exercising. For me that's the easy part. My problem always comes from the kitchen and sticking to a plan. I'm a big emotional eater and I tend to boredom snack as well- it's NEVER healthy. The past couple weeks have been relatively successful in the eating regimen though and I'm actually starting to see results! 🥰🥰🥰 I've actually dealt with those emotional triggers as well, which is even better!
    I'm 5'1" and 141 lbs. Over the past several years, I've shed about 45 lbs total but I'm looking to improve. It's not a number that I'm looking at necessarily because I see with my diet and exercise, my composition has changed dramatically. I just want to feel good in my own skin and like what I see in the mirror.
    I currently have my caloric intake at roughly 1500 calories. I work out every day with Beachbody unless I do CrossFit on a Saturday. I am a straight calorie counter but I've been debating macros- I just don't want it to run me. I fall easily into hardcore dieting which can cause me to downfall and feel bad about myself, so I'm taking one day at a time.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal hey how've you been? sorry I've bee so useless at texting. whenever I remember to text you I also remember the time difference and you would be sleeping probably and then I forget to text u later! hope you are well