Am I doing it wrong ?? (30 day shred)

I have never been a active person I have only been working out for 9 weeks I normally do walking/running intervals or my turbo jam videos I did 3 days of Insanity a month back and was so sore I couldn't walk or sit comfortably for 4 days so I gave up well I have done 3 days of the 30day shred (tonight should be night 4 but I have a cold and no desire to eat and since I finished my day with extra calories from earlier today I am not sure I want to add more to the list I want my body to get well so defintly dont want to over-do it).

Anyway my question is I am doing the moves and they defintly burn during the move and I do have to take a 3second break when I am doing the lunges with weights as well as the squats with raising the weights that stuff burns !! And I am doing modified pushups because I can not do a normal pushup yet :( I keep trying .. anyway I burn during the workout and for maybe half a hour afterwards but I never feel sore the next day .. does this mean I am doing it wrong or not pushing hard enough ??

I am soaked with sweat when I finish and my legs feel like jell-o but I recover fast and the posts I read from others is they are sore for hours/days ...


  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    That just means you're getting stronger!! If you want you can add more weight when something feels too easy but otherwise don't worry about it. And good for you for getting to that point!
  • ltlane
    ltlane Posts: 120
    all i can say is dont worry about others worry about yourself. me personally i have very little soreness, i keep getting cramps in my inner foot after i do her boost metabolism workout or when i do level 1 of 30 DS with the jumpjacks. im guessing my form might be off but i still do the jumping jack to the fullest. i also do a modified push up and sometimes i modify other things, but i try my best to stay with it and not stop.. i drip sweat when ever i do any of her workouts and also feel my heart beating out my chest as she says...
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    Don't worry, I was the same way and lost 10 pounds and 19" on the Shred without being very sore at all!

    Good luck and keep shredding!
  • Jessicaallen48
    It is good to feel the burn. And as far as the soreness goes I work through it. I feel better as I go on.
  • Jessicaallen48
    It is good to feel the burn. And as far as the soreness goes I work through it. I feel better as I go on.
  • LilMissStrawberry
    Oooh this thread might be a good place to pose my question!

    I do the oblique sit ups on level one (I think they're one round two?), but I don't feel any burn! Should it be hurting? I'm not like amazingly fit or anything, but I have done some sit ups like them in my step classes? I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong or what!

    Also, I'm on day 7 and I still struggle with the pushups - even the easy version! Will they get easier?
  • Mackerley
    "I am soaked with sweat when I finish and my legs feel like jell-o "

    You are doing it right. You should strive to reach a point where you feel sore after a workout (but not injured) because that means your body has to work hard for the next few days to repair the damage, which means extra calories burned. If you're sore, that means you've discovered a weakness and now you know what to work on!

    I agree with Jessicaallen48. Just because you're sore doesn't mean you can't work out. Definitely take a rest day, but don't work out one day, then wait for 100% recovery to dive back in. Your body will start recovering faster and faster after you've been active for a while.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    You sound like you're doing fine. Honeslty if you were sore after everyday THEN i would say you were doing something wrong. Soreness should go away after a day or two of a new workout unless the workout is too intense for you then it's going to last longer..
  • beathen
    beathen Posts: 11 Member
    Oooh this thread might be a good place to pose my question!

    I do the oblique sit ups on level one (I think they're one round two?), but I don't feel any burn! Should it be hurting? I'm not like amazingly fit or anything, but I have done some sit ups like them in my step classes? I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong or what!

    Also, I'm on day 7 and I still struggle with the pushups - even the easy version! Will they get easier?

    For the situps make sure you don't pull your head forward; keep your eyes straight ahead and looking up toward the ceiling as you raise your upper body. Don't use your hips, since they should be planted into the floor, and hold your navel in as much as possible. If you're still not feeling the burn, try going slower because it will force your muscles to work instead of using momentum.

    No idea on the pushups... I just started the 30DS today.

    Keep up the good work!
  • mrsmccullen07
    Thanks so much :) I dont plan on taking any days off and today I did Turbo Jam and I had every intention of doing 30day shred tonight but I do not feel like eating or drinking anything with all this congestion and sinus pain so I dont want to build up more calories (sounds crazy huh!! it must be the sinus meds talking)

    During the situps or whatever those crazy things are I am in the most pain it really hurts my c-section scar but as soon as I stand up its gone and the pain in my legs when I do squats and stuff is gone pretty fast like the burn from one set of jumping jacks doesnt bother me on the next set of butt kicks or whatever I am not constantly feeling like I can't do it .. its just a couple times a workout

    its good to know i dont have to be sore for days to be doing it right ! I also want to lose as many inches and as much weight as possible (safely!) by my anniversary so I wanted to add in cardio of some form (turbo jam,walking,running) so I am glad I am not too sore to do additional workouts :) I may even get brave and add in Insanity Cardio Abs the last 10 days to really up it !! We shall see how my knees are feeling

    Thank you all for answering :):)
  • midwesthiker
    I was only a little sore the second day. After that I never was. I did the Killer Buns and Thighs last week and was sore for 2 days after! First time that has happened to me.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    "I am soaked with sweat when I finish and my legs feel like jell-o but I recover fast and the posts I read from others is they are sore for hours/days ... "
    This sounds like you are getting something out of it all right! I always did as much as I could, modifying if I had to, to keep going. But the first level was not too tough for me and I only spent 7 or so days on it. (I had done a couple DVD's leading up to it). Level 2 kicked my butt! It took nearly the whole 10 days to get to do all the jumping in level 3. I was sore every day all the way through, but I definately did get stronger every day. By the time I was done I left it for running for a couple weeks. Now I went back to it and It's kicking my butt all over again. Not like the first days, but more like the last days of butt kick. Doable, but definately feeling the burn and dripping with sweat! It's a great tool! Keep with it! I only took 2 days off during it. But i'm a believer in taking as much time at any new thing until you feel like you are ready to progress. It took me months to get through my first DVD, less time but longer than they suggested for the next. 30 day shred was done in 30 days for me, but wow! Intense! Still worthwhile to go back to and continue between other things, for sure!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i have to do some of the modified excersices, mostly the strength ones. yes, i'm not ashamed to say that about halfway through i have to do the girl push ups. also, those squat presses kill me. and the lunges suck.
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    After the first day I had to take a break for 4 days before I could walk without pain. Then I didn't feel any pain or soreness after the next time. I think it has to do with your physical shape overall. When I was working out regularly I could start any work out without any major issues. It was after I took a month break with NO exercise that I felt the pain. You are doing great! Keep pushing!
  • BackToPreBaby
    This is how i started out! And i had alot of toning! Keep it up and see if tehre are any changes ina week. I loved the 30 day shred, but after two months i was too "used" to it and so I was looking for smething else :)

    If you have any questions message me :)
  • blondebandbabe
    blondebandbabe Posts: 26 Member
    I think it can also depend on your diet. I'm on day 5 level 1 30ds and my first 3 days were killer for my calves, I was walking like I had club feet. My mom suggested more potassium and now I take a potassium pill before my workouts and i don't experience NEAR as much soreness. I hate bananas so i just take pills, but if you eating right, it can definatly help you stave off soreness