I am Walmart Fat

We binge-watched a lot during the holidays. Jim Gaffigan, a comedian, made fun of his weight. I laughed. "I am not Walmart fat," he said and I stopped laughing. He is not, but I am. I knew exactly what he meant. I have looked at very big people in the past as well and wondered how anybody could be so out of control.

"Walmart fat" it hurt hearing it. I needed to hear it. The truth can hurt.

I am Walmart fat. I weighed 353 lbs today in the morning. I have lost 10 pounds in the last two weeks. Day 15 and more motivated than ever.

I will not stay Walmart fat. I am looking for motivation, help, inspiration. Friends would be great. I have only three and one is inactive.

By Thanksgiving 2022, I would love to weigh 250 pounds, perhaps even less.


  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Just wanted to say congrats for taking a step in the right direction!
  • AIP4ever
    AIP4ever Posts: 58 Member
    JBanx256 wrote: »
    Just wanted to say congrats for taking a step in the right direction!

    Thank you! I needed this more than you will ever know.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    You got this! 💜
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member
    You could always join our accountability group Just For Today.

    We make daily goals and see what we can achieve.
    The basis is that anything is achievable if you try for one day.
    Except you make goals the next day and the next day..
    Rather than looking at our journey over A large time we break it down into daily goals to achieve which build up to the long-term goals.

    Sometimes it's simple goals as Drink X amount of water or do 10k steps, or stay within our calorie allowance.
    But it's incredibly supportive group. It becomes more of a family that you can always turn to.
    We celebrate achievements, we offer advice when someone's having a bad day or offer our own tips and tricks for weightloss
    We do the occasional challenge (Sometimes group ones, some individual)

    Weightloss isn't just about what you eat (well it is) but it's not always as simple, when you're emotions come into play aswell and general life struggles it can become difficult to do what's supposed to be simple.

    It's a thread that's been running for about 6 years now.
    I've made great friends on there and we always love newcomers, and like I say, when you get to know us, you become part of a family where you're always welcome. There's also a great age range 8 think I'm the youngest at 29 and I think it goes up to women in their 70s maybe? But every single person is so lovely. There's never any negativity, or pressure or judgement.

    If you feel this is for you, come check us out.

    Be aware there's 2 threads showing on the first page at the minute, one for 2021 and one for 2022. Everyone's just crossing over from the last year at the minute so post in 2022 (obviously lol)
  • AIP4ever
    AIP4ever Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you so very much, it sounds lovely. I think I need friends who will pressure me and maybe even judge me. I have 325 days to Thanksgiving. I will need to give it my all. But I will look the group up promised.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    You could always join our accountability group Just For Today.

    Is there a link for the 2022 thread for this? Thank you!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member
    sarah7591 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    You could always join our accountability group Just For Today.

    Is there a link for the 2022 thread for this? Thank you!


    ^^ hope that works x
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,385 Member
    I started at 288 lbs, and am now at 179. At the 288 I was using a power chair 97% of the time. Hmmmm a friend and I would be at Walmart (she was 285) and I'd be so ASHAMED Of the things I was buying. I'd come home with so much JUNK, I LOVE JUNK FOOD (I STILL DO!) but, YO not the pain I was in. I am older so it does NOT like to be told to leave (the fat, and pain). But I do feel so much better now. We ALL KNOW that being quite big health issues occur more often. I was just under 200 and a brain aneurysm was accidently found, surgery was preformed. THANKFULLY through my groin and not open brain surgery. With 23 foot surgeries under my belt ,, each time they put us under gets scarier and scarier!! So yes being at 179 I DO STILL WORRY of course, I am still obese, and now I am on heart failure. BUT if I'd of not lose the weight,, would I be here? Quite doubtful. So I DO APPLAUD Your desire to lose, or well,, hmmm be healthier ,, the weight loss is a side affect of better choices. BUT I DID NOT do this on my own. I belong to the 5% Challenge, which is here on MFP at of course NO cost.

    Many of us are older, though far from all,,, it's a good mixture. We are very supportive, we work on being healthier and also exercise. The exercise is AT YOUR current level. Hey I started at 10 mins a day 3 times a week. Those who lose faster (when I was over 225 and eating better (FAR FROM perfect!) my weight was a dropping off well!! That was supporting my team!! WOOHOO!!! Here's the description of the 5%

    Join this supportive team and let's have fun as we lose 5% of our weight, make new friends and improve our health! Race to Fascinating Places for 8 Weeks. JOIN us to write your own success story! Start date Saturday January 8th, 2022! What a great way to start the New Year.

    We do hope you'll look into us, if you do decide to join (We start this Saturday so now the time to get set up with a team within the 5% Etc) please under the ANNOUNCEMENTS post that you'd like a team,, the feed is to post under called 📣 There Is No Longer Team Choice! If You Want a Seat Reply ONLY Here📣

    Here's the link:

    BEST TO YOU!! Please DO NOT EVER GIVE up ,, its NOT EASY if it was ,, none of us of gained in the first place. We get this, we live this.
  • wildstarsgirl
    wildstarsgirl Posts: 373 Member
    You've made the decision to start, and that can be the most difficult. <3 So congrats on wanting to do this and seeking guidance. There's tons of advice to be found. Choose what works for YOU and still gives you results.

    What helped me most was tracking everything. I track my food with MyFitnessPal/MFP -- I weigh the food, and I log it without fail. Is it annoying? Yes, sometimes. Does it help? Tremendously. You learn portion control, and you learn just how many calories are in the things you eat the most. MFP recommended 1260 calories per day for me. At first that was a huge struggle; and now I can honestly work with that and sometimes have 100 calories left over at the end of the day.

    The first thing I do in the morning is weigh myself and post it on a MFP thread (and there are lots of threads to choose from - choose one where you enjoy the vibe of the comments). This helps with the accountability you're after, both because you're posting your weight for others to see; but also because you WILL see your weight starting to drop, and this gives you the motivation to keep going.

    Other have said it's a slow process, and it's an up/down process. Monthly cycles will add 3 lbs of water weight. Salty foods will cause water retention and inflate your weight number. Bad sleep, family gatherings, a birthday -- there are going to be reasons you eat a little more and weight goes up. But if you stick with whatever daily calorie target MFP gives you, and you weigh/log your food, and you drink LOTS of water, get a little more sleep, you will see results. Working out (even just walking in place routines from YouTube - look up Leslie Sansone), you may see slightly faster weight loss. When you weigh yourself daily, you'll see that number go up and down. It's this way for all of us, so do not get discouraged. As long as your overall trend is downward, then you are doing the right things and going in the right direction.

    If you're worried you'll never have this or that again, build in a cheat day. I have ONE cheat day a week, Saturday. On Saturday, I can eat whatever I want, though I try to make it max only 2 of the 3 meals that day. But come Sunday, it's right back onto plan, and weighing and logging. This truly is what keeps me going. My weight usually goes up 2+ lbs the day after cheat day, and then I spend a week getting it back down to where I was or a tiny bit lower. Some say cheat days are bad. I say what keeps you doing this is what works for you. I can tell you that if I didn't have cheat day in there, I wouldn't still be doing this.

    I looked up MFP (my second time doing this), when I weighed at 219, around my heaviest. I started logging everything in Sep 2021. I just hit 199 this week in 2022. My next goal is 175, and I have goals after that. I might see 175 by December 2022 -- This process is slow, but you have to respect that's the path. All the quick fixes/cheats are either short-lived or bogus altogether.

    When I first started, I had no idea what to eat. I've learned how to cook all kinds of vegetables, and I feel FULL at night. We now eat a dinner of Chicken or tuna with lots of fresh peppers, asparagus, zucchini, butternut squash, or a side salad -- You can have lots of those veggies and the calories are super low. I still eat cereal, I just eat smaller quantities. I have a piece of chocolate every day with my coffee -- it's 70 calories and I look forward to it. I save the bigger junk meals for Saturday, but if I "have to have" a McD's fries, or a bowl of tortilla chips -- then I work it into my calories. You will learn if you are really, really, really craving something, then figure out a way to have it and work around it. But staying in your calorie count, and learning how to swap out foods to stay in calorie count, is going to help you tremendously.

    The last thing I'll say is that this is a lifestyle change. Yes, you can have a day here or there that you break plan. But eating healthy and being healthy are an overall permanent change that one has to make to lose weight and keep it off. It gets easier the longer you do it. You will find there are some things you don't really miss, and the things you can't wait to have you save for cheat day. But if you stick with this, you will see results. All of us are on the same journey here, just at different stages, so you're in the right place to do this and find support.

    Wishing you all the success you seek with this.