Calling All Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

Hello everyone,

Do you want to revive your sleeping military mindset? I've been looking for other military members male and female both retired and active that are interested in getting back down to their previous "fighting weight". I haven't found such a group and I'm hoping there are enough of all services to get a hardcore group started.


If you are retired or active duty military and interested in becoming part of "The Military Training Ground" just respond to this post with your military status and a bit about what you do. I am coming up with ideas that will give us short term and long term goals. I'm also hoping to come up with some custom military tickers to polish it all off.

We are gonna hit it hard so don't join if you are weak or can't cut the mustard! We are here to fight for our lives...







  • MissMichellemybelle
    Hey Scott!

    I'd love to join. I'm a 2nd Lt in the Air Force. I went to AFIT right away, which has not been pretty for my exercise routine or waistline.

    I focus on running a lot, because thats always the toughest part of the PFA for me. But I do need to work on calisthetics too!

    Hoping to run the Air Force half marathon in a year!

    Great idea, count me in!
  • nukehiker
    U.S Marine Corps 1982-1990. just finished my first round of P90X and I am on week 2 of Insanity.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    I'm NOT in the military, never was, but my husband is active duty army, I'm posting just so you can see my signature block, there's a "group" of us that kinda stick together and support one another-active duty, retired, vets, dependents-all of their names are listed in my signature block!

    Thank you all for your service!
  • butterflimom
    I need my husband to find this when he gets off from work. USMC 2000-2005
  • horndave
    US Army Active. Sitting in a staff, not doing as much as I want.
  • Scott_Derrick
    Tell him to COME ON! We are gonna make it happen.
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    :smile: Im not in the services either nor have I ever been but my son is an active Army man and I support all of the services. I am a blue star mother. I run a group for the military moms and spouses to support them and their families. Im here if you ever need to talk.
  • ineednapkin
    Been in the Air Force since 06.

    I love to run and am running the Air Force Marathon tomorrow morning!
  • Scott_Derrick
    @Horndave, Welcome and HoooOOO!!
  • Scott_Derrick
    Welcome Ineednapkin. Kick it tomorrow morning and report back to us by Saturday at 1200 Hrs if possible.
  • SkinnyLynn50
    I'm a Marine brat of a Vietnam Vet (Retd.) and mother to an active Navy seaman currently deployed for a second tour of the Persian Gulf, so I just wanted to say THANK YOU all for your service and OORAH!
  • Chowder_17
    Chowder_17 Posts: 141 Member
    Current Active Duty Air Force, SSgt, had my 2nd baby 4 mths ago, and I have my PT test coming up in a little less than 2 mths.
  • Scott_Derrick
    Current Active Duty Air Force, SSgt, had my 2nd baby 4 mths ago, and I have my PT test coming up in a little less than 2 mths.

    Welcome Chowder_17. Lets get you back down to where you need to be. We believe in you! We must overcome and adapt.
  • Scott_Derrick
    Skinnylynn50, Thanks for the Thanks! We all are and have sacrificed much for our country. Many times at the expense of our own bodies and families.

    Much appreciated.
  • Chowder_17
    Chowder_17 Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks! My biggest hurdle now is having the motivation to workout when I work my very early shift (4AM-noon and I have to get up around 0230L). By the time I get off work, I'm so tired and if I don't work out right away, it's not going to happen....
  • Scott_Derrick
    Chowder_17, Love the ticker.Awesome.
  • jayb123x
    USMC vet 1986-1991. Good to see all of the other military folks here.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member

    I made the current military signature block; I already have a new list of names waiting to be added and am happy to add any new faces that posted here unless they object.

    I've found running any type of "challege" catering to those that make up our roster complicated. We all have such vastly different goals. It isn't always about the scale anymore; some are onto body composition, some have PFT/PRT-based goals, some are trying to prepare for high intensity indoctrination hell-weeks, others want to just look hot in their military ball dresses or shock their significant others when they return from deployment, etc.

    I'm all about getting back into active-duty shape! It's my profile header in fact. My MFP start weight was already within regs still and I've already bested my lowest BF% reading from my fittest active-duty. I have about 2 more weeks left of "light duty" from "mommy makeover" surgery last month and just plopped down $420 on 10 more personal training sessions with my favorite trainer at 24hr fitness. My immediate goal right now is to ensure a flawless recovery and get in good enough shape to impress the instructors at the local Krav Maga center. I went there closer to the beginning of my MFP journey for a freebie women's self defense seminar and they*kitten*...out. I loved it nonetheless; it reminds me of the old-school CCI/line combat training before they got mixed up in all this pansy PC "MCMAP" crap. Right now I almost exclusively circuit-weight-train (cardio & stregth in one efficient time slot) and I laugh at the way the cardio queens peer at me from over their readout panels like I'd eat them for breakfast, lol. Problem being I'd have to catch them first! HIIT is what I need to do to get in Krav-fighting shape; "Indian" & "fartlick" (yes, that's the actual term used mods, so I'm not trying to be vulgar) runs were my Achilles heel while I was in. I can hold an even pace forever, but HIIT, ugh.
  • ineednapkin
    ran the marathon in 4:30 :D
    VVEXVVEX Posts: 132 Member
    Thank you for your service, all.