100 lb Challenge! Start Feb 1 or join in any time!



  • Ok here is my first check in :wink: down 7lbs this week so 93 to go woot, I'd say this is a good first week. And I know it's only the beginning but already I've noticed my energy increase which is just helping make it all that much easier.
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    A small victory this week!!!!

    Start Weight: 290 lbs
    Last week: 262 lbs
    This week: 259 lbs !!!!!!!!!
    This week's loss: 3 lbs
    Loss so far: 31 lbs !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm so excited! I've lost 31 lbs since joining in January!!!!!!!

    Best of luck everyone and keep up the great work!!!:happy:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    No change in weight for me this week but I know it is all water weight so I am not concerned.
    I did lose a half an inch around my chest.

    Weight 223
    Good luck to everyone this week
    Belated Happy Valentines Day
  • Good Morning Everyone!

    I lost 5lbs this week!

    SW: 330
    CW: 275

    Total Lost: 55 lbs!! yay :smile:

    I wish everybody good luck for this week!
  • Hey. I just joined on Friday, but actaully starting today. I weighed myself about a week ago and Im finally down to 201......believe me, this has been a struggle!! Ive been separated 2 years (its a good thing, really), but anyway, last May, my weight went up to 245. I looked swollen. I was embarrased to go out in public, meet new people, and that ISNT good for someone with 2 kids. I couldnt even bare to wear shorts. I felt hot, sweaty, lethargic, all the time. Ive lost over 45 pounds in less than a year. I have another 60 to lose in order to be where I want to be, but now its time to get on track with my eating and I could really use the support. Currently, Im in a super tight 14 (lol) and a comfy 16ish. My goals arent to hurry up and get there, but want to take it slow and gradual. I give up soooo easily on dieting and stuff, but I think its finally my time to get to be the woman I was before kids!!! Im 28 years old, and 5'6 1/2" if that helps give any perspective! I look forward to getting to know all you fine people and work on this togather:happy:
  • Good Morning Everyone

    I lost 5lbs this week!!!

    SW 330
    CW 270

    Total Lost 60 POUNDS !!!!!
  • anewbeginning
    anewbeginning Posts: 53 Member
    A new life...a new beginning....that's what I need....
    I have to lose a little over 100 lbs to reach my goal weight so count me in for this challenge too. It makes the long road ahead so much easier to travel when you have the support of the great people I have met on this site. Best of luck to everyone. :flowerforyou:
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