cardio suggestions

I have read a lot of the cardio programs that others are using, I am over 280 lbs and I am looking for some good cardio. I have bad knees and occasional problems with me feet so I am looking for low impact cardio. I am not into running at this time. Any suggestions would be appreciated, hopefully including warm up and cool down to it

Thanks for any ideas


  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    anything you do in water would probably be ok for your knees and low impact.
  • Choltor
    Choltor Posts: 65 Member
    I began at a bit over 270 this spring (a few months before MyFitnessPal), and man those knees were killing me. Best thing I found was indoor biking, mixed with light weight lifting. I'm still doing that, but now using a power meter with a mounted bike hooked up to a computer (using a program I'm proud to say I wrote myself!), and running while getting ready for my first 5k run.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Stationary biking or elliptical
  • helper1112
    helper1112 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks all for the suggestions. I already do the exercise bike and walk, no real access to a pool. I was hoping to add more like a light form of tae-bo or something like that. I appreciate the suggestions...
  • Airport5x
    Airport5x Posts: 25 Member
    If you have access to a rowing machine, that would be great too till you're ready to start pounding the pavement.

    Take good care.
  • helper1112
    helper1112 Posts: 80 Member