
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,892 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ January 30, 2022 through May 9, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 195.2

    Day 01…..01/30….197.6…..(Trend weight 194.6) Gaining 2 ½ pounds a day is crazy. Small drops in-between but then large 2 ½ lb leaps. Yesterday was pizza for lunch and pizza for dinner. Real Chocolate and regular milk. All bad news! I’ll work harder today. I’m not hitting the 200 mark again! I’ve worked too hard!
    Day 02…..01/31…..197.0…..(Trend weight 194.9) This had GOT to be a better round and it’s not just for vain reasons. Health, health, health. Good luck Everyone. Let’s go get real proud of ourselves!

    Day 03…..02/01…..197.0…..(Trend weight 195.1) No change. Grateful for no uptick. Yesterday was not perfect.

    Day 04…..02/02…..197.4…..(Trend weight 195.3) Good meals. Bad snacks. No TMI. No exercise/movement worth noting. I did get on my exercise bike late night for what seemed like hours (probably about 5 minutes.) DGS work me up this morning at 5:10 so I am floating on just over 3 hours sleep and this is an early weigh-in. Nothing going right this morning. I hope the day gets better. At least I figured out how to fix his TV!

    Day 05…..02/03…..195.8…..(Trend weight 195.4) Glad to see a better drop. A little frustrating going up big-time and down a smidgen at a time. But I know it’s all part of the soup and my choices are the main ingredient. As I’ve said before, we can’t outrun the fork or the spoon!

    Day 06…..02/04…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.5) Mexican tasted high sodium but I kept the rest of the day good. Lots of sleep last night but no TMI this morning worth nothing. Surprise restaurant food later from my daughter is coming. I will split it into late lunch and dinner if it’s big. Very very very low calorie burn, steps and miles yesterday according to my fitbit. A record low most likely!

    Day 07…..02/05…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.6) I had such a horrible binge last night that it was actually partially parked in my throat with no more room in the stomach. Likely the worst I’ve ever had with no understanding of what triggered me or why. It was a particularly difficult day babysitting the DGS. His fits are difficult. Could it be that? I’m not sure but I am shocked the scale did not reflect even an ounce (yet). I’m sure it’s coming for my scale soon!

    Day 08…..02/06…..194.6…..(Trend weight 195.5) Nothing showed up from that horrid binge. Divine intervention or I’m still waiting? We shall see. In any case, it was the opposite affect. A nice drop on the scale. I did burn about 300 more calories than I have been of late due to normal unplanned busy circumstances. Smiling today and hoping I can stay on track. I’m going shopping at dollar store today for certain things I need. I’ve got to stay away from junk!

    Day 09…..02/07…..195.4…..(Trend weight 195.5) I had a day yesterday that made me prouder than I have been in awhile. Scale tipped up from prior transgressions most likely, but trend weight is holding steady and I’m feeling pretty good. Last stages of Livingroom temporary project is completed but furniture will remain covered and a bit askew so that the new wall(s) can be put in. There is a header between the dining area and the livingroom that juts down and is stupid looking. I plan on making it a bit lower, building walls (small ones to keep the open concept idea) slightly arching both sides to tie into the rest of the general area and making it look more like a door header instead of a supporting beam. After the build it will be drywalled, primed and painted and trimmed out as needed. My guy is slow but dedicated. This will take way longer than it should. But it will be worth it. Tomorrow I go pick up a free jacuzzi jetted bathtub that has been given to me by my seamstress. I’m so happy to get this. I will use it in my master bathroom reno when we get there. THAT is going to be a big project! I’m moving my bedroom closets, taking the old closet space to widen the bathroom and moving ALL the plumbing and drains. It opens in the hallway now, but when completed, it will open from inside my bedroom to make it a master suite. There is the other full and newly remodeled bath nearby for the rest of the floor. I don’t need two as bad as I need one in my bedroom. I will lose some bedroom space but it’s 24 feet long and I’m only going to take around 2.5 feet of it so it is well worth it. That’s another day, another dollar though. Right now I need that horrible supporting beam addressed!

    Day 10…..02/08…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.3) A welcomed whoosh! Kept yesterday pretty clean. Sugar-free chocolate only!

    Day 11…..02/09…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.1) I am thrilled the whoosh is sticking. So, I didn’t expect much of a change today due to that whoosh. I will try to be thoughtful today and maybe move a little more if possible.

    Day 12…..02/10…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.2) My daughter bought pizza last night for us and a handyman that was working. 2.6 lbs for a reasonable amount of pizza! The rest of the day (earlier) was on point. Wow! That pizza tasted salty. Just not used to it, I guess!

    Day 13…..02/11…..194.8…..(Trend weight 195.1) An okay day yesterday reflected better on the scale. Doctor appointments today for son & I for diabetes. Also for heart for me. They are going to send me to a heart and vascular center I guess. It doesn’t pay to flunk two EKG’s. They were supposed to do it late last fall but had trouble with insurance. Then I let it go due to all the holidays and then my brother’s death. Time to get things right with my heart now. I’ve gotten to the point where I am a little afraid to even exercise with all the sinking and fluttering I am feeling. Need answers.

    Day 14…..02/12…..197.8…..(Trend weight 195.4) Fasted until 3:00 for doctor appointment/bloodwork. Then subway and cake. Cake twice. Did I take advantage of the fact I won’t have glucose checked by doctor for another 3 months? Probably. Regrets today.

    Day 15……02/13…..197.4…..(Trend weight 195.6) I was so sick last night from all of this weeks bad choices. Pizza, Subway, Cake etc. All too rich. My body could not get enough water yesterday as it tried to flush everything out to save this diabetic from a hospital trip. My sugar read 438 an hour after my medication. I’m smarter than this. I just need to win this staring competition with my diabetes. I will not blink today!

    Day 16…..02/14…..197.6…..(Trend weight 195.8) A great day yesterday which I am disappointed did not reflect on the scale. Over 14,000 steps, over 6 miles and 3047 calories burned overall including my normal expenditure. Diet was light and on-point. No cheats. The scale is playing games with me but I know if I stay on point it will eventually have to be honest. I was proud of yesterday. The numbers were all in hard work cleaning out master bdrm to get new bedroom set and that was a back and forth chore. But I worked really hard! Going thru lots of clothes today too. No point in putting back in things I’m not wearing or no longer like. I know I had some dietary cheats this week that are probably reflecting on the scale today. So today I pay the piper and hope for a better tomorrow.

    Day 17…..02/15…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.8) There’s the drop I was hoping for. Lots of calorie burn again yesterday still sorting through the bedroom. Lots of storage in there from the living room project that is underway so extra stuff ugh! Living room is moving right along. Drywall dusty but looking good. I’ve been keeping the diet on point and hope to keep up the momentum today. Going through more clothing and “STUFF” today so there should be a good calorie burn again.

    Day 18…..02/16…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.7) This is a couple of good days in a row of diet and movement finally showing up in a bigger better way. Yesterday was another very good day on both fronts until…..that late night bagel (Starving!) with honey butter on it and the handful of jolly ranchers (couple hundred calories?). Glad I didn’t sabotage the scale with it, unless it shows up later……To be continued.

    Day 19…..02/17…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.7) Up & Down by about a pound and a half over and over. It’s getting annoying. Diet on point all day. A little less movement than the prior couple of days but still not too bad. I’m thinking it’s those jolly ranchers from the other day. But still…..that is a big jump on the scale!

    Day 20…..02/18…..194.2…..(Trend weight 195.6) Well, after what appeared to be a very serious house fire filled with smoke I found out that it was my well pump that burned up. Smoke got into the cold air register making the smoke get transferred to all 3 floors. Breathing was difficult but it was obvious it was something I could shut down at the electrical box. Now, no water until God Himself knows. Rural area here. Limited resources. Need a 1.5 HP jet deep well pump with dual inlet. Can’t seem to find one anywhere in America. I would like new, but I can’t even find one used. House size requires no less than that. And the well man (only one in my town) is not sure he knows how to even install this type. I have no idea what I am going to do at this point. Smdh. No answers.

    Day 21…..02/19…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.4) I just need water. To drink, to bathe, to do dishes, to do laundry, to wash my hands! No answers. Where are my husband and brother when you need them? Oh, that’s right. They are in heaven. Maybe God will help then. Prayers requested please.

    Day 22…..02/20…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.5) The up & down of the 1.5 pounds is really getting annoying! Great quantities yesterday. Steps & movement back up again. No snacks whatsoever. I think maybe it was the choices even though I am sure they were all within proper calorie levels. Gotta trust & move forward I guess.

    Day 23…..02/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 24…..02/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 25…..02/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 26…..02/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 27…..02/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 28…..02/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 29…..02/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 30…..02/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in February:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 31…..03/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 32…..03/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 33…..03/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 34…..03/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 35…..03/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 36…..03/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 37…..03/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 38…..03/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 39…..03/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 40…..03/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 41…..03/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 42…..03/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 43…..03/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 44…..03/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 45…..03/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 46…..03/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 47…..03/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 48…..03/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 49…..03/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 50…..03/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far:

    Day 51…..03/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 52…..03/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 53…..03/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 54…..03/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 55…..03/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 56…..03/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 57…..03/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 58…..03/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 59…..03/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 60…..03/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 61…..03/31…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in March:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 62…..04/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 63…..04/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 64…..04/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 65…..04/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 66…..04/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 67…..04/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 68…..04/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 69…..04/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 70…..04/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 71…..04/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 72…..04/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 73…..04/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 74…..04/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 75…..04/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 76…..04/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 77…..04/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 78…..04/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 79…..04/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 80…..04/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 81…..04/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 82…..04/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 83…..04/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 84…..04/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 85…..04/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 86…..04/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 87…..04/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 88…..04/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 89…..04/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 90…..04/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 91…..04/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in April:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 92…..05/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 93…..05/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 94…..05/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 95…..05/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 96…..05/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 97…..05/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 98…..05/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..05/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..05/09…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in May (partial month) ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    CHALLENGE GOAL: 10 pound loss to land at 185.2

  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Challenge SW: 136.4
    Challenge GW: 125

    This is my final round. I will reach goal either the end of March or early/mid-April.

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 136.4
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31: 136.8
    Day 3: Tue, 2/1: 136.6
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2: 136.4
    Day 5: Thu, 2/3: 136.8
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4: 136.6
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5: 136
    Week 1 GAIN: +0.2

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6: 136.6
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7: 138.4 Had a big hungry day yesterday. Got it out of my system and back on track today. My posting for the next 2 weeks or so is going to be spotty. I’m watching every minute of the Olympics (except for hockey) and I have a sprained wrist so its hard to type. I’m still weighing every day tho!
    Day 10: Tue, 2/8: 137.4
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9: 137
    Day 12: Thu, 2/10: 137
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11: 136.4
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12: 135.2 Finally!! I’ve been stuck at 136-137 for 2 weeks.
    Week 2 Loss: -1.4

    Day 15: Sun, 2/13: 135.2
    Day 16: Mon, 2/14: 135.2
    Day 17: Tue, 2/15: 134.8
    Day 18: Wed, 2/16: 133.8 I don’t trust this number since it’s such a big drop. It will probably be up tomorrow anyway since I ate out for lunch today.
    Day 19: Thu, 2/17: 134.4 Expected bump. Yesterday’s drop was too much. Nice, but not realistic. Did good at lunch yesterday.
    Day 20: Fri, 2/18: 134
    Day 21: Sat, 2/19: 133.2
    Week 3 Loss: -2

    Day 22: Sun, 2/20: 133.2

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    I am Dawn.
    I have gained weight the last few 100s
    Time to turn that around

    61 years old, 5'2"
    Highest weight 207
    Ultimate goal weight 110-115
    This is my 9th round on this forum, I joined it at 158.6

    Day 15: Sun: 2/13: 139.0 - I didn't eat all day trying to mitigate Ribs from Friday. Dinner was not really nutritional, but kept the calories in check.
    Day 16: Mon: 2/14: Spent the day continuing to empty and clean my friend's house that she has sold. Same as the day before, I basically did not eat during the day. I will get back to some more normal eating later this week, and then am planning a nice cleanse toward the end of the month to reset myself and figure out what foods should stay or go.
    Day 17: Tues: 2/15: Missed forums, but kept tracking.
    Day 18: Wed: 2/16: 139.2 - Getting back to my normal routine. My friend departed this morning for Calgary, and flies out of there in the wee hours tomorrow. Tearful and sad to see her go.
    Day 19: Thurs: 2/17: 138.4 - Friday nights are usually when I have something indulgent to eat. Planning a cleanse on the 21st-28th. It basically ups certain foods and eliminates others. The idea is to clean out the organs and digestive system. I will detail it more later.
    Day 20: Fri: 2/18: 138.2 - I have decided to postpone a nice cleanse until into March. I have so much food here from emptying out my friend's fridge and freezer before she moved, I don't want to bring in more stuff for the cleanse just yet.
    Day 21: Sat: 2/19: 139.4 - Argh

    3rd Week Goal Weight: 137
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 139.4
    Excess calories burned (Green on the MFP food tracker): 4410 - Surpassed my goal of 500 in the green on average.

    Day 22: Sun: 2/20: 138.2 - Such a long way still to my ideal weight, healthy body weight. I feel like health becomes more important the older that we get, and weight is a huge part of that and something that is within our control.
    Day 23: Mon: 2/21:
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22:
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23:
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24:
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25:
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26:

    4th Week Goal Weight: 135
    4th Week Actual Weight:
    Excess calories burned (Green on the MFP food tracker):

    Start weight this 100: 138.4 - Highest start weight for the last 4 100s
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,752 Member
    edited February 2022
    I'm in. I'm Chris. I live in northern California.
    71 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Highest Weight: 192.2
    Challenge Starting Weight: 149.2
    Challenge Goal: 135
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130.0
    Day 01 - 01/30 - 149.2 at 8:15 a.m. ...7.05 miles in 121 mins
    Day 02 - 01/31 - 147.3 at 7:30 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 03 - 02/01 - 148.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.25 miles in 109 mins
    Day 04 - 02/02 - 145.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 05 - 02/03 - 147.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.37 miles in 133 mins
    Day 06 - 02/04 - 147.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 07 - 02/05 - 146.9 at 6:00 a.m. ...7.22 miles in 125 mins
    1st Week Goal Weight - 145.9
    1st Week Actual Weight - 146.9
    Day 08 - 02/06 - 148.3 at 8:00 a.m. ...7.25 miles in 133 mins
    Day 09 - 02/07 - 148.2 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 10 - 02/08 - 148.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 11 - 02/09 - 147.5 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 12 - 02/10 - 148.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.12 miles in 124 mins
    Day 13 - 02/11 - 148.5 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 14 - 02/12 - 146.8 at 6:00 a.m. ...6.19 miles in 108 mins
    2nd Week Goal Weight - 145.9
    2nd Week Actual Weight - 146.8
    Day 15 - 02/13 - 147.7 at 8:45 a.m. ...6.46 miles in 119 mins
    Day 16 - 02/14 - 147.8 at 8:15 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 17 - 02/15 - 147.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 18 - 02/16 - 149.7 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 19 - 02/17 - 149.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.72 miles in 98 mins
    Day 20 - 02/18 - 150.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 21 - 02/19 - 150.3 at 6:00 a.m. ...7.72 miles in 168 mins
    3rd Week Goal Weight - 145.9
    3rd Week Actual Weight - 150.3
    Day 22 - 02/20 - 149.1 at 8:15 a.m. ...7.35 miles in 154 mins
    Day 23 - 02/21 -
    Day 24 - 02/22 -
    Day 25 - 02/23 -
    Day 26 - 02/24 -
    Day 27 - 02/25 -
    Day 28 - 02/26 -
    4th Week Goal Weight - 147.0
    4th Week Actual Weight -
  • nic0520
    nic0520 Posts: 86 Member
    Heaviest weight 289
    MFP starting weight?
    January SW 240
    February SW 233.9
    February GW 225
    Ultimate GW 175

    1 Feb 233.9
    2 Feb 233.4
    3 Feb 234.5, I feel like I am on a rollercoaster- very frustrated with myself! Need to drink more H2O.
    4 Feb 234.7 UGH!!! 🤨
    5 Feb 234.7
    6 Feb 233 🎉now to keep the momentum going!
    7 Feb 234.7 🎢- I really struggle on my days off
    1st Week Goal Weight: 232
    1st Week Actual Weight: 234.7 😥

    8 Feb 233.6 Maybe I should work 7 days a week, lol
    9 Feb 232.3
    10 Feb 232.3
    11 Feb 233.4 had an emotional eating day and my window was too long because family was in town. Back on track today!
    12 Feb 233
    2nd week Goal Weight 232
    2nd week Actual Weight 233 (lost -0.6) - I'm not sure how my week got messed up, my copy and paste skills are not up to par, lol

    Day 15 Feb 13 Sun: 231.2 🏈let's hope that scale doesn't go up tomorrow!
    Day 16 Feb 14 Mon❤️:233.6
    Day 17 Feb 15 Tues: 233.3- kinda bummed with that number since I did OMAD yesterday and lots of water- it is still a loss and I am still motivated
    Day 18 Feb 16 Wed:233.1
    Day 19 Feb 17 Thur:231.9
    Day 20 Feb 18 Fri:231.4
    Day 21 Feb 19 Sat:230.6😁
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 231
    3rd Week Actual Weight:230.6 (-0.4 under goal🎉🎉🎉)

    Day 22 Feb 20 Sun:
    Day23 Feb 21 Mon: 232.5 Can you tell it was my day off?
    Day 24 Feb 22 Tues:
    Day 25 Feb 23 Wed:
    Day 26 Feb 24 Thur:
    Day 27 Feb 25 Fri:
    Day 28 Feb 26 Sat:
    4th Week Goal Weight: 229
    4th Week Actual Weight:
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,267 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 180
    Challenge Goal: 160
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 180
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31: 180.2
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1: 178
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2: 178.4
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3: 179.2
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4: 179.6
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5: 179.8
    1st Week Goal Weight: 178.2
    1st Week Actual Weight: 179.8

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6: 178.6
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7: 181.6
    Day 10: Tues, 2/8: 181
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9: 180.4
    Day 12: Thurs, 2/10: 177.8
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11: 178
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12: 176.2
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 178.8
    2nd Week Actual Weight: 176.2

    Day 15: Sun: 2/13: 179.6
    Day 16: Mon: 2/14: 180.4
    Day 17: Tues: 2/15: 181
    Day 18: Wed: 2/16: 180
    Day 19: Thurs: 2/17: 179.8
    Day 20: Fri: 2/18: 180.2
    Day 21: Sat: 2/19: 180.2
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 175.6
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 180.2

    Day 22: Sun: 2/20: 181.6
    Day 23: Mon: 2/21: 180.6
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22:
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23:
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24:
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25:
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26:
    4th Week Goal Weight: 178.4
    4th Week Actual Weight:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,892 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ January 30, 2022 through May 9, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 195.2

    Day 01…..01/30….197.6…..(Trend weight 194.6) Gaining 2 ½ pounds a day is crazy. Small drops in-between but then large 2 ½ lb leaps. Yesterday was pizza for lunch and pizza for dinner. Real Chocolate and regular milk. All bad news! I’ll work harder today. I’m not hitting the 200 mark again! I’ve worked too hard!
    Day 02…..01/31…..197.0…..(Trend weight 194.9) This had GOT to be a better round and it’s not just for vain reasons. Health, health, health. Good luck Everyone. Let’s go get real proud of ourselves!

    Day 03…..02/01…..197.0…..(Trend weight 195.1) No change. Grateful for no uptick. Yesterday was not perfect.

    Day 04…..02/02…..197.4…..(Trend weight 195.3) Good meals. Bad snacks. No TMI. No exercise/movement worth noting. I did get on my exercise bike late night for what seemed like hours (probably about 5 minutes.) DGS work me up this morning at 5:10 so I am floating on just over 3 hours sleep and this is an early weigh-in. Nothing going right this morning. I hope the day gets better. At least I figured out how to fix his TV!

    Day 05…..02/03…..195.8…..(Trend weight 195.4) Glad to see a better drop. A little frustrating going up big-time and down a smidgen at a time. But I know it’s all part of the soup and my choices are the main ingredient. As I’ve said before, we can’t outrun the fork or the spoon!

    Day 06…..02/04…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.5) Mexican tasted high sodium but I kept the rest of the day good. Lots of sleep last night but no TMI this morning worth nothing. Surprise restaurant food later from my daughter is coming. I will split it into late lunch and dinner if it’s big. Very very very low calorie burn, steps and miles yesterday according to my fitbit. A record low most likely!

    Day 07…..02/05…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.6) I had such a horrible binge last night that it was actually partially parked in my throat with no more room in the stomach. Likely the worst I’ve ever had with no understanding of what triggered me or why. It was a particularly difficult day babysitting the DGS. His fits are difficult. Could it be that? I’m not sure but I am shocked the scale did not reflect even an ounce (yet). I’m sure it’s coming for my scale soon!

    Day 08…..02/06…..194.6…..(Trend weight 195.5) Nothing showed up from that horrid binge. Divine intervention or I’m still waiting? We shall see. In any case, it was the opposite affect. A nice drop on the scale. I did burn about 300 more calories than I have been of late due to normal unplanned busy circumstances. Smiling today and hoping I can stay on track. I’m going shopping at dollar store today for certain things I need. I’ve got to stay away from junk!

    Day 09…..02/07…..195.4…..(Trend weight 195.5) I had a day yesterday that made me prouder than I have been in awhile. Scale tipped up from prior transgressions most likely, but trend weight is holding steady and I’m feeling pretty good. Last stages of Livingroom temporary project is completed but furniture will remain covered and a bit askew so that the new wall(s) can be put in. There is a header between the dining area and the livingroom that juts down and is stupid looking. I plan on making it a bit lower, building walls (small ones to keep the open concept idea) slightly arching both sides to tie into the rest of the general area and making it look more like a door header instead of a supporting beam. After the build it will be drywalled, primed and painted and trimmed out as needed. My guy is slow but dedicated. This will take way longer than it should. But it will be worth it. Tomorrow I go pick up a free jacuzzi jetted bathtub that has been given to me by my seamstress. I’m so happy to get this. I will use it in my master bathroom reno when we get there. THAT is going to be a big project! I’m moving my bedroom closets, taking the old closet space to widen the bathroom and moving ALL the plumbing and drains. It opens in the hallway now, but when completed, it will open from inside my bedroom to make it a master suite. There is the other full and newly remodeled bath nearby for the rest of the floor. I don’t need two as bad as I need one in my bedroom. I will lose some bedroom space but it’s 24 feet long and I’m only going to take around 2.5 feet of it so it is well worth it. That’s another day, another dollar though. Right now I need that horrible supporting beam addressed!

    Day 10…..02/08…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.3) A welcomed whoosh! Kept yesterday pretty clean. Sugar-free chocolate only!

    Day 11…..02/09…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.1) I am thrilled the whoosh is sticking. So, I didn’t expect much of a change today due to that whoosh. I will try to be thoughtful today and maybe move a little more if possible.

    Day 12…..02/10…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.2) My daughter bought pizza last night for us and a handyman that was working. 2.6 lbs for a reasonable amount of pizza! The rest of the day (earlier) was on point. Wow! That pizza tasted salty. Just not used to it, I guess!

    Day 13…..02/11…..194.8…..(Trend weight 195.1) An okay day yesterday reflected better on the scale. Doctor appointments today for son & I for diabetes. Also for heart for me. They are going to send me to a heart and vascular center I guess. It doesn’t pay to flunk two EKG’s. They were supposed to do it late last fall but had trouble with insurance. Then I let it go due to all the holidays and then my brother’s death. Time to get things right with my heart now. I’ve gotten to the point where I am a little afraid to even exercise with all the sinking and fluttering I am feeling. Need answers.

    Day 14…..02/12…..197.8…..(Trend weight 195.4) Fasted until 3:00 for doctor appointment/bloodwork. Then subway and cake. Cake twice. Did I take advantage of the fact I won’t have glucose checked by doctor for another 3 months? Probably. Regrets today.

    Day 15……02/13…..197.4…..(Trend weight 195.6) I was so sick last night from all of this weeks bad choices. Pizza, Subway, Cake etc. All too rich. My body could not get enough water yesterday as it tried to flush everything out to save this diabetic from a hospital trip. My sugar read 438 an hour after my medication. I’m smarter than this. I just need to win this staring competition with my diabetes. I will not blink today!

    Day 16…..02/14…..197.6…..(Trend weight 195.8) A great day yesterday which I am disappointed did not reflect on the scale. Over 14,000 steps, over 6 miles and 3047 calories burned overall including my normal expenditure. Diet was light and on-point. No cheats. The scale is playing games with me but I know if I stay on point it will eventually have to be honest. I was proud of yesterday. The numbers were all in hard work cleaning out master bdrm to get new bedroom set and that was a back and forth chore. But I worked really hard! Going thru lots of clothes today too. No point in putting back in things I’m not wearing or no longer like. I know I had some dietary cheats this week that are probably reflecting on the scale today. So today I pay the piper and hope for a better tomorrow.

    Day 17…..02/15…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.8) There’s the drop I was hoping for. Lots of calorie burn again yesterday still sorting through the bedroom. Lots of storage in there from the living room project that is underway so extra stuff ugh! Living room is moving right along. Drywall dusty but looking good. I’ve been keeping the diet on point and hope to keep up the momentum today. Going through more clothing and “STUFF” today so there should be a good calorie burn again.

    Day 18…..02/16…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.7) This is a couple of good days in a row of diet and movement finally showing up in a bigger better way. Yesterday was another very good day on both fronts until…..that late night bagel (Starving!) with honey butter on it and the handful of jolly ranchers (couple hundred calories?). Glad I didn’t sabotage the scale with it, unless it shows up later……To be continued.

    Day 19…..02/17…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.7) Up & Down by about a pound and a half over and over. It’s getting annoying. Diet on point all day. A little less movement than the prior couple of days but still not too bad. I’m thinking it’s those jolly ranchers from the other day. But still…..that is a big jump on the scale!

    Day 20…..02/18…..194.2…..(Trend weight 195.6) Well, after what appeared to be a very serious house fire filled with smoke I found out that it was my well pump that burned up. Smoke got into the cold air register making the smoke get transferred to all 3 floors. Breathing was difficult but it was obvious it was something I could shut down at the electrical box. Now, no water until God Himself knows. Rural area here. Limited resources. Need a 1.5 HP jet deep well pump with dual inlet. Can’t seem to find one anywhere in America. I would like new, but I can’t even find one used. House size requires no less than that. And the well man (only one in my town) is not sure he knows how to even install this type. I have no idea what I am going to do at this point. Smdh. No answers.

    Day 21…..02/19…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.4) I just need water. To drink, to bathe, to do dishes, to do laundry, to wash my hands! No answers. Where are my husband and brother when you need them? Oh, that’s right. They are in heaven. Maybe God will help then. Prayers requested please.

    Day 22…..02/20…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.5) The up & down of the 1.5 pounds is really getting annoying! Great quantities yesterday. Steps & movement back up again. No snacks whatsoever. I think maybe it was the choices even though I am sure they were all within proper calorie levels. Gotta trust & move forward I guess.

    Day 23…..02/21…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.6) A better week for sure but the renovations are still limiting my ability to exercise or get in enough movement, as well as my privacy. My short term goal is to hit the 180’s again and then hang on for dear life. I am picturing the man from “Up” holding on to those balloons. I need to get moving, hang on for dear life but enjoy the ride! Oh, and I need to keep promises….even to myself.

    Day 24…..02/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 25…..02/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 26…..02/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 27…..02/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 28…..02/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 29…..02/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 30…..02/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in February:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 31…..03/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 32…..03/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 33…..03/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 34…..03/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 35…..03/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 36…..03/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 37…..03/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 38…..03/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 39…..03/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 40…..03/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 41…..03/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 42…..03/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 43…..03/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 44…..03/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 45…..03/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 46…..03/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 47…..03/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 48…..03/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 49…..03/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 50…..03/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far:

    Day 51…..03/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 52…..03/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 53…..03/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 54…..03/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 55…..03/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 56…..03/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 57…..03/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 58…..03/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 59…..03/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 60…..03/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 61…..03/31…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in March:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 62…..04/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 63…..04/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 64…..04/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 65…..04/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 66…..04/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 67…..04/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 68…..04/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 69…..04/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 70…..04/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 71…..04/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 72…..04/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 73…..04/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 74…..04/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 75…..04/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 76…..04/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 77…..04/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 78…..04/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 79…..04/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 80…..04/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 81…..04/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 82…..04/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 83…..04/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 84…..04/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 85…..04/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 86…..04/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 87…..04/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 88…..04/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 89…..04/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 90…..04/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 91…..04/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in April:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 92…..05/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 93…..05/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 94…..05/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 95…..05/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 96…..05/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 97…..05/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 98…..05/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..05/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..05/09…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in May (partial month) ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    CHALLENGE GOAL: 10 pound loss to land at 185.2

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    I am Dawn.
    I have gained weight the last few 100s
    Time to turn that around

    61 years old, 5'2"
    Highest weight 207
    Ultimate goal weight 110-115
    This is my 9th round on this forum, I joined it at 158.6

    Day 15: Sun: 2/13: 139.0 - I didn't eat all day trying to mitigate Ribs from Friday. Dinner was not really nutritional, but kept the calories in check.
    Day 16: Mon: 2/14: Spent the day continuing to empty and clean my friend's house that she has sold. Same as the day before, I basically did not eat during the day. I will get back to some more normal eating later this week, and then am planning a nice cleanse toward the end of the month to reset myself and figure out what foods should stay or go.
    Day 17: Tues: 2/15: Missed forums, but kept tracking.
    Day 18: Wed: 2/16: 139.2 - Getting back to my normal routine. My friend departed this morning for Calgary, and flies out of there in the wee hours tomorrow. Tearful and sad to see her go.
    Day 19: Thurs: 2/17: 138.4 - Friday nights are usually when I have something indulgent to eat. Planning a cleanse on the 21st-28th. It basically ups certain foods and eliminates others. The idea is to clean out the organs and digestive system. I will detail it more later.
    Day 20: Fri: 2/18: 138.2 - I have decided to postpone a nice cleanse until into March. I have so much food here from emptying out my friend's fridge and freezer before she moved, I don't want to bring in more stuff for the cleanse just yet.
    Day 21: Sat: 2/19: 139.4 - Argh

    3rd Week Goal Weight: 137
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 139.4
    Excess calories burned (Green on the MFP food tracker): 4410 - Surpassed my goal of 500 in the green on average.

    Day 22: Sun: 2/20: 138.2 - Such a long way still to my ideal weight, healthy body weight. I feel like health becomes more important the older that we get, and weight is a huge part of that and something that is within our control.
    Day 23: Mon: 2/21: 138.8 - Either a fluctuation or still paying for Friday eve. It is a holiday here today, glad to be working, extra $$ for a stat holiday.
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22:
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23:
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24:
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25:
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26:

    4th Week Goal Weight: 135
    4th Week Actual Weight:
    Excess calories burned (Green on the MFP food tracker):

    Start weight this 100: 138.4 - Highest start weight for the last 4 100s
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Challenge SW: 136.4
    Challenge GW: 125

    This is my final round. I will reach goal either the end of March or early/mid-April.

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 136.4
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31: 136.8
    Day 3: Tue, 2/1: 136.6
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2: 136.4
    Day 5: Thu, 2/3: 136.8
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4: 136.6
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5: 136
    Week 1 GAIN: +0.2

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6: 136.6
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7: 138.4 Had a big hungry day yesterday. Got it out of my system and back on track today. My posting for the next 2 weeks or so is going to be spotty. I’m watching every minute of the Olympics (except for hockey) and I have a sprained wrist so its hard to type. I’m still weighing every day tho!
    Day 10: Tue, 2/8: 137.4
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9: 137
    Day 12: Thu, 2/10: 137
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11: 136.4
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12: 135.2 Finally!! I’ve been stuck at 136-137 for 2 weeks.
    Week 2 Loss: -1.4

    Day 15: Sun, 2/13: 135.2
    Day 16: Mon, 2/14: 135.2
    Day 17: Tue, 2/15: 134.8
    Day 18: Wed, 2/16: 133.8 I don’t trust this number since it’s such a big drop. It will probably be up tomorrow anyway since I ate out for lunch today.
    Day 19: Thu, 2/17: 134.4 Expected bump. Yesterday’s drop was too much. Nice, but not realistic. Did good at lunch yesterday.
    Day 20: Fri, 2/18: 134
    Day 21: Sat, 2/19: 133.2
    Week 3 Loss: -2

    Day 22: Sun, 2/20: 133.2
    Day 23: Mon, 2/21: 133.6

  • jayenguk
    jayenguk Posts: 355 Member
    Highest Weight 317

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 239.6
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31:238
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1:237.2
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2:238.4
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3:238
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4:dnw
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5:dnw
    1st Week Goal Weight: 236
    1st Week Actual Weight: N/A

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6:dnw
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7:dnw
    Day 10: Tues, 2/8:237.2
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9:237.8
    Day 12: Thurs, 2/10:235.8
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11:234.8
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12: 235.4
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 233
    2ndWeek Actual Weight: 235.4

    Day 15: Sun: 2/13: 235.2
    Day 16: Mon: 2/14:233.4
    Day 17: Tues: 2/15:234.4
    Day 18: Wed: 2/16:232.8
    Day 19: Thurs: 2/17:233
    Day 20: Fri: 2/18:233
    Day 21: Sat: 2/19:233
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 230
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 233

    Day 22: Sun: 2/20:233.4
    Day 23: Mon: 2/21:233.4
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22:
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23:
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24:
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25:
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26:
    4th Week Goal Weight: 230
    4th Week Actual Weight:
  • kramereh
    kramereh Posts: 612 Member
    I’m starting this challenge late. I really need to stay motivated!

    Day 23: Mon: 2/21: 216.4
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22:
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23:
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24:
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25:
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26:
    4th Week Goal Weight: 4lbs
    4th Week Actual Weight:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,892 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ January 30, 2022 through May 9, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 195.2

    Day 01…..01/30….197.6…..(Trend weight 194.6) Gaining 2 ½ pounds a day is crazy. Small drops in-between but then large 2 ½ lb leaps. Yesterday was pizza for lunch and pizza for dinner. Real Chocolate and regular milk. All bad news! I’ll work harder today. I’m not hitting the 200 mark again! I’ve worked too hard!
    Day 02…..01/31…..197.0…..(Trend weight 194.9) This had GOT to be a better round and it’s not just for vain reasons. Health, health, health. Good luck Everyone. Let’s go get real proud of ourselves!

    Day 03…..02/01…..197.0…..(Trend weight 195.1) No change. Grateful for no uptick. Yesterday was not perfect.

    Day 04…..02/02…..197.4…..(Trend weight 195.3) Good meals. Bad snacks. No TMI. No exercise/movement worth noting. I did get on my exercise bike late night for what seemed like hours (probably about 5 minutes.) DGS work me up this morning at 5:10 so I am floating on just over 3 hours sleep and this is an early weigh-in. Nothing going right this morning. I hope the day gets better. At least I figured out how to fix his TV!

    Day 05…..02/03…..195.8…..(Trend weight 195.4) Glad to see a better drop. A little frustrating going up big-time and down a smidgen at a time. But I know it’s all part of the soup and my choices are the main ingredient. As I’ve said before, we can’t outrun the fork or the spoon!

    Day 06…..02/04…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.5) Mexican tasted high sodium but I kept the rest of the day good. Lots of sleep last night but no TMI this morning worth nothing. Surprise restaurant food later from my daughter is coming. I will split it into late lunch and dinner if it’s big. Very very very low calorie burn, steps and miles yesterday according to my fitbit. A record low most likely!

    Day 07…..02/05…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.6) I had such a horrible binge last night that it was actually partially parked in my throat with no more room in the stomach. Likely the worst I’ve ever had with no understanding of what triggered me or why. It was a particularly difficult day babysitting the DGS. His fits are difficult. Could it be that? I’m not sure but I am shocked the scale did not reflect even an ounce (yet). I’m sure it’s coming for my scale soon!

    Day 08…..02/06…..194.6…..(Trend weight 195.5) Nothing showed up from that horrid binge. Divine intervention or I’m still waiting? We shall see. In any case, it was the opposite affect. A nice drop on the scale. I did burn about 300 more calories than I have been of late due to normal unplanned busy circumstances. Smiling today and hoping I can stay on track. I’m going shopping at dollar store today for certain things I need. I’ve got to stay away from junk!

    Day 09…..02/07…..195.4…..(Trend weight 195.5) I had a day yesterday that made me prouder than I have been in awhile. Scale tipped up from prior transgressions most likely, but trend weight is holding steady and I’m feeling pretty good. Last stages of Livingroom temporary project is completed but furniture will remain covered and a bit askew so that the new wall(s) can be put in. There is a header between the dining area and the livingroom that juts down and is stupid looking. I plan on making it a bit lower, building walls (small ones to keep the open concept idea) slightly arching both sides to tie into the rest of the general area and making it look more like a door header instead of a supporting beam. After the build it will be drywalled, primed and painted and trimmed out as needed. My guy is slow but dedicated. This will take way longer than it should. But it will be worth it. Tomorrow I go pick up a free jacuzzi jetted bathtub that has been given to me by my seamstress. I’m so happy to get this. I will use it in my master bathroom reno when we get there. THAT is going to be a big project! I’m moving my bedroom closets, taking the old closet space to widen the bathroom and moving ALL the plumbing and drains. It opens in the hallway now, but when completed, it will open from inside my bedroom to make it a master suite. There is the other full and newly remodeled bath nearby for the rest of the floor. I don’t need two as bad as I need one in my bedroom. I will lose some bedroom space but it’s 24 feet long and I’m only going to take around 2.5 feet of it so it is well worth it. That’s another day, another dollar though. Right now I need that horrible supporting beam addressed!

    Day 10…..02/08…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.3) A welcomed whoosh! Kept yesterday pretty clean. Sugar-free chocolate only!

    Day 11…..02/09…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.1) I am thrilled the whoosh is sticking. So, I didn’t expect much of a change today due to that whoosh. I will try to be thoughtful today and maybe move a little more if possible.

    Day 12…..02/10…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.2) My daughter bought pizza last night for us and a handyman that was working. 2.6 lbs for a reasonable amount of pizza! The rest of the day (earlier) was on point. Wow! That pizza tasted salty. Just not used to it, I guess!

    Day 13…..02/11…..194.8…..(Trend weight 195.1) An okay day yesterday reflected better on the scale. Doctor appointments today for son & I for diabetes. Also for heart for me. They are going to send me to a heart and vascular center I guess. It doesn’t pay to flunk two EKG’s. They were supposed to do it late last fall but had trouble with insurance. Then I let it go due to all the holidays and then my brother’s death. Time to get things right with my heart now. I’ve gotten to the point where I am a little afraid to even exercise with all the sinking and fluttering I am feeling. Need answers.

    Day 14…..02/12…..197.8…..(Trend weight 195.4) Fasted until 3:00 for doctor appointment/bloodwork. Then subway and cake. Cake twice. Did I take advantage of the fact I won’t have glucose checked by doctor for another 3 months? Probably. Regrets today.

    Day 15……02/13…..197.4…..(Trend weight 195.6) I was so sick last night from all of this weeks bad choices. Pizza, Subway, Cake etc. All too rich. My body could not get enough water yesterday as it tried to flush everything out to save this diabetic from a hospital trip. My sugar read 438 an hour after my medication. I’m smarter than this. I just need to win this staring competition with my diabetes. I will not blink today!

    Day 16…..02/14…..197.6…..(Trend weight 195.8) A great day yesterday which I am disappointed did not reflect on the scale. Over 14,000 steps, over 6 miles and 3047 calories burned overall including my normal expenditure. Diet was light and on-point. No cheats. The scale is playing games with me but I know if I stay on point it will eventually have to be honest. I was proud of yesterday. The numbers were all in hard work cleaning out master bdrm to get new bedroom set and that was a back and forth chore. But I worked really hard! Going thru lots of clothes today too. No point in putting back in things I’m not wearing or no longer like. I know I had some dietary cheats this week that are probably reflecting on the scale today. So today I pay the piper and hope for a better tomorrow.

    Day 17…..02/15…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.8) There’s the drop I was hoping for. Lots of calorie burn again yesterday still sorting through the bedroom. Lots of storage in there from the living room project that is underway so extra stuff ugh! Living room is moving right along. Drywall dusty but looking good. I’ve been keeping the diet on point and hope to keep up the momentum today. Going through more clothing and “STUFF” today so there should be a good calorie burn again.

    Day 18…..02/16…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.7) This is a couple of good days in a row of diet and movement finally showing up in a bigger better way. Yesterday was another very good day on both fronts until…..that late night bagel (Starving!) with honey butter on it and the handful of jolly ranchers (couple hundred calories?). Glad I didn’t sabotage the scale with it, unless it shows up later……To be continued.

    Day 19…..02/17…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.7) Up & Down by about a pound and a half over and over. It’s getting annoying. Diet on point all day. A little less movement than the prior couple of days but still not too bad. I’m thinking it’s those jolly ranchers from the other day. But still…..that is a big jump on the scale!

    Day 20…..02/18…..194.2…..(Trend weight 195.6) Well, after what appeared to be a very serious house fire filled with smoke I found out that it was my well pump that burned up. Smoke got into the cold air register making the smoke get transferred to all 3 floors. Breathing was difficult but it was obvious it was something I could shut down at the electrical box. Now, no water until God Himself knows. Rural area here. Limited resources. Need a 1.5 HP jet deep well pump with dual inlet. Can’t seem to find one anywhere in America. I would like new, but I can’t even find one used. House size requires no less than that. And the well man (only one in my town) is not sure he knows how to even install this type. I have no idea what I am going to do at this point. Smdh. No answers.

    Day 21…..02/19…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.4) I just need water. To drink, to bathe, to do dishes, to do laundry, to wash my hands! No answers. Where are my husband and brother when you need them? Oh, that’s right. They are in heaven. Maybe God will help then. Prayers requested please.

    Day 22…..02/20…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.5) The up & down of the 1.5 pounds is really getting annoying! Great quantities yesterday. Steps & movement back up again. No snacks whatsoever. I think maybe it was the choices even though I am sure they were all within proper calorie levels. Gotta trust & move forward I guess.

    Day 23…..02/21…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.6) A better week for sure but the renovations are still limiting my ability to exercise or get in enough movement, as well as my privacy. My short term goal is to hit the 180’s again and then hang on for dear life. I am picturing the man from “Up” holding on to those balloons. I need to get moving, hang on for dear life but enjoy the ride! Oh, and I need to keep promises….even to myself.

    Day 24…..02/22…..197.6…..(Trend weight 195.8) The well company never showed up for the appointment and never answered multiple calls. Pretty typical in my rural area. Not too many skilled trades like to travel to the multiple small towns that need service. My handyman put in a call to another company who said they would try to come today but we are in the midst of a winter storm warning with freezing rain and snow mix. I don’t know if they will come in this weather. Cortisol and stress eating and drinking last night (chocolate milk). The scale knows all your secrets.

    Day 25…..02/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 26…..02/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 27…..02/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 28…..02/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 29…..02/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 30…..02/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in February:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 31…..03/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 32…..03/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 33…..03/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 34…..03/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 35…..03/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 36…..03/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 37…..03/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 38…..03/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 39…..03/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 40…..03/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 41…..03/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 42…..03/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 43…..03/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 44…..03/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 45…..03/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 46…..03/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 47…..03/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 48…..03/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 49…..03/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 50…..03/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far:

    Day 51…..03/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 52…..03/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 53…..03/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 54…..03/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 55…..03/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 56…..03/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 57…..03/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 58…..03/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 59…..03/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 60…..03/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 61…..03/31…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in March:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 62…..04/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 63…..04/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 64…..04/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 65…..04/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 66…..04/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 67…..04/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 68…..04/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 69…..04/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 70…..04/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 71…..04/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 72…..04/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 73…..04/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 74…..04/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 75…..04/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 76…..04/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 77…..04/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 78…..04/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 79…..04/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 80…..04/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 81…..04/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 82…..04/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 83…..04/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 84…..04/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 85…..04/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 86…..04/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 87…..04/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 88…..04/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 89…..04/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 90…..04/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 91…..04/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in April:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 92…..05/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 93…..05/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 94…..05/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 95…..05/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 96…..05/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 97…..05/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 98…..05/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..05/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..05/09…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in May (partial month) ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    CHALLENGE GOAL: 10 pound loss to land at 185.2

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,267 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 180
    Challenge Goal: 160
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 180
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31: 180.2
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1: 178
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2: 178.4
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3: 179.2
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4: 179.6
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5: 179.8
    1st Week Goal Weight: 178.2
    1st Week Actual Weight: 179.8

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6: 178.6
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7: 181.6
    Day 10: Tues, 2/8: 181
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9: 180.4
    Day 12: Thurs, 2/10: 177.8
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11: 178
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12: 176.2
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 178.8
    2nd Week Actual Weight: 176.2

    Day 15: Sun: 2/13: 179.6
    Day 16: Mon: 2/14: 180.4
    Day 17: Tues: 2/15: 181
    Day 18: Wed: 2/16: 180
    Day 19: Thurs: 2/17: 179.8
    Day 20: Fri: 2/18: 180.2
    Day 21: Sat: 2/19: 180.2
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 175.6
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 180.2

    Day 22: Sun: 2/20: 181.6
    Day 23: Mon: 2/21: 180.6
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22: 179.4
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23:
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24:
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25:
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26:
    4th Week Goal Weight: 178.4
    4th Week Actual Weight:
  • kramereh
    kramereh Posts: 612 Member
    I’m starting this challenge late. I really need to stay motivated!

    Day 23: Mon: 2/21: 216.4
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22: 213.2- yesterday was off since I barely slept and then yesterday I had a salad for lunch and went to bed after work without dinner since I was so tired.
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23:
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24:
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25:
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26:
    4th Week Goal Weight: 211lb
    4th Week Actual Weight: