Sexy in Six ***Closed Group*** Week 5!

Lost 3 members this week but that won't keep US down!

Here's how the standings are this week:

Coming out swinging this week is TEAM PURPLE!!! You guys lost 13.4 pounds this week and completed your challenges a total of 35 days. Your main star, and overall biggest loss of anyone this week, was sakus32 with a 4.5 pound contribution. Great job!!!

In second place, TEAM PINK with a 7.9 pound loss. You completed the challenge a total of 44 days. megan_mae had a 3.6 pound loss, NICE!

TEAM GREEN came in third place this week. You had a 6.6 pound drop and a total of 35 challenge days met. There was a TIE in team winners, at 2 pounds each we give props to nikip6454 and leamatthew. Way to go!

In last place is TEAM BLUE! You guys lost 5.5 pounds and met the challenge 27 total days. Your team champion this week was hope228 with 3 pounds. Awesome job!

I'm super proud of the work everyone's putting in, despite being sick, traveling, busy, etc. You guys are all rock stars! :love:

Questions this week go to:
MON: emd0019
TUES: lwdllc
WED: sarah61587
THURS: totustuusmaria
FRI: hope228

Our challenge this week is a double whammy. You need to log at least 30 minutes of exercise a day AND your meals need to be balanced! (Balanced meals meaning 1/2 veggies, 1/4 complex carb, 1/4 lean protein...)

We're nearing the end of our challenge so I need some feedback from you guys. In a PRIVATE MESSAGE, let me know if you are interested in doing a Round Two after this round ends. Also, let me know what you have liked/disliked about the challenge, what you would change for future rounds, anything to make Sexy in Six better...

I also have had a member ask about a recipe swap between members so we can have a broader database of meal healthy ideas. If you guys are interested, email me and I'll organize it!

You guys have been fantastic the last month. Let's really hunker down and finish with a bang! At the end, I am going to announce a team and an individual that has lost the most. Let's make this count!!!


  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Oh yes! We're TOPS!!!!!!! Way to go Team Purple! And good job everyone on this challenge!
  • Great job, Purples! Don't worry, Pink Team--we'll catch up ;)
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Monday QOTD: Do you have pets and if so what kind? If you don't have pets, if you could have one what would it be?

    I know this is a weight based thing but we all have lives outside of this website and I was just wanting to delve into peoples outside life.
    I have a 4.5 yo male weimaraner named Sarge and I have a 19 yo Quarter Horse gelding being used in a collegiate equestrian program named Doc.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Monday QOTD: Do you have pets and if so what kind? If you don't have pets, if you could have one what would it be?

    My apartment only allows animals that live full time in boxes so just fish for us! We have 2 goldfish named Alex Guarnaschelli and Geoffrey Zakarian, a black moor fish named Ted Allen and a platy named Fireball. We don't like Fireball as much haha.

    My hubby and I want to have pets when we stop procreating and use diaper money for dog/cat food. I want a little kitten, maybe a calico or an all black cat and my hubby wants a little pug (to be named Otis).
  • I have an 8 year old long haired chiuahua named Lady. She is one of the loves of my life and i dont think i could do anything without her.
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    I don't have a pet and to be honest am quite petrified of alot of animals...yes, it's a laugh really, but to me it's a real fear after being bitten a long time ago.

    Sooo...if I do have a pet, it might be a fishes in a tank, and the small cute ones. :P
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    I have a cat called Lily. She is a little bit overweight , it has to be said! The thing is she eats here and then she seems to be able to wander around from house to house making out she's starving at different neighbours' back doors. They seem to fall for it every time. A lesson for all of us here!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    I have a cat called Lily. She is a little bit overweight , it has to be said! The thing is she eats here and then she seems to be able to wander around from house to house making out she's starving at different neighbours' back doors. They seem to fall for it every time. A lesson for all of us here!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Oh, and yes to more of the same Peanut - I will email you separately! Love the recipe idea.




    PURPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    Yea!!!!! Knew we could do it Team purple! - Well done everyone on the challenge tho!!!

    I have a Border Terrier called Bruno - who has just turned 6 (not too sure what that is in doggie years tho)

    Hope everyone has a good week!!!!

    Paula x
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Monday QOTD: Do you have pets and if so what kind? If you don't have pets, if you could have one what would it be?

    I have an eight yr old Golden retriever named. " Jerry"

    He's the sweetest guy!
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Let's see, I have a 5 yo boy, Mason and a 3 yo girl Maddie J . . . . . .oh, did you mean actual animals??? Well then, we have three hermit crabs and we borrow our neighbors cat, we call him porch cat since he isn't allowed in the house, he hangs out on our porch furniture.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    i have an obnoxious dog, Jack. he's a dotsen (sp?) and pinscer (sp?) mix. a cat named eo: black and white, very passive. and another cat s****** who's aggressive and likes to attack jack. we also have a lizard named lulu....lolol oh and my bf is known as the bugman so we have a lot of bug specimens. sometimes i put up with praying mantises and beetles and walking sticks......blah! i hate bugs btw lol
  • Congrats everybody! I've lowered calorie goal again after taking it easy for a bit, and I'm ready to hit this week hard! Bring on the challenges!

    I have no pets this second because I'm moving a ton doing college and internships and such. I had cats growing up, but can't wait to get a dog! My fiance will get a collie, and I'm going for a German Shepard mix/rescue of some description. I can't wait! It'll help me put off the baby itch for just a little bit longer... ;D
  • Monday QOTD: Do you have pets and if so what kind? If you don't have pets, if you could have one what would it be?

    I have a 16 month female pit bull, her name is Jessie :)
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    2 cats ... 9 year old grey and white tabby whose official name is cosmo but has been known most of his life as boo boo lol and when my mom moved into a retirement home we inherited her black and white tuxedo cat bunkie, now 4. he is a survivor, having survived a housefire in which his mother and 2 of his siblings died. oh please don t tell my doc that i have cats, with this allergy thing i really shouldn t have a cat lol. hey i am not entirely crazy, the allergy to dogs is much worse and i don t have one of those! :tongue:
  • GO PINK! We totally rock 2nd place, but next week we will OWN 1st place! :D


    I have a big fat Beagle named Sammy! He is 7 years old (turning 8 in October). Everybody teases him about his weight, but he's not self-conscious about it. I call him my Fatty! I love him sooo much and he has big floppy ears that I absolutely LOVE. I used to have a parakeet named Daisy, but she died in March. We had her for 11 years; she was a damn good bird. In the future I want a Dachshund, they are so cute and small. And maybe another bird, like a Cockatiel. =)
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Good job Purple!

    And, Heck Yeah Pink Team!!!!! We will get this next week!!!!

    Great challenges...and for me, those ARE challeges!!! I know I don't get my veggies in consistently. This will be a hard one for me, but I will make a point of going to the store tomorrow and getting some portable veggies (I do Home Based and outpatient therapy, Eating habits are haaaarrrrdd when I'm going from house to house doing counseling!!!! This is a new adventure for me professionally, so I'm learning...It's too easy to get into the old Grad School habits when I'm always on the go. And, i'm sick...but I will do my best to log exercise daily!

    Monday QOTD: I have 4 fur babies. I have 2 cats, Bailee is 10 and she is my 26 lb Holstein Cat! lol. Singer is 5, and she is a grey and white petite kitty. And I adopted my hubby's dogs...Lupe is a 4 year old black and brown full sized chihuahua (and she is a demon!) and Bailey is a 6 year old Beagle/Huskie mix. They are all fighting for their place with me today bc I'm working from home due to this nasty sinus/respiratory infection.
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I haven't had any pets in 8 years, thanks to moving around, lifestyle, etc. But when the kids are older I'm definitely getting another cat!

    Good job this past week everyone! I'm finally home from my travels, so I'm looking forward to getting back to normal!