Who has a hobby to help them keep busy?

I'm new to the community pages and am returning to my fitness pal for the umpteenth time trying to get my weight down to help with pain issues.
I can't exercise due to a back injury (seriously I'm not allowed to bend, lift, stretch or twist and haven't been for 3 years) and can't even walk far so I am relying on diet alone.
Motivation and temptation are big factors for me as I am a tortoise when it comes to losing weight ... and now I'm working full time from home (but it is incredibly slow due to the time of year) I've decided to go back to crochet to keep my hands busy between work tasks and when I'm not working. I'm a previous etsy shop owner so I am going to use my makes to relaunch a little business when the time is right if things go well.
Today's task is to continue on with the first of my tinkerbel dolls (everything has to be made twice using identical methods and then thoroughly tested before I can certify it and list it for sale anywhere). I also knit, sew, cricut and 3d print things when I have the time. What hobbies do you have to keep your hands busy and out of the biscuit tin? Xx


  • boilerdawg2009
    boilerdawg2009 Posts: 979 Member
    I don't do it every day but I do a little bit of wood carving from time to time. I used to build model cars when I was a kid and a few weeks ago picked up a kit for a '68 Dodge Charger so that's currently taking that wood carving time.
  • serendipity_84
    serendipity_84 Posts: 6 Member
    I love the idea of wood carving but I just don't think I have the control that I would need to do that.
    I used to make models with my son when he was little though! He was more of a star wars ships kind of kid though.
    A dodge charger is up there with my car goals 🥰 one day I will be rich enough to buy one and have it converted to electric so I can actually afford to drive it 🤦‍♀️😂 xx
  • boilerdawg2009
    boilerdawg2009 Posts: 979 Member
    have it converted to electric xx
    That just hurt my soul
  • Alinouveau2
    Alinouveau2 Posts: 6,576 Member
    I like to bake and cook which isn't great for weight loss but for me it makes me not want to eat the stuff I've made so it works out

    I also like active hobbies like figure skater or curling (the sport--not so much since covid struck) and I love hiking and exploring the area where I live. We have a fair bit of neat historical stuff I discovered around my neighbourhood
  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    I dance. I'm in 5 classes per week, including an adult performance company. I love it! Sometimes I think I need to cut back, but they're all different and I like the community of it, too.
  • serendipity_84
    serendipity_84 Posts: 6 Member
    have it converted to electric xx
    That just hurt my soul

    Not going to lie it hurts mine a little too because there is nothing like the roar of a v8 ... but I can't afford to drive a v8 on a regular basis lol xx
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I think it's super important to have a hobby or something similar to keep your mind focused. I have a back injury and issues with my hips so can't be very active like I used to. I took up colouring as a hobby and it does consume a lot of my time. I enjoy it and it is very therapeutic. I also do a lot of reading, but that is definitely my main hobby.
  • heidibwhitehead
    heidibwhitehead Posts: 2 Member
    I love to sew and crochet. I also enjoy puzzles. I have been playing with the idea if getting a cricket machine to craft with that as well. I do love to cook but since the kids have all grown up and moved out it's only my hubby and me so I find myself not cooking as often.