Accountability buddy



  • dont_touch_croissant
    Hello I just started to work out today. Hope we can support each other by checking up on each other. :smile:
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    Welcome @dont_touch_croissant! Your name made me smile because I’ve had a weakness for the almond croissant at our local bakery, recently. So, I’m going to abide by your suggestion!

    On my workout days, I don’t feel too badly about having a snack but I rarely burn enough exercise calories to cover those croissants— and it’s difficult for me to eat only half.

    How is the new routine going? Have you set a specific exercise or nutrition goal?

    I haven’t had a great week. Mainly, the past two days were off balance. I met with the personal trainer yesterday, and things are starting out better today, so I hope I can just get back into a healthier eating pattern. I’ve decided to focus on eating only fruit when I get an urge for something sweet. That way, I can limit my refined sugar intake and hope that change helps me reduce cravings.

    Does anyone have any ‘go to’ strategies when you need a ‘reset’?

    Best wishes for the coming week!
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    Last week was not my best week for sure. Very little exercise and I didn't track my food like I should have. However, I had a great weekend and was able to incorporate some exercise in the form of outdoor activities. My husband was hunting for deer sheds in the woods so I went along for the exercise. It was so refreshing, cold but refreshing. Yesterday I pre-packed most of my breakfast/snacks for work. Lunch will consist of leftovers. Last week I did not do this and this seems to be where I fail. I need something quick to grab in the morning or I just don't have or make time for it, then the bad decisions start. I started last week at 188.2 and ended at 189.6. I have written in my calendar each week where I need to be to reach my weight goal for May. I should be at 189.0 this week and it is exactly what I weighed in this morning. While I am on track, I am disappointed in the gain last week. But, it just makes me want to work harder this week! I am certainly more prepared. Hope everyone has a great week!
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    The weight is coming off a little bit slower than I had hoped, but I am not worried about it. While I have a goal for vanity reasons (I want to look better in my son's graduation pictures than I did my daughters), what I am really seeking is feeling better. And I am feeling so much better! I am starting to wake up before my alarm clock, ready for the day. I am looking forward to my meal planning and prepping. It has kind of become my weekend therapy. I measured yesterday and am starting to lose some inches, even if the scale is moving slow, so I know what I am doing is working. It's funny, but I was most excited about losing inches in my neck and arms.

    This week I am working on adding more protein to my diet. I really only pay attention to the calories, not the macros (I tried before and I get frustrated and just don't do it) - maybe in the future. But my protein percentage was really low, so I am working on that. I have also started setting aside 30 minutes before bed for my daily reading, reflection and next day planning. It has helped helped so much mentally! And I don't allow my phone in my hand after that 30 minutes. It goes straight to the charger. So I am getting to sleep a lot quicker.

    It is starting to get warmer here and we have more light in the mornings. I am still dreaming of my morning outdoor walks again. Hopefully those can return soon. It really helps jumpstart my day! 16 days until my long weekend beach getaway. I am ready for the mental break away from work and stresses at home. We have absolutely no plans...just go and find whatever makes us happy! For me, that will probably include sitting on the beach with a book in my hand.

    Hope everyone has had a great week!
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    Hello everyone! It is lighter longer outside and it really feels like spring is right around the corner. I think my eating is ok most days, but I really need to start logging consistently again. I found myself not eating very much during the day and then eating the wrong things while cooking supper because I am starving by that point. I know that's not good!

    My friend just joined my gym so we are committed to going two days a week. My daughter is also interested in going, so that will be helpful as well. With the decent temps, I will be able to get outside and walk more too. We will be having our first walking challenge at work in March. It's a team challenge, so that will also motivate me to do better.

    How are you all and your goal progress?
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    I’m so happy to see these updates! Your schedule sounds solid @drollings2019 and your buddy system is a great accountability strategy @highmaintnance, especially if your daughter joins you at the gym!

    I am also motivated by the light and longer days. I’ve been a bit off track with a decline in cardio and increase in calories. I’m just barely in my maintenance range so I’m committed to improving my nutrition and calorie tracking. I don’t keep strict macro rules but I like to check the balance after lunch so I can make some adjustments as I prepare an afternoon snack or dinner. I had the same problem while cooking dinner as you @highmaintnance. If I was too hungry, I’d snack on quick, unhealthy (or at least less healthy) items and derail a day that started out fine.

    I’ll try to check in more regularly as a way to stay accountable and encourage others while I get back on track! Best wishes, everyone!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hey all.

    Not a happy bunny here. At my highest weight last week, time to get serious again! I want it so bad and I'm gna go for it!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    edited March 2022
    Sounds good @roz0810 – It’s a good day to begin again. Each decision is a chance for us to make a good decision. We don’t have to be perfect. We just have to make more healthy choices than unhealthy choices. Best wishes to all!
  • LoonyDiver
    LoonyDiver Posts: 4 Member
    I've been logging with MFP for about a year on and off and all has been OK generally. I log calories and macros - mainly protein.

    Since Christmas 21 I've fallen off track and put on around 10lb (in 2 months!) by snacking after dinner while watching TV. I don't think the dark nights help - in the summer I'd be out and about doing stuff but in the winter watching telly in the evenings is normal and out come the snacks!

    Anyway, I'm on holiday 2nd week of April - off to Spain - first week abroad for around 3 years, so do not want to feel like I do ATM, so I'm going to really try and lose those 10lb in March.

    I exercise 4-5 times a week and will be eating around 1350 calories a day. Watch this space!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    Welcome @LoonyDiver! It’s good to have you here, contributing to the group. It’s so helpful to have a concrete short-term goal in mind. I’m eager to travel abroad again. We’ve had a back log on passport renewals while some in-person visits were on hold so I appreciate the reminder that I need to get mine updated now that the process has been expedited online.

    Where will you be traveling in Spain?

    My college-age sons are both planning trips during their university breaks so I’ll be working overtime to pay for their fun. 😂🤣😂 I’m joking — they work and will be paying for the trip from their savings but I’m sure they’ll slip some meals on the family credit cards. I read planning a big trip can be as rewarding as the trip itself so I’ll start thinking about our next adventure.

    I’m feeling heavy hearted for my friend who was hoping to see her family in Poland for an upcoming trip and is now especially worried because they live very close to the border of Ukraine. I hope international pressure and economic sanctions/ boycotts leads to swift peace talks - and some miracle resolution that ends the fighting. ☮️🕊☮️
  • LoonyDiver
    LoonyDiver Posts: 4 Member
    Hello @PatriceFitnessPal Thanks for the warm welcome to the group!

    Actually, this is the first time I've been on the mfp community, but feel I need anything to help me along the way, and I've heard from others the community is a great place for a bit of support.

    I renewed my passport last year as mine had run out during lockdown and at the time didn't bother renewing it. Just as well!

    So I'm off to Cantabria, Northern Spain. Fingers crossed, I'll be able to get out there - who knows what is going to happen in the current crisis in Ukraine and whether that will effect our travels. I feel for your friend who is hoping to travel to Poland, I suspect that won't be safe or doable in the coming weeks.

    I'm a caver/spelunker/potholer in my spare time and a group of us are hoping to do some caving in the limestone hills of Cantabria so I need to be a) fit and b) a bit slimmer by the time I get there!

    Do you have any Spring/Summer travel plans? or objectives to lose some weight?

  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hey all. Finally getting back on track the last few days. Started again on 1st March. so good timing. Will check in next week!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    I’m glad to see your update @roz0810! Keep up the good work and I’ll look forward to this week’s check in!

    It’s interesting to hear about your travel and hobby @LoonyDiver. I’ve been caving a couple of times at Luray Caverns, which is 2-3 hours from where we live, but I’m too cautious about getting lost and being under-prepared to explore without a guide. You might like the short video of the caverns here:

    Both my sons are interested in geology and we haven’t been there recently so that might be a nice place to visit during the summer. Right now, I don’t have any solid travel plans, except for a trip to see a friend in Puerto Rico in May. I’ll be taking some trips to see family and friends in Boston - and hope to visit my son in South Carolina at the end of his semester - but I miss international travel. We visited Hawaii in Dec-Jan and that was wonderful. Volcano National Park and the other places we visited were strikingly beautiful. We were in awe with the natural surroundings.

    For now, I’m paying attention to all the budding life we’re seeing with the coming of Spring. The plum and cherry blossoms are gorgeous this time of year. I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend and this week is off to a good start. My goal this week is to increase cardio so I walked with our dog for 3.1 miles (approx. 5 kilometers) this morning.

    Best wishes in achieving your goals!
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    Hello everyone. I am happy to report that I did three legit workouts last week, and was at the gym last night. My daughter enjoyed working out last week so she is now a member and plans on making me go three days a week. My coworker/friend and I have also scheduled a couple of workout days, so I will be working out four days a week. I am thrilled. I have also been logging more often, as I knew I would do once I started working out. Hopefully it's all falling into place. We have a team walking challenge starting next week, so I am eager to do well in that. The fruit/veggie challenge is officially over but I'm still trying to get in five servings a day.

    @PatriceFitnessPal I am with you on the excitement for spring! I was working outside most of saturday and went for a walk saturday and sunday. My allergies are paying for it but it was worth it!

    Does anyone have shoes that have a wide toe box? I buy Altras but was wondering if there was anything else out there that might be better.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    @highmaintnance - I’m better at tracking my food when I workout, too — and vice versa! The habits really complement one another.

    I don’t know much about workout shores but I find New Balance sneakers have some options with a wider toe. I’m from Massachusetts, where their headquarters is located - and they were one of the last holdouts trying to manufacture their products locally (USA in this case) - so, I’m somewhat loyal to the brand. I went to the outlet store, where they measured my foot and advised me on the best size. I also found Brooks to have a wider fit but it’s been years since I’ve had a pair so I’m not sure where they’re available.

    Others may have better ideas. It sounds as though you’ve found a nice rhythm. That’s fantastic!!
  • Steph1015
    Steph1015 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi I'm a late to the party. I'm starting again with MFP. Would love accountability with my diary and activity.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    edited March 2022
    Welcome @Steph1015! Do you have any specific nutrition and/ or activity goals you want to hold yourself accountable to — as you start up MFP again?

    I’m working on body recomposition now so I’m gradually increasing the weight I lift. I’ve been weight training on Wednesdays and also spend 30 minutes twice a week with a personal trainer (PT) focusing on body weight-bearing exercises and other workouts.

    Another goal is to increase my flexibility but I haven’t been as successful building that habit. I want to join a local yoga class included as part of our gym membership. The session times that works for me meet Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. My goal was to attend twice a week (Monday & Friday) but I haven’t followed through so I’ll commit to going tomorrow (Friday) before walking with my rowing group. We row on the water beginning April 1 but, during the winter months, we row indoors on the erg every Monday (and Thursday for some people, but that time conflicts with PT for me), lift weights on Wednesday, and walk along the river together on Friday — followed by breakfast which negates the walk calories 😬 but at least the exercise helps keep me within my daily calorie range!

    My nutrition hasn’t been as good as usual but I haven’t gone completely off the rails. I’m hoping the increase in outdoor activity starting in April - when my master (aka - old people) soccer league also starts up again - interrupts my upward scale movement. I’m maintaining my weight within the 120-130 goal range that I set; however, I’ve seen an incremental uptick throughout the winter so I need to reverse the trend! In the future, I’d like to maintain within a 5 pound range (120-125 or 125-130) but the target will depend on how well I do with building muscle, I think. Right now, I’m just watching, reflecting, and learning (I hope) so I can improve my ‘maintenance’ habits over the long run.

    BTW, I’m a 55 years old woman (a little under 5’4”) with two college age sons (20 and 21) who live at their university campuses most of the year. So, I’m also working on downsizing and transitioning to the next phase of my life — which is not completely clear to me right now but I’m trying to figure it out. 🙃 My husband and I both started our own businesses within the past few years (2019 for me and 2020 for him). Days are still pretty busy but more flexible than when our children were younger and we both traveled for our work.

    Feel free to introduce yourself here and post updates on your progress or what you’re learning- or connect more individually by sending a friend request if there are group members who seem to have similar goals and interests - but it would be great to have you check in periodically as it works for you. Best wishes in reaching your goals!
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    Hello everyone! This week has been a test for sure. My Tuesday and Thursday workout partners were both sick, so I went and walked on the treadmill ON MY OWN. I didn't get my heartrate up too high because they weren't hair washing nights (silly I know, feel free to make fun) but at least I still went. My eating has been pretty good and I'm really feeling like I'm developing good habits again.

    @PatriceFitnessPal I've been meaning to get back into yoga too. I have passes to a great studio but I find myself going to the deep stretch and hold classes or the reiki. All still beneficial physically and mentally, but I do need to get back into a flow class. I have been known to enjoy a good meal after a long walk too, lol.

    I hope everyone is making progress towards your goals and enjoys your weekend.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    edited March 2022
    @highmaintnance - Excellent work getting to the gym without your workout buddies! I hope they are in the mend and could join you. Way to go sticking with your routine! I’m a firm believer that good habits beat motivation any day. Both are good - and important - but I think sustainability requires regular practice that leads to positive habits.

    I made it to yoga class — and breakfast!

    For me, any stretching will help so it doesn’t need to be yoga but my goal is to increase my flexibility. As you noted, I like the ‘bonus’ mental focus time that yoga gives me. The teacher reminded us to slow down and approach the day ‘moment by moment’ and it resonated with me, especially because I wasn’t sure I had enough time in my busy day to take the class but, in the end, I worked with improved mental clarity and attention to each task. So, I accomplished a lot of items on my ‘to do’ list that day. Sometimes we have to slow down to progress faster (or farther or deeper).

    I’m participating in a group challenge that assigns different exercises for each letter of your name. So here’s what I did each day this week (Sunday-Tuesday) in addition to my usual workout:

    P - 10 Bicycle Crunches ✅✅✅
    A - 10 Sit Ups ✅✅✅
    T - 60 Second Plank ✅✅✅
    R - 10 V-ups ✅✅✅
    I - 30 Jumping Jacks ✅✅✅
    C - 15 Burpees ✅✅✅
    E - 30 Second Plank ✅✅✅

    It’s a creative challenge, I think, and the group leader encouraged us to spell out positive words of aspiration or motivation. So, maybe I’ll check in again with an update. The burpees were a challenge but the group is very supportive so it’s a nice way to mix up the week.

    Three cheers for @jessicakrall8 - our Fit2Fat group leader - for her dedication, support, and genuine care for each person in the group! She’s always posting encouraging messages and fun ideas for us to try!
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I hope everyone is doing well. I have been walking more and doing strength training at the gym, so I'm pretty pumped about that. I need to raise my heart rate a bit and get some real cardio in there though. My eating has been ok for the most part, but I still need to get back into the habit of tracking my food.

    @PatriceFitnessPal, your group challenge sounds pretty challenging but fun. Sometimes the fun makes the challenge a little easier to swallow, lol.

    Spring is here! I hope you all can enjoy the nicer days when you can. My allergies make me pay for it dearly, but I still like to get out there.