Children and snacking

Any advice on how to stay away from the children's snacks? I know that may sound like a strange question, but with kids around, I make far too many trips to the kitchen to get juice or milk, or whatever...and it always seems that while I'm there, I pick up a little something for myself as well!


  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Tell the children that mommy isn't allowed to eat their snacks, and they're allowed to tell you off if they see you eating them.

    You'd be surprised how interested they are in telling you off!
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    Tell the children that mommy isn't allowed to eat their snacks, and they're allowed to tell you off if they see you eating them.

    You'd be surprised how interested they are in telling you off!

  • twowheelhooligan
    Change the snacks for the kids? I know all children are different, but my two boys love carrots, fresh peppers, celery, apples and they actually like grapefruit!? Weird I know.

    Maybe have healthy snacks for earlier parts of the day, and then in the evening, one can have a few crackers/cookies as a treat, shortly before they brush teeth so their teeth stay healthy too.

    You're the parent, so you can control what it is they eat. I don't intend to sound mean, but the health benefits everyone.

    If you're already giving healthy snacks, then make it just a bite, a carrot, and think about your food diary and how upset you'll be at the end of day if you exceed your calorie count for day. Strange as it may be, I'm more concerned about upsetting my calorie count than I am my own family many days!

    Best of luck!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Is there anyway you and your children could have like snacks? There's bound to be some out there that you all enjoy.
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    Structure both their and your meal and snack times so no one eats all day long. Also stock up on healthy nibbles and maybe even measure out 100 cal portions into baggies. That way if you do grab something, it's within reason. You can also try to tell yourself you won't snack, if you're not hungry put it down. It's tough at first but soon it'll become a habit and your kids will learn from your example to not snack all day too. Good luck!
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    :laugh: That is so true and easy to do. Best not to buy them of course! Obvious but not always easy when kids want what their friends get it. I have been eating LCM's for breakfast for way too long and have no excuse as I have all the healthy cereals in the cupboard but find it all too easy to grab the kids easy snacks. I did find getting nuts and dry fruits and dividing it up into sealed snack bags ready to go easy for all of us at one stage and your post made me remember thats something i should be doing again. They do add up in the groceries too, all those single serve bars and bags of high salt, high fat snacks. No good for the kids either I guess. Sugars and fats make you crave more sugars and fats! Aggghhhh. Best of luck. Will watch the responses to your post for more info for myself and my kids! Thanks for bringing the topic up. Cheerio Louisa
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I know it's really hard not to have processed snacks in the house. Maybe you can substitute a little at a time and have better choices for them also. After a while they won't miss them either. Both of you win.
    Low fat popcorn
    cheese and crackers
    Apples and peanutbutter
    veggies with dip
    Dried Fruit
    Just a suggestion.
  • jLAVA82
    I know how you feel! Especially because I love kid snacks like fruit snacks, granola bars, etc. Something I've started doing is picking different snacks for my kids that are either healthier alternatives or something new to them all together!

    I've noticed that since starting with MFP I've been feeding my daughter healthier foods in general, because my mind is now always thinking about it. She's always lived yogurt cups and apple sauce so that's easy but now for granola bars, instead of chocolate coves ones we just but the plain ones. Air pooped popcorn, jell-o, and frozen grapes ate new introductions that she loves!!!

    In reality, though, out kids are going to have treats from time to time. That comes with being a kid (remember riding your bike to the store for 5 cent candies!?!) and I wouldn't want to deny my child that but when it comes to those times just be sure to be stocked up on your own, healthy and tasty snacks!

    Best of luck!!! ;)
  • jLAVA82
    Haha...oopps! Not air POOPED popcorn! Air POPPED popcorn! ;)
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    I had the same problem. So, I put all the crappy snacks (things like chocolate cover granola bars, candy packs, and other sugary treats) in a box and put them in the basement. My oldest still takes them in his lunch for school (in moderation of course) and I also put them in the diaper bag for when I go out with my 2 little ones, this way none of the kids feel deprived. I have bought other things like yogurt tubes, cheese strings and tangerines that the kids love and will eat at home during the day. For me, it really is our of sight out of mind! Since I've been doing it this way for the past 2 weeks I have also saved a lot of money because I am not buying nearly as much junk.
  • jLAVA82
    Another thing I did was buy my daughter a book called" The Bearenstein Bears eat too much junk Food". She loves to read it with me and it has her more interested in eating fruits and veggies! If you get kids involved in whatever it is that you're doing they are more likely to want to be involved!

    I stopped buy juice boxes all together and my daughter hasn't even noticed! She just has been drinking water or milk lately and I've heard no complaints! OMG...I guess I was her juice pusher!!! ;)
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Another thing I did was buy my daughter a book called" The Bearenstein Bears eat too much junk Food". She loves to read it with me and it has her more interested in eating fruits and veggies! If you get kids involved in whatever it is that you're doing they are more likely to want to be involved!

    I stopped buy juice boxes all together and my daughter hasn't even noticed! She just has been drinking water or milk lately and I've heard no complaints! OMG...I guess I was her juice pusher!!! ;)

    LOL, at the juice pusher comment!
  • hpdoxi
    You could try putting their snacks in a special basket that is low enough for them to get to, then it can reduce your times to the kitchen/pantry. Or chose snacks in the morning for everyone. Each person will have a bowl of snacks they can have throughout the day, which helps the kids to not snack too much and even make one for your self so you know what you have been snacking on & how much. This will also help you pick "better" snacks instead of picking snacks out on impulse (which I know can be bad for me) It's easier knowing what you have actually been putting in your mouth all day. Little harder for the drinks, but may reduce some trips to the kitchen if they can get the snacks themselves at least.
  • vouvou13
    You make a good point...about the juice! My daughter drinks a lot as well...but that's because I've never offered her anything else!