Complete downward spiral...

SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
So, I don't want to be a nagger...but I have completely screwed my life style change this past week because of my job. I don't like blaming others either, but because of the schedule change, I can't work out at my gym because I have to work between the daycare hours. I am driving all the time so it is hard to get a healthy meal on the road. I need some serious motivation and help getting back into things. I am so mad, I eat. Then I eat some more because I get mad at my self for eating. Like tonight, I actually ate till I got a belly ache. And I think I may be becoming depressed because this schedule change is sort of forcing my daughter to wean herself from breastfeeding and I KNOW I am not ready for that. If anyone can kick my *kitten* into high gear and help me, I would greatly appreciate it. I didn't think that a change in schedule could affect my life like this but holey cow! Thank in advance and I am always looking for some new friends!


  • KitCatMcG
    KitCatMcG Posts: 29 Member
    No useful advice, but lots of sympathy! I had a similar thing happen few months ago. Just because things changed. Give it a week or so to settle down and if it hasn't make yourself reschedule??? Can you do stuff from home? Or fit a walk into your lunch break?? Good luck!!!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    some weeks I just fail. I do poorly in diet, in life in general!

    then I just say, whoa!! that was a bad week. let's try to make the next one a bit better :)

    it's ok to screw up, we all do it. just know that even a week of screw-ups is something you can overcome. definitely don't look forward to another 'week off' (it doesn't sound like you are, just mentioning it)
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I can't beat you up more than you are beating yourself up. It happens. Pack some healthy lunches for on the road instead of fast food. You will save calories and save money as well! Keep going! You got this!
  • First things first, own up to your situation. As far as food, plan to eat, and prepare healthy food ahead of time. Plan your "new" scheduled times to eat. What are you bringing to eat and drink for meals and beverages.

    I have weaned myself off "most" processed foods and no sweets. I don't really crave it at all. It has helped immensely. Fit exercise in. You need to be as healthy as you can be for you family. Make an example of yourself for yourself and your daughter. Be proud of who you are and sing it from the rooftops!

    Get your water in every single day no matter. Coffee and tea work too.

    Look in the mirror and tell yourself you are getting back into the game. Love what you see. Do it every day. You will come around, just like i did. It works. We could talk for days about it if you want to.

    Love yourself first. Then everything else will follow.

  • Awww, I am sorry you feel depressed, that usually inspires a lot of extra-eating for me as well. I would just say try to plan your meals out in advance, pack those meals and healthy snacks to have around in the car, and see if there's any way you could find more time in the day if you're not ready to wean her off yet. Just be super organized. Good luck!
  • JanetTerry
    JanetTerry Posts: 123 Member
    Re-read what Chris said! I agree totally. Read it over and over !! :) You can do it! Your post is proof.... you have already gone in the right direction :) Think UP!
  • I am completely new and probably shouldn't even be giving advice, but what I would do in your situation is make sure I'm keep healthy munchie foods around you. 3 cups of kettle corn is 136 calories and it feels like you are eating a lot and is sweet enough it takes care of the sugar/carb desires. Sunflower seeds in their hulls are good, too. They stay in the mouth longer, are nice a salty and last a really long time...just check your teeth before talking with a! Keep true to the portions. Apple and pears...opt for the fruit smoothie instead of the ice cream.

    Regarding the work out.. I know for me it was hard to keep the schedule going to the gym and cost me so much money. So, I have my work out plan set for home. If you go to and look in your area you are bound to find some free workout machines. however, jump rope for cardio, then a small set of weights can do the trick for strength training.

    Again, I am new to all of this as well, but very determined to change my lifestyle this go around. These are the things I would do in your shoes. Good luck to you!
  • rolliepollie087
    rolliepollie087 Posts: 251 Member
    I'll touch on the breastfeeding // weaning subject =)

    How old is your little one?

    And everyone really has their bad weeks. Don't let it discourage you, make it a reason to push yourself that much harder next time. =) For your one bad day, how many good ones have you had? ;)
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    So, I don't want to be a nagger...but I have completely screwed my life style change this past week because of my job. I don't like blaming others either, but because of the schedule change, I can't work out at my gym because I have to work between the daycare hours. I am driving all the time so it is hard to get a healthy meal on the road. I need some serious motivation and help getting back into things. I am so mad, I eat. Then I eat some more because I get mad at my self for eating. Like tonight, I actually ate till I got a belly ache. And I think I may be becoming depressed because this schedule change is sort of forcing my daughter to wean herself from breastfeeding and I KNOW I am not ready for that. If anyone can kick my *kitten* into high gear and help me, I would greatly appreciate it. I didn't think that a change in schedule could affect my life like this but holey cow! Thank in advance and I am always looking for some new friends!

    First of all, hugs hugs and more hugs... xxx We have all been there, and are again, that is why we are here.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, new here, so no idea how to do it!

    Now bend over for that kick in the *kitten*!! Here it comes xx

    I would say, try making snacks to take with you, nuts and such just to keep you going as you are driving. As a mother of twins I know what it is like with no time for you and that is what you need. I used to try and make as much food for the week as possible on a Sunday. You can make soups and with youtube and everything we have now I am sure there are so many other things you can do without so much time.

    Also there is always time, you can walk with your buggy, I know it is hard work but is can be done! There has to be someone who can help you with your babie, even if you only get to walk for ten mins!! Try skipping, but take is slow and only do it on a soft surface, you will notice a difference fast. Also do you have room for a trampoline? I got one for my children about 10 years ago, brilliant thing, never knew something so much fun could help us all stay fit!!! Gave it away to another young family x

    If you are worried about the cost of a trampoline, try freecycle, they give away things to people who want to collect, there is always a way, and you have taken such a big step in posting that message... xx

    You can do this and you will xxx
  • Your title sounds accurate, but now YOU need to take control of YOUR life. Certainly anyone can "trip" and stumble. Instead of thinking of your life as a downward spiral, think of it as a turbulant transition. A play on words to be sure, but you have to mentally get into the game, and defeat the change.

    Plot out your week. Where are gaps, of even 30 minutes? We all have them, we just need to sacrafice a bit. I can't believe how much time I was wasting in front of a TV or computer.

    What are you eating, and how can you make it better? Pack a sandwich, apple, banana, etc. Food that can be eaten on the run/go/drive. I'm not usually one to condone eating and driving, but it's an unfortunate reality in some ways. I read somewhere( I think it was one of my Tri-training books) that one needs to eat sitting and at at table. It helps us psych-wise and body-wise to process we are eating a meal.

    Make food/snacks ahead of time, put them in fridge night before so all you do in the morning is throw it in cooler w/ ice blocks, etc.

    Being a male, I'm sorry I have no ideas about breastfeeding your young one. I could only suggest pumping at work so that your daughter is still getting all the nutrients she needs, but I'm guessing you've done that/doing that already.

    Be strong, will yourself to take control, stick to it.
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