Water weight

FitnessFreak1821 Posts: 242 Member
edited January 2022 in Fitness and Exercise
I know this isn't a big deal but I feel like the number on the scale should be lower then what it is. Jan 11 I was 149.6. Today I'm 150.6. I ate some rice last night and I was up until 1am because took a nap and that always keeps up but I was tired 😫 anyways I got hungry and ate a cheese string and some pepporoni.
My goal is to get down to 136. I'm trying my hardest by working out 4/5 days a week and eat healthy.
Does it sound like water weight?


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,202 Member
    Short term weigh-ins don't say much at all. Are you tracking your weight trend, for example with Libra or Happy Scale?

    My weight is up more than two lbs from a week ago. Worrying? Not for me, because it's nearly my period and I'm super stressed at the moment. And my trend is still overall downwards, albeit slowly.

  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    I'm going to be brutally honest with you, you sound like you're losing for an event. Successful, sustained weight loss is about changing habits.

    It's only been a week, be kind to yourself. If you do only one thing, just log honestly and accurately using a food scale and measuring.

    "Eating healthy" is a very, very vague term. Just track what you eat and eat in a calorie deficit. Do what you reasonably can in terms of working out and the rest will come. If it's not, you have to ask yourself is that weight goal a reasonable expectation to have.

    In a completely ideal world, I'd likely weight 185. I'd be ripped as hell but my waist size would likely be ideal. The reality is, I've only hit below that weight for around a year when I originally lost 10 years ago and I've packed on a ton of muscle since.

    Water weight is a thing but it's temporary. It will pass. Like Lietchi said above, look for patterns, not weight fluctuations.
  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    Lol, I lost weight over 4 years and sometimes the scale wouldn't budge for nearly 2 months because of water weight.

    The graph of my weight loss over the course of the year showed a steady loss though. My rate of fat loss was steady even if the scale didn't seem to agree for stupid lengths of time.

    When I know my eating is on point and isn't producing results on the scale, I call that "brewing a loss." Because it will show up eventually.

    The worst thing you can do is freak out and try to overcompensate. Stick to your eating plan and let it play out.

    Only much longer timelines will tell you if what you are doing is working. 6 weeks minimum before changing course and trying something different.

    Otherwise, you're being rules by chaos.