i need some honesty morning and night weights? really that

MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
i was discouraged to see i weighed 3lb more when i weighed tonight than i weighed the last time i weighed in the morning a few days ago. my question to you all, HONESTLY, do you really weigh differently in the morning and night?
also for ladies, do you really weigh that much differently during that week of the month before your visitor arrives?
just really hoping i didn' gain 3 lb. i got a brand new scale and it's disappointing me with its numbers. but sadly the old scale also says the same thing. please be HONEST. if you don't see a different in morning and night weights at least I'll know... i guess i'll find out tomorrow but i wanted to know others' experiences.



    weigh yourself once a week at the same exacxt time every day..

    monday/after youve woken up and peed, naked.

    every monday/after youvewoken up and peed, naked.
  • Definitely, it is often much more than 3 lbs difference between night and morning. That's why they always recommend weighing at the same time of day. Don't be discouraged.
  • JINJA422
    JINJA422 Posts: 4 Member
    I always weigh less in the morning. So I like to weigh myself at night... and then if I am starting to feel a bit discouraged, I'll weight myself in the morning every so often ;)
  • So far, my weights have been higher at night than the morning, so I only weigh in the morning before breakfast now. It is what both my doctor and my nutritionist told me to do. I haven't had my monthly cycle since I started this program, so I can't answer you on that.
  • I always weigh more at night...have learned to never do that again!! Also, don't wear jeans if you weigh yourself...they add pounds!! You will feel better in the morning when you weigh yourself!! Good Luck!! : )
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    Yes to all of the above...at least 3 lbs between morning and night (even the same day) and Ive been up as much as 8 lbs with my period. Fear not...being a woman is even worse when tracking your weight!
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    The weight difference between night and day can be anywhere between 1lb and 5lb, depending how much you ate, how much you drank, if you went to bathroom or not. There has been times where I weighed before bed and I was 203, and 199 by the morning, so now I measure myself in the mornings, and even that flactuates day to day, so don't get discouraged! :)
  • Manlee52
    Manlee52 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes I usually weigh abt 2 or 3 pounds heavier at night. Yes I have already weighed abt 5 pounds heavier the week before my visitor. That's extreme cases though! Most ppl advise us to weigh in the morning for more accurate weight. Evening weights can fluctuate by what you ate that day. Try not to let it discourage you!!! With that said I feel the same way sometimes
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I'm a compulsive weigher and I assure that's normal. You may want to weigh less often as others have suggested. Since I weigh compulsively, my rule is not to record any gains unless they stay consistent for at least three days.
  • val071418
    val071418 Posts: 96 Member
    TOTALLY!!! I always weigh 2-3 pounds more at night than in the morning!! One more reason I take the recommendation to weigh in the morning, I like those numbers better also. I think (someone quote me if I am wrong) it has to do with water weight and stuff. I dunno. But I do know they recommend weighing in the a.m. and I have an IUD so I don't really get my monthly visitor, but occasionally will have an extra pound or 2 that is unexpected. Completely normal. :smile:
  • I weigh myself mornings and evenings...cause I'm a data junkie. YES there can be +3 lbs difference in a single day. For me it depend mostly on how hard I worked out. If I did a weight training bout... 3lbs is what I expect to gain!

    If the data depresses you, I'd suggest you only weigh once a week :)
  • Yes, somtimes i weigh as much as 7 pounds more at night than i do in the morning. You should only count your morning weight.
  • Yes, definitely. I can weigh up to six pounds more at night than in the morning depending on how much I ate and drank and how long it's been since then. You have to realize that and take some sort of fun out of it, or else weigh yourself strictly in the morning.
  • rococo11
    rococo11 Posts: 49 Member
    I weight at night just so I can see how much less I weigh the next morning from water weight loss. Honestly, the next morning I am at least 1.2 lbs lighter. 1.8 to 2 lbs less is the most typical. If it freaks you out just weigh in the morning.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You weigh more in the evening because in the morning, after you use the bathroom, you're pretty empty. By the end of the day, you're full of water, as well as food in various stages of digestion. It's logical that since food has weight, you'll weigh more when you have food in you.
  • Sallycinnimon
    Sallycinnimon Posts: 102 Member
    You'll definately gain during that time of month. Most women its just 3lbs, but for some reason, it's nearly 8lbs for me. watch your sodium intake. That will help a little to keep you from retaining water. like everyone else said, weigh yourself once a week at the same time!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    After supper with water and food I weigh about 4 pounds more then that morning, morning first thing after bathroom duties is your lowest weight. Also my weigh will flux for a couples days then I'll see a drop and it'll do that again so if you weigh every day still have one consistent day you record that weight. Ex this morning I weighed in at 319.6, right now I weigh in at 323.4 but I have ate and drank a ton of water today.
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    I weigh sometimes up to 5 lbs more at night. There is so much variation based on what you ate/drank/sodium, etc, that there is really no reason to worry about it so much. I weigh in once every week in the morning.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I typically weight 3# more at bedtime than I do in the morning. Perfectly normal.

    And I'm usually up to 5# more by Monday morning than Saturday morning, too. I know if I'm going to go out to eat and enjoy a drink or two, it will be over the weekend, so I'm not going to have my Monday morning sodium-bloat-weight get my bummed out. It's always gone in a day or two.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i feel better already.... i hope it's not too horrible in the morning. i'll let you know.
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