Hello everyone just getting started

Hello I'm Carol, I'm a 49 year old with new health issues. Dr suggested I try giving this app another change. Being that I'm back up to 200 pounds an pre diabetic, instable blood pressure with heart arrhythmia. It's a must do. I also already suffer from chronic kidney issues.
Struggled with my weight my whole life. My weight has been going up lately. Dr wants me to try an get some weight of before my next appointment next month.
Hoping to get some great support on here an learn for others along the way.


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Baby steps. Set up your profile and goals and start logging. Make small changes as you go.
  • carolhemma9626
    carolhemma9626 Posts: 9 Member
    Than you @DancingMoosie for your tips.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    Cliffs Notes of Weight Loss:
    • Weight loss happens in THE KITCHEN, fitness happens in the gym
    • small, sustainable changes
    • Understand weight fluctuations are normal. Thinks of a roller coaster, not a steep mountain slope down. Some weeks up, some weeks down. Its the OVERALL TREND that matters
    • Learn to weigh your food ON A FOOD SCALE
    • Learn how to find ACCURATE DATABASE ENTRIES
    • BE ACTIVE - get off your butt and MOVE. Find SOMETHING you enjoy. If your activity is limited, find ways to move that you are ABLE to do
    • Deprivation is the key to Binging and falling off the wagon. Learn how to fit your favorite things in regularly. There are no 'bad foods' Just 'bad quantities'.
    • One 'bad' day will not undo your deficit.
    • You did not gain the weight quickly. You will not lose it quickly. Better to lose it slowly, and KEEP IT OFF, then lose it quick, and gain it all back and more!

    Useful Links



    and basically ... all of these :)

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,816 Member
    Hello, and welcome @carolhemma9626!

    I think you've come to the right place. Some others above have given you great "how to" tips. I'm here mostly just to cheer for you.

    For me, weight loss made a huge improvement in my more negative health markers, in my case high blood pressure, plus high cholesterol/triglycerides. Since reaching a healthy weight in 2016 at age 60 (and staying there since), my health markers are solidly in the normal range, consistently, and I feel So. Much. Better! There's less joint pain (I have osteoarthritis, among other things), and just an improved sense of physical well-being, in ways that are hard to put in words.

    You can do this! Each of us will have better days and not so good days along the way, but if you hang in there and keep working at it, you can be surprised at what you can accomplish.

    Wishing you much success!
  • carolhemma9626
    carolhemma9626 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you very much @AnnPT77
  • carolhemma9626
    carolhemma9626 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you so much @callsitlikeiseeit
  • debraah66
    debraah66 Posts: 62 Member
    Add me as a friend if you like. I'm back after being gone awhile. I'm here now because diabetes doctor wants me to log foods ect. I've lost some weight but not trying super hard. The ozempic shot is making my appetite a bit less. I'm a food and sugar addict. What can I say. I like encouraging others and need encouragement.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Hi Carol,
    It's awesome that you've decided to tackle this and improve your health. Best wishes for your success!
  • last_jennifer
    last_jennifer Posts: 75 Member
    Go Carol! I am 51 with diabetes and I am overweight. I am working hard at logging my food and getting off the couch. I hope these messages help you find strength!
  • AIP4ever
    AIP4ever Posts: 58 Member
    I have the same health issues (besides the heart) but I am heavier. I would love to be friends with you. I introduced myself today as well. I have a goal...next year's Thanksgiving.
  • carolhemma9626
    carolhemma9626 Posts: 9 Member
    @last_jennifer Thank you very much
  • carolhemma9626
    carolhemma9626 Posts: 9 Member
    @JBanx256 Thank you
  • carolhemma9626
    carolhemma9626 Posts: 9 Member
    @The_Fat_Optimist I hope it's ok I took you up on that offer of being friends. I sent you a request.
    My 1st goal is to have 10 pounds off by the end of February. We want to take our 1 year old grandson to the beach. My goal is to have those 10 pounds off to walk an find seashells with him.
  • AIP4ever
    AIP4ever Posts: 58 Member
    @The_Fat_Optimist I hope it's ok I took you up on that offer of being friends. I sent you a request.
    My 1st goal is to have 10 pounds off by the end of February. We want to take our 1 year old grandson to the beach. My goal is to have those 10 pounds off to walk an find seashells with him.

    You just made my day. Thank you, Carol. I am thrilled to be your friend. I feel determined and excited to change my life. I have 338 days to Thanksgiving :-)