How do you keep your family active and healthy?

All kind advice and suggestions welcome. No rudeness or negativity needed,please.:flowerforyou:


  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    Since i started eating healthier food we have a wider variety of fruit and vegetables in the house and i have noticed my 2 children (5 and 3) are keen to try them because i am. We have replaced our biscuit tin with dried fruit and nuts as well.

    We have also taken up walking as a familly activity, we incorporate nature activities into the walk to keep the kids interested.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My kids are little so it's pretty easy at this point. As long as they get to play they're running! As far as food goes, I buy as much organic as possible and I cook as much as possible from scratch. For the most part, we don't buy processed foods. We do use some shortcuts like jarred pasta sauce (which has really high sodium) and frozen meatballs from Trader Joe's, but once things settle down I plan on making those myself. (We just moved into our first house, we're having a party or holiday even at our house every two weeks until the end of the year and we're having another baby in December!) I'm a stay at home mom so except for my husband going to school, we don't really have a morning rush. I make breakfast most mornings, usually breakfast burritos or eggs, bacon and hash browns. I make a lunch for my husband which is usually a sandwich on whole grain bread, an apple and a granola bar. Around 4:30 or 5:00 I start making dinner. When I don't feel like cooking I'll make something easy like pasta and meatballs with salad, when I do cook I'll make a casserole, green chile chicken enchiladas, soft tacos, etc. My kids love vegetables so we always have something, even if it's just steamed broccoli. If we don't, my daughter asks for it. For the most part we don't have soda in the house, I usually prefer an organic sparkling juice drink instead. (Although I'm pregnant, so I do give in to some cravings now and then.)

    My husband and I didn't grow up with the best nutritional habits so we've made a point to do things right for our kids. They're toddlers now so that just means giving them time to run around outside and having them eat as many different kinds of healthy foods as possible. As they get older we'll stress the importance of physical activity and will continue to give them healthy foods (neither of which my family did for me, which is why I'm about 40 pounds overweight).
  • Elmaunie
    Elmaunie Posts: 78 Member
    My other half has started teaching my boys (10 and 12) how to fight! He's just started cage fighting and loves it. Both of us were slightly worried about my eldest starting secondary school as we thought he might get picked on so my best beloved has taught both boys how to fight and defend. We constantly tell them that this isn't about beating people up at school, but having the confidence to ignore the people you know are really no threat to you.

    On a side note, we mess around with the gloves and pads too. With and without the kids- it's great fun and a great de-stresser!!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    In my case i began replacing alot of what we eat with healthier low cal stuff. Example instead of regular bimbo or whatever type of bread I changed to healthy life bread, instead of ice cream I get the yogurt tubes and freeze them or fruit chillers, when I make eggs now I put more egg whites vs whole eggs, more water no pop, regular mayo for mayo with olive oil, ranch dressing for light ranch dressing, etc. My boys are involved in sports and they have been losing a lot of weight and they enjoy themselves. My husband wants to start going running with me but we still havent found the time for him to do so he has been working lots of OT.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    We started walking the loop in our neighborhood every night after dinner( eel as time allows) and now we r doing a 5k together October 1 st t Disney (stoller division). Now our 11yr old started cross country from our family walks and runs. Super proud she is choosing better habits than I had at that age.
  • zcadet
    zcadet Posts: 1 Member
    1) I look for 5K runs hosted by schools and communities. They usually have a Run/Walk too as part of the festivities for families and younger kids. They're usually on a Saturday and as the weather gets cooler, there will be more taking place.
    2) I take the kids to the park after homework and dinner right before it gets dark. It's not too hot or cold outside yet and just let them run around and play at the playground.
    3) Community cleanup projects are physical activities as well as helps teach about helping others and taking care of where you live.
    4) Ride bikes together or push my kids on their bikes if they're too young to ride alone.
    5) Bowling alley or skating rink. I try to have a night out in the middle of the week like Wednesday to break it up. You don't have to have all your fun on the weekend.
    6) Swimming classes or open swim at my local rec center.

    Healthy eating
    1) Microwaveable vegetable steamers. Add to any meal. I even add them to pizza night. Yes, cheese pizza and steamed broccoli go together.
    2) Air popped popcorn. It's loud and fun to watch!
    3) Water races. We get maybe 4 oz of water and see who can finish it first. This is obviously for older kids. Beware that even too much water at one time can be harmful.
    4) Cut out sodas and juices. Don't even buy them. Leave these for special dining out nights. Try Crystal Light and similar. Their Fruit Punch tastes like Fruit Punch. only 5 calories.
    5) Automate my meals so I know what we're eating each day of the week, and what snacks are available.
    6) Don't by sugar and salt. Try honey and Mrs. Dash.

    I hope this was what you were looking for and it was helpful.:smile:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    My daughter and I go to the park weekly for at least an hour. She plays outside with the dogs and will join me in doing yoga.
    As for diet...we eat fairly clean and junk food is a special treat. I've lucked out in having a kid that loves salads, all fruits, whole grains, and prefers water over soda.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    my kids are young (5, 3 and 1), and for us it's about introducing them to the idea that activity is just a part of life. my oldest will sometimes come with me when i run (she'll ride her bike alongside me, but it can be a pain in the *kitten* because sometimes i have to push her). but we go to the park, play chasing games in the garden, soccer, and just general activiry stuff.

    as for diet, we try to be as healthy as we can, but we're also on a really tight budget. nothing organic passes my kids lips (unless it's grown in the garden)- just can't afford those prices. but we eat alot of pasta and rice dishes, and often boil up frozen veg then blitz it down and put it into the food we have, just for extra nutrients. of course my kids get sweets and chips too- we could be better. but without bribary we have nothing!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    ok heres the deal i take my kids for WALKS,me an my 4 yr old pick flowers and bring them home to identify or take pictures of the birds aat the pound by my house to bring home and look up on the net. I also take some quarters and bury them in a box in the neighbourhood i make a piratye map and help my daughter find them we play outside allllll the time
  • Famzav8
    Famzav8 Posts: 97 Member
    With my three year old he always wants a "treat" when I go grocery shopping. Instead of bringing home a candy bar, etc, I started buying him a special fruit that wasn't on my normal list. I always bring home apples, bananas, and then one other fruit of whatever is in season and cheap. But then I will bring home one thing that is special for him - a mango (he loooooves those), a kiwi, raspberries, etc. He also looooooves the gogurt (but we buy the store brand) yogurt tubes and we stick them in the freezer, and he gets one of those as a treat - I think he thinks it's ice cream!

    Just last week he rode his bike and I was running and we did three miles together! I definitley had to slow down my time for when he needed a water break, etc. But it was SO rewarding to have him out there with me, having fun, and doing something good for our bodies. I was so proud of him for doing so good, and felt good to spend that time together. And, because he is a boy, we paused to check out the dead snake on the side of the country road. lol He even told me that next time he wants to try to run too! lol :)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I'm 23, single, and have no children (thank GOD!) But I babysit a lot (I know, totally different) but, i don't let the kids I babysit sit around and watch TV, we hang out at parks, we ride bikes, and we play hard! I also feed them what I eat, lots of veggies and turkey, if you make it look fun, and you're eating it too, in my experience, it makes them more willing to eat right.

    They're kids, keep them active, go biking as a family, take family walks after school/dinner, and just generally play hard (tag, kickball/soccer in the back yard). I was always an active kid, I ran all over my neighborhood all day. We had a crappy TV and no channels, we actually put our TV away for a year, best thing we ever did.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Well my daughter likes to play the Wii dance games, as well as boxing, bowling, and tennis. . . Other than that we eat lots of fruits veggies and lean meats. . I know you said that your diet is pretty healthy at home. . .My daughter likes to run. .. so she runs a lot at school as well as playing. . .

    Going to parks is always good. . .Wish you luck hon.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I have a son 10 and a daughter 8. My son plays soccer so right now, not a big deal, my daughter is starting tumbling and cheerleading. We try to keep them active in at least one activity. In the summer I usually take them to the park to play or tell them to turn off the electronics and go outside and play. We have started eating healthier as a family. We try not to keep to much junk food in the house and pack healthy lunches for school. We will go for walks too, pretty much anything to get sone activity each day. In the winter it's going to be swimming at the Y.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I've always had a bowl of fruit out and fresh veg in the fridge(sugar snap peas, carrot, peppers). My daughter knows she can help herself to these whenever she wants.
    She likes toasted sunflower and pumpkin seeds as a good snack.
    She's started the c25k with me. She's nine. She's much faster than me!
    When she was smaller, we did active stuff every day - going to the park. Walking the dog. Swimming together.
    Also activities that are fun and physical are good - she does gymastics, swims, rides, plays netball and basketball at school.
    Hope that helps.
  • RachelMinAus
    RachelMinAus Posts: 12 Member
    I have 3 small kids aged 6, 6 and 5. My husband and I are really mindful of them being really healthy. When we go shopping the kids would love to get something unhealthy as a treat and they occasionally do - but mostly they get a banana or strawberries to share. Their school has a healthy eating / no packaged food rule so they take a salad and chicken/ham wrap/sandwich, 2 pieces of fruit, a yoghurt and something I've baked - always low sugar and fruity - like blueberry muffin etc. We cook everything possible from scratch and very rarely have take out.

    My kids do karate, dance and swimming and we go for bike rides / scooter rides in our neighborhood on the weekends (as we both worm full tIme and the kids are busy through the week with their activities). The kids get excited when they see how far we have done when we ride/scooter which I track on my iPhone. My husband and I do week long hikes (carrying tents, food etc) and the kids can't wait til they are old enough to come. Even though I have always had issues with my weight I am very careful to emphasize health and fitness over weight or size. The kids know I'm losing weight and i tell them it's so mummy can get healthier - not because I'm fat (even though I am - I don't want them to have weight issues). My parents didn't encourage an active childhood so I want to make sure i instill good habits in my litle ones.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    When we are on holiday (abroad) we go for long walks most days. The children do a fair bit of sport at school, so I only really make them do stuff in the holidays, I take them to soft plays so they run around, and for walks around the field by our house. We go to the zoo a lot (a couples of miles of walking), and they do dance lessons, and rugby.
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    My kids are are still fairly young so I know this may change as they become teenagers but for now, staying active as a family is just something we do. Every weekend I take my 9 year old daughter out for a run. She loves it and looks forward to it. Then I come back and my 6 year old son wants to go so I take him for a shorter run. We also love to ride our bikes on trails and we will also go to a state park just to hike on a nice day.
    A lot of 5Ks have kids fun runs also that are 1 mile and doing those got my kids hooked on running. Now they both do the occasional 5Ks with us (my son does more of a walk/run). We also have a very low key rec program so they are able to play a sport every season for fun. We have super cheap swim lessons at the pool here and they love to swim. Both of them want to join the swim team next year. I think the key is finding something they can do that doesn't feel like exercise or a chore. My kids don't even realize they are active. It's just their life and they are having fun.
    As far as food, my kids help me with the garden. They love growing and eating their own veggies. It is super easy to grow some tomatoes or peppers in a pot, you don't need a huge area for a garden. My son especially, loves to help me cook too.