Popping in to say hello

Just wanted to say hi to everyone just starting out, and those have been here for a while. Today is day one of a new lifestyle. For the past four months, I've told myself I'd eat better (got to love those New Year's resolutions!) and, within those four months, I have failed miserably. Not only did I fail, but I also managed to pack on more weight than I care to admit. Amazing how quickly it piles itself on.
I know it's hard starting a new lifestyle change, but it seems so much more difficult to stay at the weight I am now. I'm exhausted, things hurt that shouldn't at my age, walking up a hill pretty much kills me at this point. I'm tired of being tired; it's time to get my life back.
Here's hoping all of you reach your goals and achieve that healthier lifestyle you're looking for. :)


  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,802 Member
    Welcome to mFP Dawn. Been battling the scale now for years. If I just let up for a few days it can set me back weeks for my weight loss goals. And yes before I started out, walking up a steep driveway was really difficult. I'm way fitter now even if I don't look like a fitness model. :D Feel free to add me. @Dawnmarie_vt
  • Neil7905
    Neil7905 Posts: 275 Member
    Welcome Dawn!