A New Beginning!

Hi everyone, I'm Kit - 57, and starting again. :)

I started losing weight on Jan 1, 2021, and lost 53 pounds by walking alone - no nutrition changes. I walked 2,437 km in 2021, but my weight loss stalled in November, even though I walked nearly 400k in December alone!

This year, I haven't been very focused - as of this morning, I've only walked 231.48 km.

So, yesterday, I decided to start again. I'm going to focus on nutrition this time, as *well* as exercise.

For exercise, I'm trying to do between 8 and 10k a day of walking, plus right now, I'm doing Chloe Ting's Get Toned Challenge for 2022. It's a month-long program, so after I'm done that, I'll do something else.

I'd like to lose 70 pounds by January 1 2023, but I'm not *super* focused on weight loss per se, I just want to become strong and flexible.

For nutrition, I'm going to try and stick to the caloric goals that MFP gives me, and focus on plant-based foods.

Hoping to make some friends and encourage other people in the journey. :)


  • risinghope
    risinghope Posts: 11 Member
    Wow! Your walking is impressive! --- Seems like quite a bit! Congrats on losing 53 lbs by walking alone. I applaud you for now trying to get your nutrition in order and to lose the 70 that is your goal. Could you elaborate about your walking plans, past and present? Is it daily distance walking? Do you have friends to go with sometimes? Where do you walk (is it countryside, city, or ...) ? What do you use to track your walking?
  • KitinToronto
    KitinToronto Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Risinghope. I have a loop that I do to walk 8.3 or 10.2k Mon-Friday before work. On Saturdays and Sundays I have a couple of different routes that I go that are between 12 and 18k. I started out doing random 5km walks, but worked up to what I'm doing now.

    I only walk by myself, although I do have some friends interested in walking, none of them are interested in the distances I do, and even if they were, I doubt they'd want to do it at 5:30 in the morning! :smiley:

    I live in Toronto, and my M-F walks are just a loop through various neighbourhoods. On the weekends I do some of the many hiking trails that are around the city.

    And, for tracking, I use MapMyWalk. :)
  • risinghope
    risinghope Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks, Kit, for replying. I am in Toronto, too, but, like your other friends, 8.3 or 10.2k M-F is more than a bit much for me. I am just trying to get into "Jeffing" (Jeff Galloway run/walk/run). I used to run, albeit pretty slowly and have a few 10k and 5k distances --- it's a long way! Who knows? If I can get my Jeffing distance up, I may look you up again. My first 10k, with no running training, I was walking after the first km. I was amazed afterward at the feeling of continuous calorie burning that followed a long walk like that. All the best to you, Kit!
  • KitinToronto
    KitinToronto Posts: 39 Member
    edited March 2022
    I don't know about Jeff Galloway - I'll look him up. I have never really run - since having kids my bladder can't handle running (lol); and from what I understand the benefits of walking vs running are nearly as good. I'd like to run sometimes, just for the speed of it, I assume my 8k walk in the morning wouldn't take an hour and 25 minutes if I was running, but maybe I assume too much! LOL

    Anyway - nice chatting with you, and if you want to be friends here, send a request. In the meantime, all the best!