How much should I workout???

hello all!!
Well I do my Insanity videos after dinner 6PM everyday except Sunday (rest day)...Should I be doing more??? HHHHMMMM???? I have being watching HEAVY and they seem to be working out like all day long......On my days off ( tues and thurs) I run in the morning 4 laps (n walk some) then I do the video...Should I do more HUH HMM??


  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    I would say you are working out plenty. Those Insanity videos are HARD!

    Don't compare yourself to reality TV. It's not realistic of what is actually happening, nor are they being healthy with their weight loss.

    If you are at a platueau (is that how you spell that...?) and not seeing any changes, you might just need to be doing something different, not always more. Switch up your workouts and your diet and see how your body responds.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I would not base how much I'm working out on a tv show. Remember those people are in a controlled environment and their success is what keeps the show going. It is not realistic to think most people can spend all day, everyday in a gym.

    It sounds to me like you're working out enough. As the other person mentioned - if you are at a plateau try switching up your workout or doing some work on the diet side of things. Don't assume that you have to do more in order to get better results. Our bodies need to rest and pushing them too hard will only backfire on you.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    hello all!!
    Well I do my Insanity videos after dinner 6PM everyday except Sunday (rest day)...Should I be doing more??? HHHHMMMM???? I have being watching HEAVY and they seem to be working out like all day long......On my days off ( tues and thurs) I run in the morning 4 laps (n walk some) then I do the video...Should I do more HUH HMM??

    Insanity is plenty! After about an hour your body will start to release cortisol, which will hinder results, among other things.

    More is not better! Your diet is 80% of the equation,concentrate more on that!

    Good luck!
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Random side note, I was reading an article earlier today about how the majority of contestants on "The Biggest Loser" actually gained 20 lbs or more after ending the show. These weight loss reality shows are based on fast, short-term weight loss. They don't teach the contestants long-term, healthy weight management. The skills you need to maintain that weight loss after you achieve it.
  • hayescarmen364
    If you feel like you want to be doing more try this workout that I do. I just re started this workout and Its been giving me results even if its not weight lost.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    sounds good, just dont forget to fuel your body! I do insanity, p90x,crossfit, run, and do heavy rep moves most days, but im a homemaker and have that sort of time. Do what you can, as much as you can, but dont forget how important rest is. If you add more, one day might not be enough.