2 jobs

Just need some advice, and support that I am not the only one dealing like this..πŸ˜‚

I work 2 jobs, enough said.. This is so hard.


  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 836 Member
    I work a full 50 hours at my main job and then do extra hours on the side. It’s certainly makes for stress! I think the trick is to be super organised and look ahead. So you’ve got to think I’m going to need both lunch and dinner those days and have a plan for them 😊
  • lnickell23
    lnickell23 Posts: 13 Member
    Definitely ! Do you have any tips and go to grab foods?
  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    I started my slow hunt for second job, I'm doing 44+ hours now full time. I used to work 2 jobs on and off for many years. Having a routine and food/meal prepared ahead is key. Though i do live off protein bars and shakes too. I try to buy things in bulk in case I get tired/forget to get to store.
    I know my gym time would be impacted once I get back to working lots, so clean eating habits (and lots of black coffee) is essential.
  • mcjlquint
    mcjlquint Posts: 2 Member
    I understand your difficulties. Up until recently I was working 40 hours a week and going to school full-time, pursuing a master's degree. Plus I'm a single father with an autistic son. I would go for short walks during my lunch hour, get on the treadmill while reading my books, & snack on veggies. I was able to shed 15 lbs before graduating do little things like that.