Let's Try This Again

Hello, all. 40 year old Alabamian here. I have used MFP several times in the past, but have always fallen back into bad habits. Well now....I HAVE TO DO BETTER. Recently diagnosed with health conditions that a lower weight could have possibly prevented. Play time is over. I have children that depend on me. There is no more "I'll do better tomorrow." Ready to do what I have to do to get 100lbs off....no matter how long it takes. Sending motivational thoughts and positivity to you all. We all can reach our goals...one calorie at a time.


  • chunkymonkey570
    chunkymonkey570 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes I agree!I have a lot to accomplish in life. I am in my 40s and have 110 to lose but lost 21 so far. Trying to not be off and on as much. Stay positive!