Less Alcohol ~ JANUARY 2022 ~ One Day At A Time



  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    Posting for accountability. 31st consecutive day AF.

    12/25 - 12/31 AF
    1/1 - 1/24 AF

    My husband is dealing with some physical and mental health issues right now. It is so difficult to watch because he is a very high achiever running a successful growing company, chairing boards, etc. I considered having a drink late this afternoon, but instead decided I need to stay cleared headed and take charge to help him work through this. I am glad I had 30 days under my belt or I may have caved. (He doesn't drink alcohol so I would be drinking alone.)

    On the bright side I convinced him he needs to step back from things and take care of himself so we are heading back to AZ on Saturday. The sunshine and warmth goes a long ways in aiding in healing the body, mind and soul.

    As someone who has been the very high achieving professional who has had to step back because of health issues, I SO respect your decision not to drink.

    My spouse has been a rock through my struggles and if he had turned to drinking to cope, I would have felt much more alone in what i have dealt with. Instead he's been so present, it's made a huge difference for me.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,572 Member
    My usual goal, 16-20 AF days per month.

    My schedule pretty much dictates my AF days.
    I will be AF on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays for the next few months.

    Diary style is how I keep track

    Sunday Jan 23rd - AF - Skating in the morning before work : - )
    Monday Jan 24th - AF - I have a very light day tomorrow, so considered having a drink, but my tummy will be much leaner in the morning if I don't. Counted my "lunges" while skating. 70 per minute and I skated for 60 minutes. 4200 lunges?
    Tuesday Jan 25th - AF - Skating tomorrow, and I am having a very busy work week, so AF. I might have drinks tomorrow.

    Rolling total: 15AF days out of 25 days.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,605 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes! I am fatigued from working 9 hours Monday and playing tennis yesterday. Holy cow the post-Covid fatigue is real! Didn’t help that I had two glasses of wine last night. Going to be AF today.

    Tomorrow is book club but I am going to nurse my one glass of wine. My tolerance is way down. I need to be a le to drive home!
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,519 Member
    Sorry for the typos there-I misplaced my glasses last night and too blind to find them!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,605 Member
    edited January 2022
    Posting for accountability. 33rd consecutive day AF.

    12/25 - 12/31 AF
    1/1 - 1/26 AF

    Still happily drinking my Cranberry Diet5. Not making much progress on the Diet Coke front though!

    I remember reading years ago that there is something about the artificial sweeteners that are as addictive as street drugs. Something about hijacking dopamine receptors. Great. So no wonder you’re struggling! It’s not something you can quit cold turkey, you can get withdraw symptoms. Instead just cut down- maybe pour 3/4 of the can and top off with seltzer to keep the fizz. Then titrate down to half a can after a week or so until you’ve removed diet soda from your diet. Good luck!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,572 Member
    My usual goal, 16-20 AF days per month.

    My schedule pretty much dictates my AF days.
    I will be AF on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays for the next few months.

    Diary style is how I keep track

    Sunday Jan 23rd - AF - Skating in the morning before work : - )
    Monday Jan 24th - AF - I have a very light day tomorrow, so considered having a drink, but my tummy will be much leaner in the morning if I don't. Counted my "lunges" while skating. 70 per minute and I skated for 60 minutes. 4200 lunges?
    Tuesday Jan 25th - AF - Skating tomorrow, and I am having a very busy work week, so AF. I might have drinks tomorrow.
    Wednesday Jan - 2 drinks. I always had 3 drinks on drinks days, but now 2 is my sweet spot. Planned drinks for Friday and Saturday with a friend who is moving far away.

    Rolling total: 15AF days out of 26 days.
  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    The times, they are a changin'

    Reese Witherspoon posted something about new healthy habits she was looking forward to integrating into her lifestyle, and Ina Garten tried to be clever and responded that instead that she's going to drink more and continue doing unhealthy things because it's a pandemic and she's stressed, and that's the best she can do. I get the concept of backlash against toxic positivity and toxic self improvement, but she seems to have missed a culturally memo about promoting drinking.

    Well, Martha Stewart was having none of it and clapped back against recommending that people drink more in response to pandemic stress.

    The era of glorifying drinking is rapidly coming to an end. We are seeing in real time the demise of stress drinking being a cool thing to brag about. I think we will see a sharp increase of this type of critical comment in social media in response to celebrities talking about booze, especially female celebrities.

    The pandemic has created such an increase in problem drinking that it is also acting as a catalyst to rapidly speed up the cultural backlash against alcohol.

    It's certainly an interesting thing to watch.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,554 Member
    @Xellercin going to have to check that out. Wow I would have never excepted that remark out of Ina. I mean I know her and her man enjoy Naples, but still don't put the blame on something like that.

    Thanks for the info