Anyone try Get Naked Fast! or similar "live" and raw foods d

Has anyone heard or tried Diana Stobo's "Get Naked Fast" diet? It is a "live" or raw food diet. I've never done anything like this before but am very curious about it . Basically it's 6 "no's" - no dairy, no wheat, no sugar, no meat, no alcohol, and no caffeine. I would love to hear some feedback from fellow MFP members. Please advise. Thanks in advance!


  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    no - - for me this would not work.....too many restrictions makes me rebel - in a big way.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Has anyone heard or tried Diana Stobo's "Get Naked Fast" diet? It is a "live" or raw food diet. I've never done anything like this before but am very curious about it . Basically it's 6 "no's" - no dairy, no wheat, no sugar, no meat, no alcohol, and no caffeine. I would love to hear some feedback from fellow MFP members. Please advise. Thanks in advance!

    No meat? not cheese? no caffine??? NO FAIRY
  • I have not tried it but hearing about it makes me cringe. The problem with many people not staying on their 'diet' is because of just that. They call it a diet and it is one, instead of a lifestyle change. Is it realistic to cut those things out of your life (mostly) completely? No. So as soon as you start consuming those things on a regular basis the weight will be back. I would say just stay balanced, near your calorie goal, with exercise. There is no magic way out- it is just will power! I know you can do it! Good luck!
  • I have never tried it...but my friend tried something similar. She said it was really hard to do, but she did feel "lighter" (not necessarily weight wise) since she didn't have any "crap" in her body. She is already thin/fit, so she was doing it for a cleanse or something.
  • alexandradeyl
    alexandradeyl Posts: 67 Member
    i already do that, except for the fact that i mainline caffeine hahaah
  • I was following those guidelines before and during my first week of joining this site. I lost 10 lbs follow the guidelines. After reading some meal plans on this site and how some people lose weight eating breads, and what I see as junk and still losing weight I stopped. I began just watching calories and have noticed a big spike in my cravings, head aches, energy levels, and my weight lost has slowed. I'm switching back...... I saw a huge difference and prefer how I felt following those guidelines over how I feel now. I don't drink anyways, so those guidelines are super easy for me.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Has anyone heard or tried Diana Stobo's "Get Naked Fast" diet? It is a "live" or raw food diet. I've never done anything like this before but am very curious about it . Basically it's 6 "no's" - no dairy, no wheat, no sugar, no meat, no alcohol, and no caffeine. I would love to hear some feedback from fellow MFP members. Please advise. Thanks in advance!

    Well, I am similar, but mine is pretty much no wheat, no sugar, no alcohol, limited caffeine and dairy................

    I have to have the meat!!!
  • and I think what they mean by "meat" is no red meat. I was eating chicken breast, talapia, ground turkey, turkey breast, salmon...etc.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have not tried it but hearing about it makes me cringe. The problem with many people not staying on their 'diet' is because of just that. They call it a diet and it is one, instead of a lifestyle change. Is it realistic to cut those things out of your life (mostly) completely? No. So as soon as you start consuming those things on a regular basis the weight will be back. I would say just stay balanced, near your calorie goal, with exercise. There is no magic way out- it is just will power! I know you can do it! Good luck!

    For many people embarking on a living / raw food or even the Paleo plan that I am on IS a LIFESTYLE change.

    I am seeing a trend with more and more people that are raw vegans and those of us that are Paleo are keeping the weight off more so than people I see doing the in moderation plans..........

    Eating junk, but just less junk is not a lifestyle change that everyone likes to call it............
    A lifestyle change is one in which you actually CHANGE something.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    and I think what they mean by "meat" is no red meat. I was eating chicken breast, talapia, ground turkey, turkey breast, salmon...etc.

    I eat red meat (grass fed beef) straight from a farm so I don't have to supplement with iron supplements.

    No industrialized factory farms for me!!

    I eat grass fed beef, free range pork, chicken and eggs.............vegetables come from my CSA COOP and fruit comes from a local, organic Pick your own farm / orchard. Fish has to be wild caught.

    If I consume dairy, it is raw dairy and I love the raw pasture butter that the local Amish makes. I buy a pound from the local farmers markets.

    That is pretty much all I eat.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Has anyone heard or tried Diana Stobo's "Get Naked Fast" diet? It is a "live" or raw food diet. I've never done anything like this before but am very curious about it . Basically it's 6 "no's" - no dairy, no wheat, no sugar, no meat, no alcohol, and no caffeine. I would love to hear some feedback from fellow MFP members. Please advise. Thanks in advance!

    they should call that the No Way in Hell Diet!!!

    I am losing a couple of pounds per week having everything on that list (caffeine is limited). Sounds like a crappy plan to deny all of that stuff.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    I have not tried it but hearing about it makes me cringe. The problem with many people not staying on their 'diet' is because of just that. They call it a diet and it is one, instead of a lifestyle change. Is it realistic to cut those things out of your life (mostly) completely? No. So as soon as you start consuming those things on a regular basis the weight will be back. I would say just stay balanced, near your calorie goal, with exercise. There is no magic way out- it is just will power! I know you can do it! Good luck!

    For many people embarking on a living / raw food or even the Paleo plan that I am on IS a LIFESTYLE change.

    I am seeing a trend with more and more people that are raw vegans and those of us that are Paleo are keeping the weight off more so than people I see doing the in moderation plans..........

    Eating junk, but just less junk is not a lifestyle change that everyone likes to call it............
    A lifestyle change is one in which you actually CHANGE something.

    Who said all of that stuff was junk? Alcohol maybe but if you're eating healthy varieties of those foods instead of everything thrown your way then I'd say that is a CHANGE!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have not tried it but hearing about it makes me cringe. The problem with many people not staying on their 'diet' is because of just that. They call it a diet and it is one, instead of a lifestyle change. Is it realistic to cut those things out of your life (mostly) completely? No. So as soon as you start consuming those things on a regular basis the weight will be back. I would say just stay balanced, near your calorie goal, with exercise. There is no magic way out- it is just will power! I know you can do it! Good luck!

    For many people embarking on a living / raw food or even the Paleo plan that I am on IS a LIFESTYLE change.

    I am seeing a trend with more and more people that are raw vegans and those of us that are Paleo are keeping the weight off more so than people I see doing the in moderation plans..........

    Eating junk, but just less junk is not a lifestyle change that everyone likes to call it............
    A lifestyle change is one in which you actually CHANGE something.

    Who said all of that stuff was junk? Alcohol maybe but if you're eating healthy varieties of those foods instead of everything thrown your way then I'd say that is a CHANGE!!

    Wheat, especially GMO wheat is the most awful stuff on the face of the in line is Soy and then Corn. 90% of it grown in the United States is GMO and worthless. It is not nutrient dense and can not be eaten in its raw form.

    Wheat and other grains also contain phytic acid in which oxidizes and causes chronic inflammation either immediately or over time.

    Not something I want to put in my body.............

    Dairy - We humans are the only species of animals that consume another species milk product. Dairy causes allergies, sinus, yeast overgrowth and asthma symptoms in a LOT of people. And the rate of lactose intolerance seen in this country shows we are not meant to eat or drink this stuff, especially in the quantities that the USDA tells us too.

    Have a look in someone's cart in the grocery store the next time your in there.................I bet 90% of the cart is filled with boxed, packaged, frozen, fake frankenfood................
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    I agree with Grokette. Although its my weakness wheat and dairy are not good for you, just watch how your body reacts to it. Wheat and dairy are both known for causing bloating and water retention. When I remove them both from my diet, the weight that I have been carrying just melts off. My problem is having enough discipline to totally remove it from my diet altogether. I have started limiting it by removing certain things like bread and milk, but I still eat rice and cheese lol so I must do better. Reading the Primal Blueprint really helped me to understand how dairy, wheat, alcohol and other forms of sugar, really do affect your body in a negative way.