Hi to all my new weight challenged friends

Just a shout out to say hi to all new friends out there. I'm thinking of and getting ready to do the gastric bypass surgery. i'm currently almost 330. lbs. does anyone have any advice on that procedure. thanks


  • lauragoat
    lauragoat Posts: 197 Member
    Hello! brendaretzlaff

    First of all I started MRP when i weighed 363. My doc put me on blood pressure meds and I decided this was not something I wanted to do for the rest of my (however long it is) life.

    I have lost 44 pounds in about 4.5 months or so. I did rejoin my local TOPS group and that helps me as far as accountability as well. I'd almost bet there is one in your area. www.tops.org Very similar to Weight Watchers but much cheaper

    I'd rethink the gastric. You know it is quite demanding on your body. Try MFP for a little big. Journal EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. Get on a message board and get support. It is awesome. Do a search for 100 lbs and look at that message board. It's very supportive. Good luck! Friend me and we'll get throug this!!!!
  • phendrick
    phendrick Posts: 24 Member
    Unfortunately I can't speak on the surgery. I know 2 success story.I wish you the best.You are going to look fabulous.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Unless your doctor recommended it, it will be much better if you try to do it the natural way with the help of MFP. Logging your food intake & exercise is definitely very helpful that makes you become more aware & of course the accountability that we have so we try our best to reach our goals. I know some people who undergone gastric bypass surgery who re-gained weight because they thought that it would make them more in control to what they eat but still they don't have that discipline & continue to be careless. The thing is no matter what weight loss regimen we follow, if we don't have the discipline & the right attitude, eventually we fail.