Early morning exercise tips needed!

Hi! Anyone have tips on getting up at the crack of dawn to exercise. I have four children (7& under) and making time for me is so hard and when i do exercise is it never peacful! However, I am not a moring person and it takes me a while to get going and everytime i try...i fail and sleep in! Then to tired do it at the end of the night...HELP!

So...how do you do it? Do you eat before? how long? Any good tips out there!



  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    When I had to do it, I found it pretty easy. I just made myself get up.

    I have read others with the same problem and have seen the suggestion of having your alarm across the room so you HAVE to get up to shut it off......I thought that one sounded good.

    I didn't usually eat before I worked out, just because it is really hard to make myself eat that early, but did a couple times if I just woke up hungry. Banana, toast, granola bar.....just something small and easy.
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    I like nap time or I like right after the 2 youngest go to bed. Im not a morning person either. It just doesnt work for me and after about a yr of trying I decided to find a better time.
  • utilena
    utilena Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I hit the gym at 5:00 AM. I just get up and go. All my stuff is ready the night before. I have to be back by 6:30 to take kids to school and make it to work by 7:30. I try not to think about it and just do it:)
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    It's a hard habit to get into for sure but well worth it. Set your alarm clock in a position that forces you to get out of bed to turn it off, force yourself to not get back in bed. If you have an automatic coffee pot set it to be ready for when you get up. Or you can put a caffeeine pill and cup of water next to your alarm and pop it as soon as you hit the alarm. I like Spike personally.
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    I have never been a morning person, either. My whole life I've gotten up between 7 and 9am. But then my SO's schedule changed, and in order for us to work out together we needed to be out the door and on our way to the gym by 5:30am (so up at 5am or so). I've been doing it for a few weeks now. It is possible!

    My biggest problem is when I think about getting up. You wake up, look at the clock, and then start having the inner discussion with yourself about whether to get up. It's so much easier when you just hop out of bed immediately. One way to do this is to put your alarm away from your bed so you have to get up to turn it off. Somehow just getting out of bed helps a lot, much less likely to get back in.

    I've also had success with waking up and immediately reading my e-mails. Somehow waking my brain up helps wake my body up.

    Once you've done it for a few days, you will be able to keep at it. It gets so much easier, I promise.

    I usually don't eat before, unless I didn't eat much the night before/feel kind of faint. When that happens, I have a mini Luna bar just to give myself a little fuel.

    You can do it! If I can, anyone can. You will feel so much better all day, and it's so nice knowing you've got your workout done before breakfast. It also helps keep me on track the whole day in terms of healthy eating. If I went to the trouble of waking up early, I'm not going to sabotage my progress by eating junk.
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    I have the same problem! NOT a morning person!!! Although I do benefit from being a "night owl" so I tend to get a 2nd wind after everyone else goes to bed. I would like to find a way of getting motivated early in the morning as well, hopefully someone has some tips or advice!

  • val071418
    val071418 Posts: 96 Member
    I am in almost the same boat!! And I struggle immensely with getting moving in the morning. As it is we are all up around 630 and out the door shortly after 7! I am not willing to get up much earlier than that and have just made it a priority to go in the evening. I sometimes have to wait for the hubby to get home to go, sometimes I take the kids with. (Mind u I have a gym at my apt) on the days that I just can't make it to the gym I have a couple of DVDs or I have streaming Netflix and the Wii!!! I make the kids go play in rooms or set them up with playdoh at the table. Sometimes a snack will get them to sit still long enough for me to do something!!! Good luck! Nit sure if this helped at all. Just sharing what I do with 3 kids. (8,7,&3)
  • Jomalone2
    Jomalone2 Posts: 129 Member
    I've been doing it since January and never thought I could. It has finally become routine but it took a few months for my body to get used to it. I tell people I am allergic to mornings. Having a friend do it with me has helped tremendously. I couldn't have done it without her. She is a morning person and knowing she was/is waiting for me helps me not back out.
  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    This does help! I have the same age group of kids.....just add one more! You think cleaning up after them and chasing them all day would be enough! Good advice!
  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    I have never been a morning person, either. My whole life I've gotten up between 7 and 9am. But then my SO's schedule changed, and in order for us to work out together we needed to be out the door and on our way to the gym by 5:30am (so up at 5am or so). I've been doing it for a few weeks now. It is possible!

    My biggest problem is when I think about getting up. You wake up, look at the clock, and then start having the inner discussion with yourself about whether to get up. It's so much easier when you just hop out of bed immediately. One way to do this is to put your alarm away from your bed so you have to get up to turn it off. Somehow just getting out of bed helps a lot, much less likely to get back in.

    I've also had success with waking up and immediately reading my e-mails. Somehow waking my brain up helps wake my body up.

    Once you've done it for a few days, you will be able to keep at it. It gets so much easier, I promise.

    I usually don't eat before, unless I didn't eat much the night before/feel kind of faint. When that happens, I have a mini Luna bar just to give myself a little fuel.

    You can do it! If I can, anyone can. You will feel so much better all day, and it's so nice knowing you've got your workout done before breakfast. It also helps keep me on track the whole day in terms of healthy eating. If I went to the trouble of waking up early, I'm not going to sabotage my progress by eating junk.

    Very encouraging! thank you!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I have 3 boys 4 and under. I don't sleep much anyway. I used to workout at midnight.(no kidding, really, midnight). Everyone is sleeping and I got on my treadmill. The nighst hubby is off, I get up around 5am and go out walking(yes is still dark, but SOO peaceful).

    Eventually it becomes a part of life, like breathing..you make time to breathe, you have to make time to workout! :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You've just got to do it a few times and you'll realize how much easier it is to do it while they are asleep then to try to squeeze it in latter. It's almost therapeutic to get a workout, a shower and a cup of coffee BEFORE you have children to deal with. It's a great start to the day.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    You've just got to do it a few times and you'll realize how much easier it is to do it while they are asleep then to try to squeeze it in latter. It's almost therapeutic to get a workout, a shower and a cup of coffee BEFORE you have children to deal with. It's a great start to the day.

  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Spend a week or two getting use to waking up earlier than normal. Don't worry about getting the workout in, but make an effort to get up within 30-45 minutes of your alarm going off and then enjoy some alone time (I do before the house wakes up). After a week you may start waking up on your own or have some more energy so try to get a workout in. If you do anything for 14 days it will become a habit.

    As for eating or not that's a personal preference. Try a few days with a light meal before and a few with nothing and see how you do. I eat when I'm done but I'll have a cup of water before I start.