Things I can do because I am losing weight (learning to have a healthy relationship with food)

fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
edited April 2022 in Motivation and Support
I thought I would start a thread for the motivation side of losing weight.
So many things have improved already and I can't wait to get to the finish line, then maintenance for life.
Please join in and post your success in your journey

Just a couple to start:
Walking up a flight of stairs without huffing.
Only one day.. so time will tell but last night I ate ONE cookie and not 10.


  • cyndit1
    cyndit1 Posts: 170 Member
    Run the pace I ran years ago. Been a long time since I saw these paces and it feels awesome.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I can go clothes shopping at regular stores, and I have OPTIONS - I'm not stuck pawing through the largest offerings on the perfunctory "plus" rack to find one garment that almost covers everything it needs to all at the same time if I sit real still and try not to breathe too much, and I get to choose between more colourways than "plain black with baffling details" or "a print so ugly, wearing it in public is actually a criminal offense."

    Related, I do have a waist and I can dress to emphasize it and I do look hot as hell when I do so.

    I can squat down to scoop the cat litterbox and take the baggie down to the trash can without breaking a sweat, without my knees protesting, without huffing and puffing.

    I can do yoga! I resisted even trying for a long time but I've started following Yoga with Kassandra videos and I can do them. I'm not perfect, there are still poses that are too challenging (especially any kind of fold, there's still a bit too much belly in the way to get all the way down), but I'm able to keep up and do 90% of the poses and hold them for time.

    My husband's hugs get better and better with each pound lost. (and not to get too blue, but uh, weight loss for sure makes certain other activities one might engage in with a spouse more enjoyable.)

    This one is more indirect, since losing weight isn't what made me a good cook, more the other way around if anything, but if I were not on this journey I don't think I would be doing as much culinary experimentation and exploration, and there are some bombass recipes I probably would never have found or tried otherwise.
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    edited April 2022
    Bend over to tie my shoes. (No longer need to sit and lift/twist to reach the laces.)

    New for today... Bought a new t-shirt for summer in a size smaller then currently wearing. Yes, I will be wearing that this summer!
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    Not sure if I am a better cook, but certainly trying new and different recipes. Some are hits some not so much, but definitely more variety in home cooked meals since the weight loss journey.
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    Step on a scale and not freak out from the unknown weight. Down Down Down she moves :) (ok sometimes up, but then down again)
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    Jump out of bed, pep in my step, make my two cups of coffee, appreciate a new day has arrived, and smile knowing another successful day behind me.
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    Look in the mirror and see a beautiful imperfect woman staring back.

    Beauty is more than skin deep and comes in all shapes and sizes.
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    Made Easter Baskets without overindulging in candy. I ate 170 calories of candy, Fri, 340 candy, Saturday, and 170 calorie candy Sunday when baskets were delivered. Not perfect, but not horrible as in the past would have most likely been 1000, 2000, maybe even 3000 calories. I am a student learning to have a healthy relationship with food. (Yes Candy is a food ;) ).

    Sundy brunch, no idea how many calories, but it was small portions and no seconds, so in my book a success.

    Monday, back to normal meals, calorie counting, and losing weight.
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    edited May 2022
    I am learning that I can juggle between the all in "healthy" food and the not so healthy "junk" food and still lose weight. You do not need to entirely restrict the enjoyment of foods you like. I may not be able to have a piece of Rocky Rococo Pizza every day (Nor would I want to) but I can certainly have the "junk" food in this weight loss plan.

    My dietary meal plan is try to incorporate the "healthy" and "not optimal diet" foods I enjoy in the journey of life. I enjoy margaritas, pizza, burgers, and chocolate and will learn to eat/drink this in moderation to live life enjoyably. (I also enjoy a big salad, broccoli, and brussel sprouts)

    Cheers to happy living!
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    Honest confession time here. I am struggling to keep this weight loss journey moving in the right direction as of late. Going on my 4th month and too many days of the creeping, old ways rearing its ugly head.

    I recently read a comment on another post and it was like an ahh-haaa moment. (Light Bulb in my head on, Neon lights flashing before my eyes) A new way to look at your success other than the number on the scale.
    I have lost 11% off my starting body weight. I am at 40% my weight loss goal. That is inspiring and that is progress.

    This is happening because I am learning to have a healthy relationship with food. I just need to get rid of the self sabotage taking place and become the winner I know I can be.
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    After a full week of having family staying with me, picnics, evening cocktails, and treats, I managed to drop 4 pounds in a month. No gain with the family. I have eaten in moderation and am learning that food does not need to control your life. You can still have fun, have small indulgents on occasion, and still lose weight.

    I am feeling energized again, and feel confident I can lose the weight I have packed on over the many years.

    Concept is fairly easy... Move More. Eat Less.
    Healthy Heart, Happy Heart.