Overweight vegetarian

Hi, my name is Nika and I am an obese vegetarian... :( Please contact me if you have a similar issue ... I need some help and advise


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Just log your food and take smaller portions or lighter choices.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,837 Member
    What do you need help or advice about? Ask questions here in the Community, and people will do their best to help you.

    (I'm a formerly obese vegetarian: Overweight to obese for around 30 years, then a year to lose to a healthy weight, followed by most recent 6+ years now at a healthy weight. I've been vegetarian even longer, 47+ years, thin to fat to obese and back again.)
  • mommyrebeck
    mommyrebeck Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I’m also vegetarian and obese. I have to be careful on consuming too many carbs instead of eating vegetables.
  • alison8522
    alison8522 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am also an obese vegetarian, my diet is terrible and consists mainly of cheese, bread and potatoes. I need to find new recipes and try to get more protein into my diet. If you have any high protein, healthy recipes please share :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,837 Member
    alison8522 wrote: »
    Hi, I am also an obese vegetarian, my diet is terrible and consists mainly of cheese, bread and potatoes. I need to find new recipes and try to get more protein into my diet. If you have any high protein, healthy recipes please share :)

    There are a bunch of threads here about that, that you can find by using the search function in the Community. Here's just one example, for starters:


    Usually the threads that would help you would be about vegetarian or vegan recipes (maybe search within the Recipes part of the Community for the terms vegan/vegetarian); or some would be about getting enough protein as a vegan/vegetarian, which suggests some other search terms. There are lots of web sites with vegan/vegetarian recipes, and you'll find links to those in posts here, too. (I can't suggest any because I don't generally follow recipes: I just cook, improvising in the moment.)

    One caution: There are some vegetarian/vegan advocacy sources and sites that push bad science, basically propaganda to persuade people to become veg. I'm not dissing vegetarianism/veganism: I've been vegetarian for 47+ years. Science for us - including nutrition science - is not different from science for omnivores.

    This is a good site about nutrition when plants are a significant source of protein:


    It's aimed at vegans, but it includes good, solid science-based information for anyone shifting their diet toward more plant-sourced protein. It relies on registered dietitians (good credentials) who are also vegans.

    There is lots of advice I could give about getting enough protein as a vegetarian, but you'll find it in the threads pretty easily, I think, among good advice from others. (I'm in year 6+ of maintenance now, 5'5" in mid-120s pounds, after multiple previous decades of obesity. I target 100g protein as a daily minimum, and routinely exceed it. When I was losing, it was a little less with fewer calories available, but high 80s to 90s grams, typically. It's achievable. I'm ovo-lacto veg (don't eat many eggs, but a good bit of dairy), but I'm pretty sure I could hit the numbers fully plant based . . . that's just not my personal preference.)

    If you haven't see it yet, join the Happy Herbivores group here:


    It's only lightly active these days, but includes lots of older threads with useful ideas.

    Any vegetarian who wants to see what I personally eat is welcome to send me a friend request. I don't accept requests from totally-private profiles (i.e., no profile text in the web side of MFP) that also have no Community posts history, because I've found those low-visibility ones to have too high an incidence of creepers and scammers. (Li'l ol' lady needs none of that!) I accept all requests that I can see sensible info from, somewhere. I'm kind of a sub-par MFP friend (more of a Community forum gal, I guess), but my diary is open to friends. I'm a nutrition-centric eater, and eat mostly simple/traditional foods by taste-preference rather than highly-processed foods, but I'm not religious about whole foods, "clean" (whatever that means?), etc. In maintenance, so I have a higher calorie allowance (active, too), but I do have quite a few calorie-efficient meals.

    Wishing you much success here on MFP - it's achievable, with attention and commitment, and so, so worthwhile! (I wish I'd accomplished a healthy weight decades earlier.)