Feel like u put everyone first b4 yourself

That feeling that's there's no enough time in the day putting everything and everyone first . Then feel get no time for yourself ,๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•


  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member
    I think this is a feeling that pretty much anyone who even attempts to be a decent parent* gets confronted with at least sometimes.

    Sometimes you just gotta do what you can, when you can. Try to at least squeeze a few minutes to yourself here and there though. You can't pour from an empty cup <3

    *or who is caregiver to an ageing parent or any other huge time commitment, not meaning it's necessarily exclusive to mothers/fathers
  • Hollis100
    Hollis100 Posts: 1,408 Member
    That feeling that's there's no enough time in the day putting everything and everyone first . Then feel get no time for yourself ,๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•

    Agree, many of us feel like this from time to time.

    You might look at what you're doing for others -- are there some things they could be doing for themselves and learning/taking personal responsibility? Can you cut back anywhere and give yourself some time?
  • TheRugMastersWife
    TheRugMastersWife Posts: 18 Member
    I feel you OP. I have been feeling like this for a while as there is so much going on and now committed to get myself out of bed a little earlier to have half an hour to myself in the mornings. I can exercise, breath, meditate, do anything I feel I want to do.
    Hope things improve for you and you manage to take back some time for yourself.
  • metaphysicalstudio
    metaphysicalstudio Posts: 293 Member
    Yeah, making time for ourselves is not easy, especially when we are parents or caregivers, or even in relationships of other kinds. It seems to be a struggle. It takes practice. I have found that I ~must~ make that time or else I am not my best. Even 10 minutes of conscious "me" time can make a difference in how I feel and behave. Gotta fill that cup before we go poring it out
  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    If you are talking about parenting, try to remember that what you model for your kids is far more important than what you do for them in terms of how they turn out themselves. So if you never model putting your health first, they won't either, and at the end of the day, that will result in far more pain and suffering for them than you dropping the ball occasionally on the day to day crap.