Jennifer Hurley Looking For Friendly Support

nebtanhai Posts: 4
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All!
Two weeks ago I weighed in at 237 lbs. Today I am 228lbs. I am fully aware my "moon time" (sorry guys) and water weight are major factors in this, but I have started my workout plan.

What is my workout plan?
Well, I live a sedentary lifestyle being that I am a web and graphic designer, so I needed to beef up my exercise routine, meaning I actually needed to start an exercise plan....

Week 1 - The goal was and still is maintaining my calories at 1,680. I went a little over, but every day as I counted went less and less over. Last night, I did very well. Salads for lunch and the like, more fruits and veggies.

Monday - 20 in cardio
Tuesday - 10 minute Cardio and Strength Training
Wednesday - 20 minute cardio
Thursday - Nature walks with son and dog for more than an hour
Friday - repeat Tuesday
Saturday - 20 minute cardio
Sunday - she! (This is my I'll do what I want day, when I have been a good girl all week long a girl's gotta get rewarded...)

Week 2 - I am amping up my cardio 5 minutes and adding more strength training to the plan.

I was using and the people were nice there, but I had some issues with apps not working on my phone and a couple of other things that myfitnessfit seems to have a better handle on.

So, I'll be keeping up-to-date here, probably start a blog and when I need help or feel weak be calling on you guys. Hope to meet several of you in the next 6 month as I lose my 50 pounds. Good luck to you all!


  • Hiya.
    I joined yesterday at roughly the same weight as you.
    Be great looking at before pictures a year from now.:happy:
    Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hey ladies, I have had some success recently and my diary is open. I started at 214 and work in an office too. Add me if you like. Cheers, Christy
  • I am new to this writing stuff for others to read but I must say I actually got motivation from reading your blogs:) Thanks!!!
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