Starting again

How does everyone stay motivated? I've started a billion times and after a week or so I lose all motivation. I want to be healthier but I feel I can't get through this motivational block!


  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Cultivating discipline and habit will carry you much, much further than relying on motivation.
  • KMorales0713
    KMorales0713 Posts: 11 Member
    For me, it’s about accountability and having back up. Especially for those days I feel like quitting. Lately, I’ve given up. I need an accountability partner! If anyone wants to help a sister out lol 😂
  • Cosmogal17
    Cosmogal17 Posts: 3 Member
    I am restarting myself I have a closet full of clothes even 20 pounds off will put me in them hardest part for me is mindset
  • abfillingame
    abfillingame Posts: 8 Member
    I’m restarting and what you said resonated with me, feel free to add me and we can check in with each other. I know I am overeating and my first goal is to just log what I eat no matter what it is.
  • metaphysicalstudio
    metaphysicalstudio Posts: 293 Member
    edited December 2021
    This is a great question, and I love reading through the responses here. For me, staying motivated is not something I could ever force with ideas like "just have stronger willpower." Motivation, I have found, is cyclical, it comes and goes and looks different at different times. Embracing the changing nature of motivation is like accepting the changing nature of all things in a human experience, for me. There is strength and positive encouragement in THAT. I have been able to use that knowing to aid me in reaching my goals, and it's made a huge difference.
  • brandirose123
    brandirose123 Posts: 2 Member
    These responses are great! I suppose I really do need to work on the discipline part of it. Thanks for everyone's input.
  • Goddess_Atalanta
    Goddess_Atalanta Posts: 7 Member
    I can totally relate to starting a billion times! One thing finally made all the difference for me and now I've been in my fittest-ever body for more than a year... and still improving!

    It was: my motivation changed from self-hatred to self-love.

    In the past I thought I needed to lose weight to be more attractive to men, to meet some standard of conventional beauty; my motivation was coming from a place of self-hatred. So of course when deciding to eat something or not, it felt terrible to tell myself, "You don't deserve these calories", "You will never find a good man if you eat this", etc. and my mind naturally rebelled against the restriction.

    But I started getting into pole dancing and it was awesome: fun and freeing. I really wanted to be able to climb the pole and do different moves, so that became my motivation instead. Now when deciding to eat something or not, it was more like, "Will this help me accomplish my goal to climb?" and "Will this food really make me feel happy or will I be sluggish from the carbs?" So my motivation is now coming from a place of self-love, a desire to take part in an activity which I enjoy and to feel good in my body.

    Remember, motivation from self-love is a thousand times more sustainable than from self-hatred and feels so much better!
  • I have arthritis in my feet. Every pound I lose is that much less pain, and that's a tremendous motivator for me to keep doing what I'm doing. I look forward to my goal weight and how much better I'll feel just getting out of bed then. All I have to do is to keep doing what I'm doing.