Core Life Weight Loss Healthcare

Has anyone tried Core Life? What were your results? Did you think it was worth it?


  • BarbP922
    BarbP922 Posts: 2 Member
    I know this is an old question but I thought I would reply anyway.

    I have been going to CoreLife since July 2018 and have lost about 30 lbs. After being diagnosed with diabetes, BP, fatty liver and hypothyroid. I had tried seeing a regular dietitian when I was first diagnosed with diabetes but didn't really find them that supportive. What I like about CoreLife is that it is fully covered by my health insurance, I only pay a co-pay. They can tell me exactly how many calories I need to consume to lose weight. I go once a week to weigh, get my blood pressure checked and talk with either a nurse practitioner or dietitian about my food logs. They also have a gym on site and personal trainers available at a reasonable cost. Everyone is super supportive and non-judgemental. I needed that support as well as the weekly check-ins to keep me on track.

    They don't require you to buy their shakes or snacks but they do have them available. I have gotten a couple samples and everything tastes good. But they have never pushed me to purchase anything. I wanted to lose the weight on my own without any supplements or special foods and so far, I have been successful. I am happy to answer any other questions. :)
  • mrsgoochy
    mrsgoochy Posts: 61 Member
    I was just referred to this program, but haven't received a call back yet. Do you pay a co-pay every time you go in for your weekly weigh-in? I'm curious how much this is going to wind up costing. Did you get prescribed a Rx from someone at CoreLife?