Hope! The one thing I have been missing!

I have stumbled into this place called My Fitness Pal, and I have found Hope.... And I haven't felt that for a very long time. I have lost 1 little pound in the last two days. I vow that I will never put that one pound back on. It is gone forever! So it is no longer just a little thing....it becomes a BIG DEAL! That is worth celebrating. 1 down...99 to go! For the first time in a long time, I feel like I can do it! :)


  • claguna23
    You can do it!!! Stay positive and optimistic always!! :)
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    That is SOOOO awesome! You feel the same way I did when I found MFP and these boards and all these absolutely wonderful, inspirational people on it! Add me if you want. Let's do this together!
  • jhungate
    jhungate Posts: 95 Member
    You can! sometimes the battle (and it is a battle) is one bite or one step at a time. Keep it up!
  • Friend2U
    Thank you jhungate. I appreciate the encouragement! :)
  • Friend2U
    Thank you Dragongrl...I will add you as my friend. I will appreciate the support along this journey! :)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Welcome! This is a great place and the support here is amazing. Personally I know it and the people here are what have kept me going when I have wanted to quit. The ups and downs of the journey are so much more manageable when you know you are not alone!
    Feel free to friend me.
  • louisebear
    YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!! I love MFP too and when u get on those scales and u see the weight coming of its AMAZING.....oh another idea write down ur measurements with a tape measure....u will be amazed when u notice the CM COME OFF TOO :O)
  • Friend2U
    cluguna23, Thank you for your upbeat encouragement. It means a lot!!!!! :)
  • Friend2U
    Thank you!!! I appreciate your reply!!! I will send you a friend request! :smile:
  • Friend2U
    Thank you louisebear!!! I will need to find a measuring tape! Have a great day!
  • MsToniBi
    You can do it! That 1 pound is a start to many more keep up the good work! Plus you already made a good start by joining myfitnesspal!!
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    That is wonderful! Keep up all the great work and keep that positive attitude as well! :)
  • tori_yates
    tori_yates Posts: 11 Member
    This site is so helpful and the support is amazing! You can do it, a positive attitude will help you no end. Set yourself mini goals and then when you make them, the sense of achievement is wonderful! It'll be a long journey, but so worth it! Feel free to add me :)