Uping the Protein and Lowering the Carbs...

i know i need to up my protein and lower my carbs in order to see the rest of the changes i want to see in my body...

but i need some help/advise

1) What are some quick and easy proteins? not really worried about calorie in take as im dropping carbs and i know how to balance things out with exercise. I am a college student taking 18 units (5 classes), student teaching in an elementary school (20 hours a week), and 2 jobs (25-30 hours a week) and i workout typically 5-6 days a week. so yes i am busy and most of my food i have to bring with me in a backpack all day...some days i have a fridge i can put things in but not always...

2) if/when i reach how i want to look (goal is dec 1) do i have to maintain this lower carb diet forever? can i slowly work back in carbs not a ton but more? or will it counter act everything i did?

yes i know dumb questions and everyone asks them....but i guess i need a refresher on it all...thank you :)


  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Sorry, don't know the answer to number 2), but for number 1) I recommend low fat greek yoghurt. In the UK we have a 0% fat brand ('Fage' aka Total), which is low in calories but packed with protein. Miracle food! Needs a little coolbag to take to work in though.
  • If you already eat well and have a balanced diet then I'd suggest a protein shake would be good. You can add the powder to a bottle, and add water later in the day when convenient. Taking before and after exercise would be good.
  • MrsH06
    MrsH06 Posts: 159
    I like pure protein bars and body fortress whey protein powder. I use the powder with milk but you can use it with water. Special K makes protein meal bars as well.
  • Hello brittg7,

    I am a diabetic and I have to have proteins that are portable all the time here are some of my go to's:

    *Almonds - 1/4 cup
    *Soy nuts (unslated) - 1/4 cup
    *Tuna Pouches - 2.4 oz (they do not need refrigeration and can be eaten straight from the pouch or placed on a salad for a quick meal)
    *Atkins Protein Bar - Lowest carbs/highest protein

    I also carry a small cooler with an ice pack. In there I can place 2-4 oz. of chicken, turkey, or fish in small plastic containers along with complex carbs like brown rice, sweet potatoes, or quinoa for a quick, tasty, healthy meal or snack.

    Don't forget the fresh veggies/cut veggies and good for your fruits like bananas, apples, pears, and berries.

    I hope this is helpful. I always pack my cooler the night before so I don't have to think about it in the morning. On Sundays, I bake several chicken breasts, sweet potatoes, and make a container of rice so I don't have to cook as much during the week. These are some of my "tricks" to staying healthy and on plan.
  • Whey, casein, milk, egg, soy, and meats are the quickest off my head....

    I add a scoop of whey and a cup of milk for my morning coffee break and the same for my afternoon.

    At bed time I add a scoop of casein and a cup of milk, usually about 1/2 hour before bed.

    The rest I try to get from my diet. Rule of thumb - 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

    As far as your carbs and fats this is what I do - 40% Carbs / 40% Protein / 20% Fats - you can change your ratio for mfp.

    Best of luck!!!
  • richardmbunn
    richardmbunn Posts: 41 Member
    Protein shakes or bars are a good idea. Just make sure you go for whey protein as it's the best form for your body. Also, to boost the protein even more, make your protein shakes with fat free milk instead of water.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Hard boiled eggs;
    nuts (in small quantities);
    packs of ready-cooked meats;
    salads with meat, feta cheese, mozarella etc;
    slices of Cheddar cheese (in the UK Cathedral City have just started doing bags of mini cubes called 'Chedds' which are really handy);
    tins of tuna or sardines (take some mayo sachets to add in);
    deli meats;
    pork scratchings (think they are called pork rinds in USA - I'm not a fan but a lot of low carbers are);
  • I don't mean to hijack a thread, but I keep going over on my protein. I had lunch and breakfast and I only have 2 grams of protein left for the rest of the day. Is this a bad thing? I'm on a 1200 calorie diet, but I get lots of exercise points.
  • RuthAne
    RuthAne Posts: 130
    cottage cheese
  • Gorger
    Gorger Posts: 100 Member
    55% protein will make you lose weight like crazy.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    jobird, the default protein settings on MFP are very low. Up to 100-150g a day is absolutely fine, no need to worry about gong over your 59g.

    I like to sneak protein in via snacks:

    hard boiled egg
    roast soya beans (or wasabi beans or peas)
    Almonds or other nuts
    Peanut butter on rice cakes
    Spready cheese on rice cakes or oatcakes - dairylea, or laughing cow, or cottage
    Mini babybel
    Cheese strings
    Seafood (crab) sticks
  • According to the South Beach Diet you can slowly reintroduce carbs and still loose weight.
  • Ok. Thank you, melaniecheeks!