How do I reboot my metabolism?

I just started my journey and I have Hashimotos and my metabolism is squat. How can I increase my metabolism? Thanks All!!!


  • leilani♥
    Train with weights

    Do some high intensity cardio

    Zig Zag calories

    Drink lots of cold water

    Increase protein

    Eat small meals throughout the day..
  • chachii26
    What worked for me:
    Drink lost of water, do Cardio exercise and eat small meals more frequently, like 6 times a day.
    Good luck!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    are you taking any meds?
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    Bump for later interested also.
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    Sorry I have no answer to that but I myself would like to know. I have just tried changing up my routines every two weeks and it seems to work every now and then...

    I'll check back!
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Spike diet all the way!!!
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Hiya, I don't know anything about Hashimoto's I'm afraid (but sure you'll find people here who do) but for your metabolism I'd eat little and often, several small meals a day and exercise every change you get, keep moving. I don't mean 6 hours of cardio ;-) or you'll be exhausted, but if you need to go to the shop then walk, get off buses early or park miles away in supermarket carparks from the store, don't use lifts or escalators - just take every chance to be active, in addition to exercise session. Don't be tempted to drop your calories too low. You can do it - you'll be great! :-)
  • starrstarr007
    After I quit smoking my metabolism took a long vacation... hello 25lb weight gain while eating healthy. The easiest way to build metobolism is to build muscle - make sure you don't skip your strength training/sculpting days. I also used a Biotin supplement to help kick start it back into gear (it is also awesome for your hair!). It was strange because while I would eat my meals before, I was never hungry, then all of a sudden I was hungry. I also went to an acupuncturist. She helped me with cleansing my system from the smoking but also waking up the metobolism. It can be expensive if your insurance won't pay for it (like $70-$100 per session in my area), but I have found my overall feeling improves when I have a session.

    Good luck and don't get discouraged. It will be a much slower road for you than others, but just stick with it. When I would say outloud I want to lose 56lbs I would just want to crawl into my hole and get some doritos :) My new motto is I just want to lose 1 pound! Once I lose that pound then I say it again... feel free to borrow it - I celebrate everything. Oh and remember to measure yourself - I lost 3 inches off of my chest, waist and hips and 1 inch off of each thigh (11 inches!) before I lost 5 lbs. Victories come in different places and in different ways.
  • cornymama
    Yes, I am currently on a high dose of synthroid 175. UGH!!!!!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    If you have a medical condition this is a question that should be answered by your doctor, a specialist, or at least a knowledgeable nutritionist.
  • shaj316
    shaj316 Posts: 161
    You may want consider getting tested for your actual BMR/RMR. The normal calculations are good enough for most, but I have to believe your numbers wont fit into that calculation. That's an important part of the counting calories thing...what do you count it against if you don't know how much your body burns doing nothing?

    I myself have only recently learned about that type of testing when I watch some youtube videos of show about losing weight some other MFP person posted. Start's in a number of parts.

    Oh...and if it turns out your body burns very little or something, you should probably speak to a dietician or something to lose the weight safely.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Yes, I am currently on a high dose of synthroid 175. UGH!!!!!!!

    If you weren't taking that you'd really have trouble losing. I go in Monday to have my hyperactive thyroid hit with the radioactive iodine, so hopefully it resolves my issues without making me underactive and having to take Synthroid.
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    Do a google search of Hashimoto's / thyroid and coconut oil. It's not a miracle, but I've just started eating it (3 tbsp a day) and it's improved my resting heart rate and body temp (controlled by thyroid). I don't have Hashimoto's or even hypothyroidism, but I had all the symptoms of low thyroid function. I'm finally seeing some movement in the scale after using it for 2 weeks. I've also started eating foods that are good for thyroid function: kelp (for the iodine), brazil nuts and eggs (for selenium) - but you have to watch portions - I only have 1 brazil nut a day, and 1/3 cup of kelp in my lunchtime salad - too much iodine or selenium can be bad too. I've also cut out foods that are bad for the thyroid: goitrogenic foods: mainly broccoli, cauliflower, peaches, strawberries, soy products and cabbage. They can cause the body to prevent absorbing iodine, which is essential for thyroid function/metabolism. I did it as an experiment, but it all seem to be working quite well. The coconut oil and kelp especially give me A LOT of energy, and the increased fat intake keeps me full longer so I end up eating less calories overall. I also switched from full caffeine coffee to half caffeinated.

    I'm not saying to believe all the hype or not, but it doesn't hurt to try - and it's really worked out in my favor. And as an added bonus, my skin is clearer, hair shinier, I'm sleeping better, my nails are actually growing (and I'm a nail biter) - so anyway, that's how I'm doing it.

    If you research it, there are lots of natural ways to help a lot of ailments - i was surprised to know how many "healthy" foods might not be that healthy for all people. Anyway, that's my two cents. Hope it helps :)
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    If you have a medical condition this is a question that should be answered by your doctor, a specialist, or at least a knowledgeable nutritionist.

    Unfortunately, in the UK at least, there are very few doctors who know much about hypothyroidism and weight loss. They are of the opinion that if you are taking thyroxine you are fine, which is often not the case. Many doctors will not acknowledge that weight loss is more difficult with hypothyroid and even if they do, they know little or nothing about the best way to lose weight with the condition. The best response i got from a doctor was that I'd always have a weight problem and there is nothing I can do about it! Well I am not going to accept that!!! And that is why I am here :bigsmile:
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    Train with weights

    Do some high intensity cardio

    Zig Zag calories

    Drink lots of cold water

    Increase protein

    Eat small meals throughout the day..

    YUP! I second this!

    Also do not eat too low calories, that is what ruined my metabolism.
  • Jewels211
    Jewels211 Posts: 184 Member
    I don't know how much your medical condition will affect this, but in general, if you kind of "shake things up" calorie wise, it can kick start your metabolism. Like for a couple of days, eat a little "light", like a hundred calories or so less than you've been doing. Then for a day or two, bump the calorie count up a hundred or two above your average intake. Your body can kind of get into a rut and settle down. The swings in calories can wake it up. If you have a lot to lose, a bigger swing in calories might be called for. Also, do check and make sure you're not eating too few calories, period. If you're eating below 1200, definitely below 1000, your body thinks you're starving it, and goes into survival mode.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I just started my journey and I have Hashimotos and my metabolism is squat. How can I increase my metabolism? Thanks All!!!

    How bad is the Hashimotos? Has your thyroid gone completely?

    I mentioned on another thread my best friend who has this, combined with fybromyalgia and a few other health issues. It isn't easy. Her weight loss is very slow. She walks. She does spin and zumba. She finds that varying her exercise from relatively gentle to high intensity helps a lot. She has a personal trainer who helps her manage her fitness, in interaction with a physio and her physician.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member