Re-start, hopefully the last *crosses fingers*

Last summer, I was able to go from 140 to 124 lbs due to kickboxing and being on a really strict diet. Now, I am back up to 130 lbs and aiming for 110. Not doing kickboxing anymore but hoping to eat better and mentally be motivated to do this. Goal is to be 120 lbs by February 18th, when I have a trip to California. We shall see how it all goes.


  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    10lbs in a month when you're already petite is very tough... I would recommend aiming for slower loss to preserve muscle and ensure you get adequate nutrition.
  • kx7003
    kx7003 Posts: 102 Member
    edited February 2022
    @petitejinx3 how much kickboxing were you doing? Were you doing it via you tube tutorial or personal training? I am looking for an accountability buddy for both calorie deficit and exercise. I want to get down to around 120 but I know getting to 135 is more realistic. I am 150 at present but pre lockdown I was 128 at my smallest - would love to get to 120 but aiming to get to 140 first and go from there. Let me know any good you tube tutorials to follow.