Accountability and Motivation!!

I really want to make some changes in my everyday lifestyle! I am currently at the heaviest weight I’ve ever been and feel miserable but I can’t seem to keep the motivation to stick with exercise or eating healthier. I am a stay at home mom and find that doesn’t help when it comes to my eating habits. Any advice or motivation would be greatly appreciated!


  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Maybe start with small goals? Switch your tracker to maintenance and just focus on logging your food every day. After you build the habit of logging everything, start looking for small ways to cut a few calories here as no there.

    If you are snacking a lot during downtime due to boredom, look for projects to keep yourself busy during those times. I spent most of today reorganizing my pantry and changing out all my spice jars. Even though I was around food the whole time, I was focused on other tasks and didn’t feel the urge to snack.
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    When I was home with the children I took them for walks.
    this was my exercise.
    We would take packed lunches with us and eat while out.
    I was able to hang washing on and outside washing line which I would do in a way that it took more calories than normal, I would put the basket away from the line and take one item at a time to the line.
    did gardening, not very light work either.
    But I was lucky as I had a good size garden with lots that needs regular attention.
    So walking and gardening became my exercises.
    You have to keep yourself occupied and eat proper meals to stop snacking on pointless stuck.
    Being around food all day is one of the main problems when home all day.
    Drink water instead of eating extra things, most of the time it's boredom.
    I actually did a better job keeping the weight down or getting it off again when I had toddlers than I do now.
    I'm working and driving more, not walking like I use to.
    It's should how active I really was but I'm tired Alot now(older too).
    Make plans for walks etc.
    Go through the food and stop buying things that you find you eat for the sake of it. Swap foods for healthy things.
    Try new foods.
    Start reading labels and know what your eating.
    You may become surprised at some ingredients.
    You'll soon realise some of the things that made you bigger.