New from Philadelphia

Hi everyone I'm MK. I just joined today after a close friend told me she was using a similar program to help her lose weight besides trips to the gym. I just started a new job two months ago, I notced at the required physical I had gained more than 10 lbs in the last year. I know that might not seem alot to some people but I noticed none of my work clothes fit, I'm tired most of the time and just overall not feeling good about myself. I joined this site to become heathier, more acitve and meet other people who are going throught the same thing.


  • lostemt76
    lostemt76 Posts: 136 Member
    Hi I'm from the area to Philadelphia to. I will send u friend request
  • baum5651
    Thanks for the friend request!
  • CoachNYLA
    Welcome from Philly! My Mom is from PA, they call it "the hook", Marcus Hook.
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    Welcome!!! I have family in Philly. OMG! I think I gain 10 lbs just thinking about going back there! Good luck on your journey!
  • eddiegirll
    Well "hi" & welcome aboard. Sure glad u found this place, u know after I found this one. I actually have found like four other ones. I never knew there was ever any free diet & nutritional help available. I am so pleased to have found this place. I lost 7 lbs the first wk. now that is real good. I weigh in tomorrow & I'm so excited to see how much I have lost.

    Continue using MFP in anyway that u can to get ur needs met. Keep ur chin up! U r doing good, u will find this place works. U will find any support that u need.

    5' 4"
    S.W. 234 (Sept. 5, 2011)
    C.W. 227 (Goal reached Sept. 12, 2011)
    G.W. 125
  • beachblondie89
    Welcome! I'm from Philly too! Currently living in Central PA tho. Feel free to add me!
  • baum5651
    Hey thanks, sending you a friend request.