Why is your goal weight your goal weight?



  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Honestly, its a number i pretty much pulled out of my butt. I ended up checking it, and its right smack dab in the middle for healthy bmi
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    110 lbs - I've seen my body at 111 lbs and I liked it. This time hopefully more of it will be muscle though! It's a nice round number too, and it means I can still donate blood.
  • trini14
    trini14 Posts: 110 Member
    I can remember long ago reading, that your goal weight was the weight that you felt most fit, active and happy. Granted, I was 150-155 in high school (I'm 29 now) but for me that's when I felt good. Everyone thinks that I'll look so different and that 93lb is alot to lose, but I really fine with my weight then.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    135 is the weight I was when I started college (according to my mom)... I looked good then, I was thin but a healthy thin :) 150 is my first real goal, mainly because I haven't seen that in over 4 years but 135 is where I eventually want to be.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    I would like to be around 128 lbs, I am 134 now. It is a on the higher end of where I should be for my height (5'2") but what I think is realistic. Because of some health issues earlier this year, at one point I weighed 124 lbs. My gastroentologist was not happy, he felt I looked sick, and recommened that I put 5 lbs on.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Because it's the number on the scale that corresponds to the image in the mirror that I am happy with and can maintain with reasonable effort.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Yep you read the question right! :happy: I want to know why the goal wieght you have chosen is the goal weight you are working for or already achieved!
    Great topic!! :drinker:

    I chose my goal weight because for my height it's slap-bang in the middle of the healthy BMI range AND it's a weight I would like to be.
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Mine is the high end of my BMI scale---I've never been really skinny in my life--though when I weighed 5 pounds less than I do now, I wore a size bigger--so I suppose that's cool :)

    Once I get there, I will reassess and see if I want to lose more--only 16 to go!!
  • MsScorpio67
    MsScorpio67 Posts: 91 Member
    I picked 160lbs as my goal weight. It's 30lbs heavier then I was in high school. It falls in line with a healthy fat percentage and BMI and I feel I will still be curvy and thick but in shape. I probably won't even stay there. I just want to get there to say I had enough discipline to do it.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    I picked mine because it is the point at which I am no longer obese but only overweight. At that point I will probably set another weight somewhere in my healthy BMI.
  • dde9598174
    I am 5'7" and was 115 (underweight I know, I just couldn't gain weight) until after baby #2. I have pretty naturally stayed around 175-180 for the past 11 years but after baby #3 I did WW and got down to 155 by the time he was 6 months old. I found out that month that I was pregnant again, but looking at pictures of me there I think I looked good and I know I felt great. I may adjust my goal when I get close, but for right now I am happy working toward that. No WAY do I want to be 115 ever again though, it was almost worse than 207!
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    Mine was purely by chance... I told my wife to pick a number between 234 and 236.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I've picked odd numbers because I'm odd-

    My next goal is to hit 131 by my 31st anniversary on the Oct. 31st.

    My final goal- which, according to the BMI charts for my 5' 1/2" body , a healthy weight will be in the low to mid 120's

    so I picked 121 to hit by 12/21- which is significant
    because my Mom died on that day- and she died WAY too young, neglecting her health
    and always saying what she did to her body wasn't hurting anyone but herself...
    (She was WRONG- she left us behind and I WON'T do that to my kids/grandkids)

    You asked.....there's always a method to my madness......
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    I chose my goal weight based on where I was in HS (around 150-155) but wasn't as healthy or as fit as I plan to be when I shed the weight this time. My first impulse was to go for 145 but I didn't want to set it too low and feel badly about myself if I wasn't able to reach it... which is why I'm going to reevaluate where I'm at when I get below 170 :) Last time I was there was about 8 years ago and while I wasn't completely happy with myself, I remember being more confident and didn't struggle with certain physical activities or feeling comfortable in my own skin.
  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    My goal weight is 190 and I chose it because I can't remember what it was like to be under 200lbs. According to the BMI it is above the healthy weight for me but based on my calculations with a body fat caliper it will put me under 15% body fat. I have always taken the BMI with a grain of salt.
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    My tentative goal weight is 125lbs, the reasons being:

    - It would give me a decent BMI of 22.1. I'd like to be within the healthy range with a bit of a "buffer zone".

    - My previous low weight was 139lbs and I was a comfy UK size 14. I felt pretty good about myself, but would have liked to have been about a stone lighter and one dress size smaller. 125lbs is exactly one stone lighter, and I am estimating that it would put me at a size 12.

    - I have looked at pictures on a few height/weight photo charts, and it seems that the average 5'3" person of 125lbs has the kind of figure that I would be very happy with and might have a realistic chance of achieving and maintaining.

    It's all based on imperfect information, best guesses and estimates, I am well aware of that. I know that BMI is not the best measuring tool for everyone, but for me, for *now*, I think it's a pretty good guideline. I know I might be a size 14 or a size 10 at that weight. I know that what other people look like at that height and weight will vary hugely and it might not be the same for me. That's why it's just a tentative goal. My actual goal is probably somewhere between around 120 and 135, depending on how I look and feel.
  • RickinNH
    RickinNH Posts: 73 Member
    It was my college soccer playing weight, like 9000 years ago.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Because it is the weight I was before I had my son.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Like some others, I picked 158 because that meant a loss of exactly 100 pounds, plus it puts me just inside the healthy range according to BMI. The last time I was anywhere near that weight, it was about 20 years ago - I was a teenager but nowhere near as athletic as I am now so I may decide that weight is just right or I may decide another 10-15 pound loss is doable. For now, 158 sounds pretty darn good to me!
  • bowserette
    bowserette Posts: 36 Member
    My lowest adult weight was 128, and I felt amazing. I hovered around 135 for a while, but I'd like to get to 130 as my final goal weight. I guess my first goal is to get to 150, though, because that's when I'll be a healthy weight. After that, I'll be happy with whatever I can get.