My horrible diet!

I am having a hard time losing weight. I am totally aware that it has mostly to do with the fact that my diet is really bad during the week, but on weekends I do so much better. And I eat way too much sugar and fried foods. Does anybody know of a way to curb these problems? Thanks in advance for your help :)


  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    The food diary works for me, I find when I see what I eat I feel guilty. You can prepare nightly meals on the weekend and freeze them so during the week you have a 'quick meal' which is healthy.

    But if you don't have the will power to do it then you won't be able too. I hate myself figure enough to not eat crap.
  • djanson24
    djanson24 Posts: 42 Member
    What about preplanning your meals? Example, Sunday night, write down what you'll eat for bfast, lunch and dinner on Monday. Make your lunch, and have it ready to go. Even enter it in MFP so that you can see what is what. Also, for fried foods, if you are making it at home, try baking. You can do lots of baking of foods rather than frying.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    The only way to stop eating that stuff is to stop eating that stuff. Simple, but not always easy.

    Try planning your meals ahead. Either plan a week at a time, or the night before. Pack your lunch for work so you don't get sucked into the fast-food trap. Take healthy snacks to keep at work so you have something to nosh on if you need to. Make sure to get enough protein during the week -- you can take hard-boiled eggs, canned tuna or chicken, grilled chicken strips, tofu, peanuts, etc. to have some handy protein sources during the week. Carry a water bottle and make sure to fill it up a few times through the day so you stay hydrated -- that will help with the sugar cravings. And make sure to get enough sleep at night.
  • allehp
    Stop eating out and don't buy/bring home problem foods- that's what works for me. If the food isn't around you can't be tempted! Plus fried food is just awful for you anyway.
  • bobperry01
    I'm the reverse, the weekdays I'm OK and the weekends I fall apart. I've only been doing this a short time but what works for during the weekend is to complete my food dairy in the morning for the whole day and then I know what I can or can't eat. I exercise more during the week, I think because I'm alone. When my wife is home I don't exercise as much. Good luck!
  • LilChickPea
    LilChickPea Posts: 122 Member
    Try this... Give yourself 3 days. Eat only healthy proteins (plain chicken, fish, eggs), fruit, and vegetables. Make what you eat as clean as possible. This will allow your body to detoxify, getting the sugar out of your body. If you can get through the first 3 days, you should be able to do better. Good luck!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    something that helps me, but isn't for everyone: I just tell myself that stuff is poison and if I eat it, I'll die. Which is true, in a way- it IS poison, and it WILL kill you. Fried food especially - potato chips which are a weakness of mine - I treat them like arsenic and if I TOUCH it I will be poisoned. LOL
    Now, ppl get a kick out of this - I especially have a daughter who will chase me around with brownies. My kids and co workers get much amusement from my facial expressions when they wave 'poison' food in my face. BUT that's what I have to do to keep it out of my mouth.
  • Ladyrushell
    Thanks for the options Aj that helped! I didn't realize that I really don't get enough protien and I do go to bed really late.
  • Ladyrushell
    Wicked that is funny but a good way to keep IT away! :) Thanks
  • cindybickler
    cindybickler Posts: 113 Member
    i workout. when i workout i eat much better because it feels like a waste of time if i exercise and then eat horribly. and also when you eat the wrong foods it makes your workouts harder and you feel sluggish. when i eat properly my workouts are so much easier because you have fueled your body properly. and like everything else it becomes a habit and before you know it you don't even want that stuff as much. i still eat some of my favorite foods but not very often and not as much because my body does not like it anymore and it lets me know!!!!
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    It only works for me when I plan meals. I use a 'crockpot' a lot. You set it before work (even prepare it and stick it in the fridge the night before, then get it out in the mornig) and come home to good food. I've been terrible with the 'fast food' temptation, but I find if you cut it out, you will eventually stop craving the 'fried' food so much. Good luck.
  • Ladyrushell
    Lilchickpea, cute name by the way. I will definitely try this, it sounds like it will clean my system and turn off that sugar and fried food sensor. :) Thanks
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I've been terrible with the 'fast food' temptation, but I find if you cut it out, you will eventually stop craving the 'fried' food so much. Good luck.

    There's a reason for that. :) Fast food companies have put a lot of time and money into finding just the perfect balance of sugar, salt, and fat to make their food addictive. The more you have it, the more you want it. Plus, it's just SO convenient! When you think about it, it's actually much more convenient, cost-effective, and satisfying to bring your lunch than it is to go to the car, drive to the restaurant, sit in the drive thru, pay more, and probably have to eat more because it's not satisfying for your body.
  • Allyson1985
    Try this... Give yourself 3 days. Eat only healthy proteins (plain chicken, fish, eggs), fruit, and vegetables. Make what you eat as clean as possible. This will allow your body to detoxify, getting the sugar out of your body. If you can get through the first 3 days, you should be able to do better. Good luck!

    This is what I did. The first three days were terrible for me, but after that, it got easier to eat healthy. In fact, I crave natural foods over junk food now.

    Good luck, you got this!
  • ashheart
    It comes down to willpower. Do you want to eat healthier, BE healthier, or eat junk all the time. You can't have both. When I started cutting out stuff, it was hard, but worth it. Now I don't wanna go back. We've almost always baked instead of fried, so that helped. So my suggestions are: bake, don't fry; buy sugar free/no sugar added where possible; and buy low sodium/no salt added stuff. Getting used to sugar free takes some time, but after awhile you really don't notice the difference. Keep the junk out of your house, and when you're out and the temptation is powerful, just look at it this way: fat and unhealthy, diabetes, heart problems, huge medical bills, being a burden on my family later in life, or, healthy, less medical problems, not so much a burden as an integral part of family. That's what I do, and lemme tell you, it works. Like others have suggested, try planning meals ahead. Get into healthy habits. It's worth it, but you have to really WANT it.
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    This is what I did. The first three days were terrible for me, but after that, it got easier to eat healthy. In fact, I crave natural foods over junk food now.

    I'm the same way. Read an oldy but a goody "Sugarbusters"-book, it's all about how sugars wreak havok with your body and how to get healthy , where your appetite goes back to normal.
  • ashheart
    Try this... Give yourself 3 days. Eat only healthy proteins (plain chicken, fish, eggs), fruit, and vegetables. Make what you eat as clean as possible. This will allow your body to detoxify, getting the sugar out of your body. If you can get through the first 3 days, you should be able to do better. Good luck!

    This is what I did. The first three days were terrible for me, but after that, it got easier to eat healthy. In fact, I crave natural foods over junk food now.

    This. I went longer than 3 days though, it took me about 2-3 weeks to fully retrain myself. I was addicted to sugar and huge amounts of carbs. I pushed through and I'm glad I did. It's entirely worth it. I'll take healthy food I can eat a ton of and stay within my limits over junk that's almost my entire day's worth of calories and barely filling any day now. In the not too distant past I wouldn't have >.>
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    Pack a lunch every day then you aren't tempted to eat awful fast food. It's made a huge difference for me because I can control my calories. I include lots of bright fresh fruits making a colorful bowl with a soy yogurt dressing and a big salad or sandwich on thin breads like Arnold's. Usa a spicy mustard instead of mayo, lots of fresh lettuce like romaine and light cheese 2% with lean meats (I eat vegetarian so I eat Smart Deli) and you'll have a terrific lunch. Allow yourself snacks, a fat free chocolate pudding cup is 90 calories, a baggie of 18 quaker rice cakes is about 140 calories and drink lots of water or very low calorie beverages like tea. Pop especially diet pop is bad, too much sodium.

    To make your lunch fun and portion controlled, buy a bento box or a EZ Freeze Smart Salad It's perfect for making a wonderful salad. I make a fruit and nut salad that rivals anything from Panera Bread and much less calories! Make your lunch the night before so you're not rushed in the morning.

    My co-workers are always checking out my lunches and saying "Wow that looks so good!" Make your lunch the highlight of your day and the envy of coworkers :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I'll never understand the "frying is bad" concept. Frying, when done properly, is a very efficient, healthy way of cooking. Use a healthy oil, maintain proper temperatures, and don't overcook what you're frying, and it's very healthy. Fried food does not absorb oil, unless you overcook it (because when you fry, the water inside the food converts to steam, and as long as the steam is in the food, pushing out, the oil will not go in to the food,) or if the temperature is too low, which will cause oil to absorb in.

    Properly done, frying might add 10 calories or so to whatever you made, and using a healthy oil like olive oil will actually make the food healthier to eat.

    Now I'm not suggesting restaurant deep frying is healthy, but there's no reason frying at home is automatically bad for you.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    the drive-through was my WORST enemy, lol. That is what gets ya. if you like sugar like i do then you probably would like a lot of different kinds of fruit. i like apples and bananas, and berries, which are really sweet {to me at least}. and adding water, lots of it to any diet is the best addition you can make