Just Give Me 10 Days -Round 177



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,163 Member
    Thank you quiltingjaine for keeping this challenge going.


    Round 177

    ROUND 135 FOR ME.

    “Today….I am choosing Me”


    Highest weight ever (05-10-2016): 253
    Original starting weight on MFP: (01-11-2018) 235.0
    R176 EW= 196.4
    R177 EW= TBD

    Current New Goals:
    Short Term Goal: To weigh less at the end of this round than I did at the end of the last round.
    Final goal: 145-155. We’ll see how I look & feel when I get there.
    Exercise: Move 30 minutes per day rotating activity.


    COLOR CODE: Fuchsia is a Happy Weight Loss for me. Blue is a sad weight gain.Black is no change.
    R43 through R52 (06/07/18 thru 09/23/18) = …..19.4 LOST (Ending weight 179.0)
    R53 through R62 (09/24/18 thru 01/01/19) = …..4.1 GAINED (Ending weight 183.1)
    R63 through R72 (01/02/19 thru 04/11/19) = …..8.1 GAINED (Ending weight 191.2)
    R73 through R82 (04/12/19 thru 07/20/19) = …..5.5 GAINED (Ending weight 196.7)
    R83 through R92 (07/21/19 thru 10/28/19) = …..8.7 LOST (Ending weight 188.0)
    R93 through R102 (10/29/19 thru 02/05/20) = …2.0 GAINED(Ending weight 190.0)
    R103 through 112 (02/06/20 thru 05/06/20) = …..14.9 GAINED (Ending Weight 204.9)
    R113 through 122 (05/07/20 thru 08/23/20) = [color=blue)…..4.7 GAINED [/color=blue] (Ending Weight 209.6)
    R 123 thru R132 (08/24 thru 12/02/20) = ……1.5 LOST (Ending Weight 208.1)
    R133 thru R142 (12/03/20 thru 03/01/21) = ……0.7 LOST (Ending Weight 207.4)
    R143 thru 152 (03/02/21 thru 06/10/21) = ……3.6 LOST (Ending Weight 203.8)
    R153 thru R162 (06/11/21 thru 09/18/21) = (b]…..16.2 LOST [/b] (Ending Weight 187.6)
    R163 thru R172 (09/19/21 thru 12/27/21) = (b]…..5.0 GAINED [/b] (Ending Weight 192.6)
    R173 (12/28/21 thru 01/06/21) = …..1.4 GAINED (Ending Weight 194.0)
    R174 (01/07/22 thru 01/16/22) = …..0.2 LOST (Ending Weight 193.8)
    R175 (01/17/22 thru 01/26/22) = …..0.6 GAINED (Ending Weight 194.4)
    R176 (01/27/22 thru 02/05/22) = …..2.0 GAINED (Ending Weight 196.4)
    R177 (02/06/22 thru 02/15/22) = …..xxx LOST (Ending Weight xxxxx)


    02/05 …..196.4….. ENDING WEIGHT LAST ROUND
    02/06 …..194.6 ….. (Trend weight 195.5) Nice drop. Yesterday wasn’t perfect but it was pretty good. I must admit that the binge night before last left me not desiring food for most of the day. I really wasn’t very hungry until evening then I tried to make good choices and watch the quantities. I burned a few more calories, got a few more steps and came closer to mile goal with my fitbit but not by design so much, more by projects I was naturally involved in but it still counts! I’m sure the extra bit of movement helped. One of my cumulative goals in the next few rounds will be to get back to 185 and then proceed as originally planned at some substantial weight loss. Good luck everyone this round.

    02/07 …..195.4 ….. Trend weight 195.5) Yesterday was an excellent day in both diet and an increase in steps/activity. I’m not sure why the uptick except that it was a weigh-in about 3 hours earlier than usual due to DGS waking me up again. It could be that. It could be the binge finally showing up, or the high sodium Mexican the other day. In any case, I know I am on track and feel very pleased with myself right now. The scale has no choice but to cooperate at some point if I can keep this momentum up. Livingroom kind of done, but furniture still covered and askew. Time to start building the new walls and archway so that an annoying support beam will look more like a header. My handyman is notoriously slow at drywall but good at building. Slow at paint too, but the price is right and he is dedicated. Here we go with another l..o..n..g project!

    02/08 …..193.4 ….. (Trend weight 195.1) A wonderful Whoosh which makes me feel so encouraged. Hold onto your hat 180’s. I’m running a bit late, but I promise, I’m on my way!

    02/09 …..193.4 ….. (Trend weight 195.1) Holding steady. I’ll take it!

    02/10 …..196.0 ….. (Trend weight 195.2) My daughter bought pizza for us and the handyman on the job yesterday. 3 slices later this is my result. 2.6 lbs up! It did taste very salty because I don’t have it often. I’ll push water today. The rest of the day was on point. Hopefully tomorrow will fare better.

    02/11 …..194.8 ….. (Trend weight 195.1) An okay day yesterday reflected better on the scale. Doctor appointments today for son & I for diabetes. Also for heart for me. They are going to send me to a heart and vascular center I guess. It doesn’t pay to flunk two EKG’s. They were supposed to do it late last fall but had trouble with insurance. Then I let it go due to all the holidays and then my brother’s death. Time to get things right with my heart now. I’ve gotten to the point where I am a little afraid to even exercise with all the sinking and fluttering I am feeling. Need answers.

    02/12 …..197.8 ….. (Trend weight 195.4) Dr. yesterday. I’ll find out glucose A1C results next week. Fasted for the bloodwork until after 3:00. Then pigged out on Subway. Cake at home- twice. Took advantage of the fact that I won’t need glucose checking again for 3 full months. Trying to get away with murder here but I’m the one dying if I don’t start getting this right!

    02/13 …..xxxxx ….. (Trend weight xxxxx)

    02/14 …..xxxxx ….. (Trend weight xxxxx)

    02/15 …..xxxxx ….. (Trend weight xxxxx)

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,937 Member
    edited February 2022
    _JeffreyD_ wrote: »
    2/12: 214.4

    It is time to try something different. Also, to add something to slow the aging process a bit. (I know I can’t reverse it! Ha!)

    @_JeffreyD_ You might find this article interesting and mind changing.


    After trying to explain the many benefits of fasting and autophagy to my DH and being poopood, our neighbor, a retired nuclear pharmacist, was telling him about fasting and how good it is for you. Now DH is interested!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,358 Member


    Round # 44 for me!
    SW: 373.0 (5100 steps daily step goal, go to bed by 11:30, no eating out or junk food 6 days a week)
    Day/Weight/Comment (previous day steps)
    2/06 373.0 – 4494 steps
    2/07 373.0 – 4840 steps. Had a splurge day yesterday – I thought I would have gained today. I did not track yesterday. I ate out for the first time in over a month and did not get sick and enjoyed my meal. Back on it today. Now I am going to make it no eating out every 10 days vs the regular 7-day week since I did the whole month of January successfully. I have lost 7 pounds so far this year and I am doing a happy dance. My goal this month is to successfully get to the next decade. I am going to be very busy the next 2 weeks so I may not be posting nothing but my weigh ins.
    2/08 373.0 – 5724 steps.
    2/09 372.2 :) – 5412 steps. What a rotten day yesterday at work! Drama for you Mama…. But I don’t even want to chat about it because it was so deep. But I am over it and the good thing is I did not binge because of the drama :) I ate very healthy, under calories and got in a good walk. But I did have a sleepless night because of drama at work which tells me it upset me more than I would have liked :( But this is life. I am happy I managed my emotions without turning to food. I called a friend and thank goodness I had a session with my therapist scheduled also. I even went to grocery store after work and did not pick up any additional junk food to sooth my emotions. I texted my boss I would not be in until noon to get my thoughts together and sleep late. I would have taken a sick day if I was not going on vacation Friday.
    2/10 371.6 :) – 5146 steps. Busy, busy but staying on track and getting in short walks daily.
    2/11 371.6 – 3233 steps. Finally on vacation! But it will be a busy one. I must be careful not to overindulge while I am cleaning and doing taxes :) I went a little over calories but nothing to cry about for sure. I did not have time for a walk because I was working late since I am on vacation until the 22ND. I am going to chill today but get in a workout for sure.
    2/12 372.6 – 5308 steps. I had my popcorn and pizza yesterday so I know why I went up, but it was planned. So, I understand with the sodium the bump up. I feel great, got in some de-cluttering this morning already. That is one my vacation projects. I have 5 weeks’ vacation this year and I may use one of them to go to a hotel and stay close by in a car, but I am not getting on a plane anytime soon. I got in my walk. Hoping I can squeeze in a loss this challenge! Lol! It is going to be tough with Olympics, Super Bowl and vacation but I keep telling myself you can DO IT! ;) I also brought the premium MFP this morning! I said what the heck…it is only $80 for year and free adds alone make it worth it for me at less than $7 per month…. lol Much cheaper than WW by a long shot! Besides, I am worth it! So far, I like setting my sodium to less than 2300 mg. After vacation I will try some of the other features. How many of you use MFP premium? If you do, and you have time please share one or two things you like the most about it besides the free ads. :) Thanks in advance and have a great SUPER BOWL WEEKEND! :)
    2/13 Super bowl Sunday! :)
    2/15 Tuesday
    Total lost this round: (-0.4)
    *One of my major goals is to get my BMI under 40 (260 weight) so I can have surgery on my knees*
    Round & annual Stats
    Round 64 - SW 373.4 EW 369 (-4.4)
    Round 65 - SW 370.8 EW 375.4 (+4.6)
    Round 66 - SW 376 EW 373.6 (- 2.4)
    Round 68 - SW 375.2 EW 377 (+ 1.8)
    Round 69 - SW 380.2 EW 382.4 (+ 2.2)
    Round 70 - SW 382.4 EW 378.8 (- 3.6)
    Round 71 - SW 378.4 EW 368 (- 10.4)
    Round 73 - SW 385.4 EW 385.4 (0.0)
    Round 74 - SW 384.0 EW 378.2 (- 5.8)
    Round 75 - SW 380.0 EW 377.8 (- 2.2)
    Round 76 - SW 377.8 EW 380.4 (+ 2.6)
    Round 78 - SW 390.4 EW 381.0 (- 9.4)
    Round 79 - SW 383.0 EW 379.6 (- 3.4)
    Round 80 - SW 383.8 EW 387.6 (+ 3.8)
    Round 83 - SW 392.0 EW 388.2 (- 3.8)
    Round 84 - SW 388.8 EW 386.8 (- 2.0)
    Round 85 - SW 387.6 EW 390.2 (+ 2.6)
    Round 86 - SW 392.8 EW 387.6 (-5.2)
    Round 87- SW 385.8 EW 389.0 (+3.2)
    Round 88 - SW 388.4 EW 395.0 (+6.6)
    Round 90 - SW 396.6 EW 394.0 (-2.6)
    Round 93 - SW 402.4 EW 400.4 (-1.6)
    Round 94 - SW 397.0 EW 396.2 (-0.8)
    Round 95 - SW 394.2 EW 394.8 (+0.6)
    Round 96 - SW 394.8 EW 389.6 (-5.2)
    Round 97 - SW 391.4 EW 395.8 (+4.4)

    Net change 2019 = SW 373.4 EW 398.8 (+25.4)

    Round 100 - SW 398.8 EW 394.4 (-4.4)
    Round 101 - SW 397.6 EW 394.8 (-2.8)
    Round 102 - SW 398.0 EW 393.2 (-4.8)
    Round 103 - SW 392.2 EW 393.0 (+0.8)
    Round 104 - SW 393.0 EW 391.4 (-1.6)
    Round 107 - SW 397.8 EW 392.0 (-5.8)
    Round 109 – SW 388.8 EW 387.6 (-1.2)
    Round 110 – SW 393.8 EW 391.4 (-2.4)
    Round 111 – SW 393.8 EW 395.0 (+1.2)

    Net change 2020 = SW 398.8 EW 395.0 (-3.8)

    Round 165 – SW 385.8 EW 387.8 (+2.0)
    Round 166 – SW 387.8 EW 388.0 (+0.2)
    Round 167 – SW 388.0 EW 388.0 (0.0)
    Round 172 – SW 384.6 EW 383.4 (-1.2)
    Round 173 – SW 383.4 EW 380.0 (-3.4)

    Net change 2021 = SW 385.8 EW 380.0 (-5.8)

    Round 174 – SW 380.0 EW 375.2 (-4.8)
    Round 175 – SW 375.2 EW 373.8 (-1.4)
    Round 176 – SW 373.8 EW 373.0 (-0.8)

    Net change 2022 = SW 380.0 EW 373.0 (-7.0)

    My journey … "I May Not Be Where I Want To Be, but I’m Not Where I Use To Be!"
    In 2003 Weighed over 600 lbs.
    In 2005 Weighed under 400 lbs.
    In 2007 lowest weight after surgery 302lbs
    My highest weight was 611 in 2003. Weight in 2004 before weight loss surgery was 580. Lowest weight after surgery was 302 in 2007. "I May Not Be Where I Want To Be, but I’m Not Where I Use To Be!"

    I joined MFP on March 27, 2010 weighing in at 388 pounds. I was re-gaining weight and stumbled up on it while trying to get back on track. I was determined never to see 400+ on that scale again for me.

    I have been morbidly obese all my life. I have a lifetime of mental and physical scars from obesity. In October 2004 I had Gastric Bypass surgery. WLS (Weight Loss Surgery) was the best gift that I could and did give to myself.

    Between 2008 and 2010 I gradually gained back 80 of almost 300 pounds lost initially after weight loss surgery. I never reached my goal weight of 200 pounds. I still managed to keep off over 65 percent of the weight I lost which is very good and I am very proud of my accomplishments since 2004. It has literally changed my life for the better on all levels. I am here to lose re-gained weight and to reach my initial goal weight. I am in no hurry. I am taking this one day at a time and I am in it for the long haul.

    Surgery did not fix the head. It is a good tool and the best gift I have given to myself, but it was not the easy way out as many people think. Once the honeymoon period is over after the WLS it is up to the patient to keep the weight off.

    On August 29, 2011-- I was admitted to Intensive Out Patient Eating Disorder Program to learn how to manage my binge eating disorder effectively. The program is wonderful indeed and will be instrumental in me reaching all of my goals. The focus of this program was how to eat and not diet. Weight loss was not a goal of the program. I actually gained 20 pounds in program. But I had to get thru a lot of stuff and my the time I was released I had stopped gaining. I was discharged from program on December 3, 2011.

    My tool is still working for me today. My head is still the issue. SO the struggle continues. I will never beat myself up again. I fight the fine fight faithfully and positively everyday. Because that is what will get me to my goals one day. Even though it may not show up on the scale every day -- Everyday I make progress one way or another just by showing up, waking up and trying.

    Giving up is not an option for me. Perseverance, Patience, & Positive thinking will help me reach my goals…… and the same is true for you too!! :smile: We have the power within us.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,358 Member
    @deepwoodslady - Donna, please make appointment for heart asap. I am keeping you and son in my prayers. My sincere condolences go to you and family for the loss of your brother. These are very stressful times but we have to continue to take care of ourselves for ourselves and our loves ones. <3
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,358 Member
    musicsax wrote: »
    @musicsax - Welcome back! Glad you had a good vacation with your family! :blush:

    Thank you Molly, just really need to get my mojo back and stop this mindless all day grazing!!

    So sorry to hear you had a disturbing drama at work, hope you are feeling better now and that you have had the required support from work xx.

    @musicsax - Thanks, we will see when I return. My boss can be a pain but she is overall a good boss. No one is perfect and it is what it is.... My challenge is when I do not go out of town is not log on and be nosey and check my emails at work. I did it yesterday! lol I can't help it.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,358 Member
    _JeffreyD_ wrote: »
    2/12: 214.4

    It is time to try something different. Also, to add something to slow the aging process a bit. (I know I can’t reverse it! Ha!)

    @_JeffreyD_ You might find this article interesting and mind changing.


    After trying to explain the many benefits of fasting and autophagy to my DH and being poopood, our neighbor, a retired nuclear pharmacist, was telling him about fasting and how good it is for you. Now DH is interested!

    Thanks for this link Jaine! I will definitely check it out also!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,358 Member
    edited February 2022
    @IsMollyReallyHungry Enjoy your stay-cation!

    AR10at50 wrote: »
    @IsMollyReallyHungry -Enjoy your time Molly!!!🌸☕️

    Thanks Jaine and Karen, I am going to try! :)