Outwit the Chubby~ ☆SKINNYS☆~Sept Tribal Challenge (clos



  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Thanks, I really have no idea how it happened! But I'm not complaining!

    Great job everyone :)

    I'm thinking of shooting for 140 for now (Most of my life I weighed 133 until my thyroid got messed up and I started drinking all that horrible pop, Oh how I miss it!) So, I'm not worried about my body wanting to stop before then. I'm thinking about meeting up with the school nutritionist sometime soon. :)

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Oh Fergus!!! No problem girl. I love being an accountabilabuddy. :)
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    fyi I changed my username. I disliked having my actual name on it! :)
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    fyi I changed my username. I disliked having my actual name on it! :)

    Know how you feel. I hate that mine is my last name too! I tried to be grown up about it because the name I usually use I picked in college back in 1998! I was in a band named sticker, and all my email addresses were sticka182. (a spoof of blink 182). Fast forward 14 years, I still haven't come up with anything creative like u2fergus or kiltbunny!

    Kellie- you can totally count on me! 15 push ups stat!

    I also need some pushing guys. Apparently it's TOM (have mireana so I don't really know when that time is exactly) but I spent most of the afternoon crying and feeling bad for myself. Hubby is working from 5pm tonight till 6am tomorrow and I have no idea how he'll stay awake with the kiddo's tomorrow. His work asked that he start early before we had plans for the kids set up. So now that I think my pitty party is over, I should get the kiddo's to bed and do a turbofire workout.
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Hugs girl!! You can do it!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I tried to be grown up about it because the name I usually use I picked in college back in 1998! I was in a band named sticker, and all my email addresses were sticka182. (a spoof of blink 182). Fast forward 14 years, I still haven't come up with anything creative like u2fergus or kiltbunny!

    Kellie- you can totally count on me! 15 push ups stat!

    I also need some pushing guys. Apparently it's TOM (have mireana so I don't really know when that time is exactly) but I spent most of the afternoon crying and feeling bad for myself. Hubby is working from 5pm tonight till 6am tomorrow and I have no idea how he'll stay awake with the kiddo's tomorrow. His work asked that he start early before we had plans for the kids set up. So now that I think my pitty party is over, I should get the kiddo's to bed and do a turbofire workout.

    That first paragraph makes me curious about everyone's usernames, so I'll put the question out there to all the Skinnies....
    if your username isn't your real name, where did you come up with it? (I'm especially curious about "kiltbunny"...)
    For mine... I also made it up in college. It was 1999. I had U2's Joshua Tree album pretty much on constant repeat at that time, so that was a natural choice. The "Fergus" is named for a "Dead Poet Society" sort of group my friends and I had in college. (I was an English major.) We named it after a poem by W.B. Yeats called "Who Goes with Fergus?" so that stuck with me as my username... apparently I just liked all things Irish back then. :tongue:

    Re: the 15 pushups... thanks for the encouragement, guys! I gave you 20 pushups instead of 15, Tracy... all in one go, even! :bigsmile:

    Re: your new schedule, Tracy... I'm so sorry to hear it's such a burden right now. :( I hope things pick up very soon... maybe they'll either change your husband's schedule or he'll eventually find an even better job. Things will seem a lot more bearable when TOM's done, so there's some hope in that, too. I'll definitely pray you can get some relief soon. :flowerforyou:
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I was in a band named sticker, and all my email addresses were sticka182. (a spoof of blink 182). Fast forward 14 years, I still haven't come up with anything creative like u2fergus or kiltbunny!

    Oh, yeah... I was also going to say...
    YOU WERE IN A BAND??? THAT IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!! :noway:
    Were you a singer or did you play an instrument or both? What was the style of music? Did you sound anything like Blink 182?
    Anyway... very impressed. :)
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Holy cow! I am wiped! My muscles are trmbling right now. Just did Thurs & Fri challenges back to back and did a 5 mile this morning. I will be lucky if I do not fall asleep mid sent....:yawn:

    Kellie... 25 jumping jacks, pronto!

    As for my user name... I did not come up with mine in college.:noway: Mine came from when my second son was in high school. He was in ROTC (in the USMC now) and our last name is a very Polish last name, many people find it hard to say. So his Colonel called him 'Ski'. Friends started calling him that as well, then when they came to our house they started calling me Momma Ski. So, I started using that as my user name on the USMC parents support boards when he left for bootcamp. I brought it with me when I came here. I added the 4 for my 4 little (well, not all so little anymore) darlings. Nothing as exciting as a band or Dead Poet's Society...sorry.

    I do have to say, I too am curious about 'kiltbunny' :blushing: :tongue:

    Tracy, hope things are starting to fall into place for you. Hang in there! Things will get better. Sometimes we just need somebody else to tell us that. I should know... I was there last week.

    Keep it up Skinnies!
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    haha... kiltbunny is a username/email I have had since I was 13 (1995) and AOL was the rage. At some point, someone's mom was driving us (group of teenage girls) and ran over a little rabbit in the road. We all created usernames as an ode to that little hippity-hoppity. There was deadwabbit, byebyebunbun, riprabbs and I was to be killedbunny... but that was taken (and properly harrassed by email for having "my" name). so we modified it to kil't'bunny. kiltbunny. LOL so morbid disguised as cute. Bet everyone had visions of bunnies in plaid and the sound of bagpipes, eh? :)

    Hope everyone is doing great so far this week!! I'm working a day behind on my challenges (took Monday off) so I will be catching up during the week.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Szczepj is actually part of my last name. Sadly, it's the email that my college gave me and I just stick with it because it's the easiest to remember, now the different passwords..that's where the trouble begins. :)

    I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend (if you can!)
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    I loooove hearing these stories about our usernames!!!

    Kiltbunny- I had totally pictured some hot Scottish girl! Lol! Its funny how things like that stick with us over the years! Funny enough stickahey was taken on AOL, so I too settled for sticka182. People used to come up to me and with the Boston accent say, "are you in sticker hey?". ( ...you know because there are always multiple girls walking around at shows with 6' tall basses on their backs :p)

    U2fergus- I have wondered about the u2 connection!!! Thanks for clearing that up :). Yes, I was in a pop/punk band for 6 years. I played the electric bass and in the latter years played a stand up ( the huge upright bass). That band dissolved for many reasons, and I joined a rockabilly band ( Jason James and the bay state house rockers) for about a year with my upright bass, but the chemistry wasn't the same, so it didn't stick.

    Mommaski4- you should feel proud of that name. Only the cool moms get nicknames from the friends like that! You must be doing something right! Thanks for the encouragement, I'm hoping when I finally get to talk to my husband tomorrow that things will be more settled.

    Szczepj-Lol, passwords are EVIL!

    I think my husband and I are going to start getting this craziness under control tomorrow. I'm 2 days behind on the challenge so tomorrow will not be a rest day. I'm planning on staying home, folding I think about 10 loads of laundry I did today, and finishing up my challenges! I give a lot of credit to single moms, I think I'd have to live in an apartment! I've only been doing this for 1week and I'm crumbling under the pressure. My lawn needs mowing, I've never had piles of laundry, and I didn't even use 1 coupon at the grocery store today. I'm 1/2 a$$ing my life at the moment, just trying to catch up. There has to be a better way, and I hope when I finally see hubby tomorrow we can talk about other options.
  • heofon
    heofon Posts: 27 Member
    My user name comes from my love of languages. Heofon means 'heaven' in Old English. I like it because it's a general noun, symbolic and one that I could remember. Another plus is that it's never already taken by someone else.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Hey everyone. Having a terrible day! My mom broke her arm apparently. She tripped over the car jack when she got done cleaning the inside of the car. Also, will be at college for four years (I was hoping for 3 but turns out I got to do four just to bring my grade point average up from my freshmen year) And I told my mom I refuse to live on campus next year, I will not! It's horrible, and at least this way I'll be able to cook my own food.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Tracy - I know that when things settle in a bit you will be able to catch up. I understand. I have been there myself, with all of the chaos and craziness. (and, sadly, I know at some point I will be there again - that is just the way life goes). Keep your head up, and get through today. Take it day by day.

    Jessica - I am sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she rocovers quickly.

    Heofon - (sorry, I still do not know your first name) the meaning behind your username was so not where I was thinking it came form (much like kiltbunny). Very interesting and very intellectual! I kept associating it with with a superhereo - think HeMan.
  • heofon
    heofon Posts: 27 Member
    Just want to let everybody know that I'm still on planet Earth. Still very much doing the challenges and watching calories. I haven't been posting much, but I read everyone's posts when I can. I'm proud of my team. The support is awesome and the output is admirable. Everyone including the struggling ones are kicking butt and overcoming to stay or get back on track. It's what keeps me motivated.

    I've been nursing my shoulder after I tweaked it doing pull ups. I had to do Pygmys for Saturday's challenges, but I didn't quit! I've been busy catching up on school work to meet some deadlines. Hopefully I'll be back to MFP in full swing soon.
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Hey everyone. Having a terrible day! My mom broke her arm apparently. She tripped over the car jack when she got done cleaning the inside of the car. Also, will be at college for four years (I was hoping for 3 but turns out I got to do four just to bring my grade point average up from my freshmen year) And I told my mom I refuse to live on campus next year, I will not! It's horrible, and at least this way I'll be able to cook my own food.

    Hey Jessica... sorry to hear about your mom. :( Hope she's feeling better soon.
    Also it's a bummer about having to do 4 years of school instead of 3. Maybe with the extra year you can fit in some interesting classes just for fun? I took Classical Guitar and 3-D Design (sculpture) one semester... not terribly useful, but really fun. :)
    Also, I think you are going to love living off-campus. I only lived on-campus for one year and it was really frustrating, but I rented a house with 4 friends the other years and it was SO much better. We were able to cook decent food for ourselves and had a better study environment and ended up saving so much money that way, too. Hope you enjoy it! :)
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Thanks! She's fine but moaning. She won't take pain pills (unless it's tylenol) she doesn't like the way they make her feel.

    And I probably will get some silly classes in, hopefully some fun, not so hard classes that'll raise my GPA :)

    I'll be getting a one bedroom apartment, I think. I lived with a friend over the summer and it turned out really bad. And it's easier always knowing where the money is coming from
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    My husband and I, along with another couple, went away yesterday to a concert across the coast from us. We went to see Journey with Foreigner, and Night Ranger (I know - I am really dating myself here!). Spent the night in Tampa and went to the Hard Rock afterwards. Had a GREAT time, Probably loved it even more because we all had no kids!

    So, my food was not the best this weekend (a lot of alcohol calories Saturday), but despite that, I was STILL under my calories. Had a hike from the parking lot (literally 15 minutes) and back. The stairs up and down at the ampithater are many, but in my new, much better shape, it was never an issue. Danced a lot at the show too.

    So, overall, I had a GREAT week. I know that my weight is going to be up the next few days due to alcohol and sodium, but I am not going to let that bother me. I am going to have another great week. I am going to get all of my challenges done, I am going to be under my calories, I am going to have increased protein and a bit less carbs. And of course, plenty of water!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Heofon - (sorry, I still do not know your first name) the meaning behind your username was so not where I was thinking it came form (much like kiltbunny). Very interesting and very intellectual! I kept associating it with with a superhereo - think HeMan.

    Heofon's name is John and even though "heofon" didn't really refer to a superhero, don't be deceived ... he really is one. :)

    I also thought kiltbunny was a hilarious story and I was not expecting it. :)

    Mommaski is an awesome nickname and you should be so proud. I didn't know you were a Marine mom, and that just makes me like you even more. :)
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    In the wake of "kiltbunny" my username is so boring. I too was thinking something scottish. But the truth is MUCH FUNNIER!!!!

    Well my user name is just my initials and the initials of my job. KCG - SLP (speech-language pathologist). Like I said BORING!

    Tracy- hope you are able to figure it all out. You will make it through! We've got your back capt'n.
    (and by the way....I'm dying to know too, what did you do in the band? Sing/instrument???
    I was a back-up singer in High School for a Mostly Pink Floyd Rock Band....am I dating myself??)

    Kellie- you are on BEAST mode! That's what I call driven....those "Biggest Loser Ladies" better get out of your way

    Jessica- sorry about your mom and the 4th year but at least you're not of the 5 year plan or worse still... Like my husband who didn't finish and is now working full time and is a full time student. ( he is not a happy boy) Hang in there and enjoy every min. of college!

    And to the rest of the SKINNYs, YOU ROCK & have a GREAT week!